All in the Family

By bookhater95

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"The title The Boy Who Lived dominated the chapter, but this meant nothing to anyone, so their eyes skipped d... More

Chapter 1: The Accident...
Chapter 2: The Boy Who Lived
Chapter 3: The Vanishing Glass
Chapter 4: Letters From No One
Chapter 5: Keeper of the Keys
Chapter 6: Diagon Alley
Chapter 7: Platform Nine and Three Quarters
Chapter 8: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 9: The Potions Master
Chapter 10: The Midnight Duel
Chapter 11: Halloween
Chapter 12: Quidditch
Chapter 13: The Mirror of Erised
Chapter 14: Nicolas Flamel
Chapter 15: Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
Chapter 16: The Forbidden Forest
Chapter 17: Through the Trapdoor
Chapter 18: The Man with Two Faces
Chapter 19: The Worst Birthday
Chapter 20: Dobby's Warning
Chapter 21: The Burrow
Chapter 22: At Flourish and Blotts
Chapter 23: The Whomping Willow
Chapter 24: Gildeory Lockhart
Chapter 25: Mudbloods and Murmurs
Chapter 26: The Deathday Party
Chapter 27: The Writing on the Wall
Chapter 28: The Rogue Bludger
Chapter 29: The Dueling Club
Chapter 30: The Polyjuice Potion
Chapter 31: The Very Secret Diary
Chapter 32: Cornelius Fudge
Chapter 33: Aragog
Chapter 34: The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 35: The Heir of Slytherin
Chapter 36: Dobby's Reward
Chapter 37: Owl Post
Chapter 38: Aunt Marge's Big Mistake
Chapter 39: The Knight Bus
Chapter 40: The Leaky Cauldron
Chapter 41: The Dementor
Chapter 42: Talon's and Tea Leaves
Chapter 43: The Boggart in the Wardrobe
Chapter 44: Flight of the Fat Lady
Chapter 45: Grim Defeat
Chapter 46: The Marauder's Map
Chapter 47: The Firebolt
Chapter 48: The Patronus
Chapter 49: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
Chapter 50: Snape's Grudge
Chapter 51: The Quidditch Final
Chapter 52: Trelawney's Prediction
Chapter 53: Cat, Rat, and Dog
Chapter 54: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
Chapter 55: The Servant of Lord Voldemort
Chapter 56: The Dementor's Kiss
Chapter 57: Hermione's Secret
Chapter 58: Owl Post Again
Chapter 59: The Riddle House
Chapter 60: The Scar
Chapter 61: The Invitation
Chapter 62: Back to the Burrow
Chapter 63: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
Chapter 64: The Portkey
Chapter 65: Bagman and Crouch
Chapter 66: The Quidditch World Cup
Chapter 67: The Dark Mark
Chapter 68: Mayhem at the Ministry
Chapter 69: Aboard the Hogwarts Express
Chapter 70: The Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 71: Mad-Eye Moody
Chapter 72: The Unforgivable Curses
Chapter 73: Beauxbatons and Durmstrang
Chapter 74: The Goblet of Fire
Chapter 75: The Four Champions
Chapter 76: The Weighing of the Wands
Chapter 77: The Hungarian Horntail
Chapter 78: The First Task
Chapter 79: The House-Elf Liberation Front
Chapter 80: The Unexpected Task
Chapter 81: The Yule Ball
Chapter 82: Rita Skeeter's Scope
Chapter 83: The Egg and the Eye
Chapter 84: The Second Task
Chapter 85: Padfoot's Return
Chapter 86: The Madness of Mr. Crouch
Chapter 87: The Dream
Chapter 88: The Pensieve
Chapter 89: The Third Task
Chapter 90: Flesh, Blood, and Bone
Chapter 91: The Death Eater's
Chapter 92: Priori Incantatem
Chapter 93: Veritaserum
Chapter 94: The Parting of the Ways
Chapter 95: The Beginning
Chapter 96: Dudley Demented
Chapter 97: A Peck of Owls
Chapter 98: The Advance Guard
Chapter 99: Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place
Chapter 100: The Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 101: The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
Chapter 102: The Ministry of Magic
Chapter 104: The Woes of Mrs. Weasley
Chapter 105: Luna Lovegood
Chapter 106: The Sorting Hat's New Song
Chapter 107: Professor Umbridge
Chapter 108: Detention with Dolores
Chapter 109: Percy and Padfoot
Chapter 110: The Hogwarts High Inquisitor
Chapter 111: In the Hog's Head
Chapter 112: Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four
Chapter 113: Dumbledore's Army
Chapter 114: The Lion and the Serpent
Chapter 115: Hagrid's Tale
Chapter 116: The Eye of the Snake
Chapter 117: St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Chapter 118: Christmas on the Closed Ward
Chapter 119: Occlumency
Chapter 120: The Beetle at Bay
Chapter 121: Seen and Unforeseen
Chapter 122: The Centaur and the Sneak
Chapter 123: Snape's Worst Memory
Chapter 124: Career Advice
Chapter 125: Grawp
Chapter 126: OWLs
Chapter 127: Out of the Fire
Chapter 128: Fight and Flight
Chapter 129: The Department of Mysteries
Chapter 130: Beyond the Veil
Chapter 131: The Only One He Ever Feared
Chapter 132: The Lost Prophecy
Chapter 133: The Second War Begins
Chapter 134: The Other Minister
Chapter 135: Spinner's End
Chapter 136: Will and Won't
Chapter 137: Horace Slughorn
Chapter 138: An Excess of Phlegm
Chapter 139: Draco's Detour
Chapter 140: The Slug Club
Chapter 141: Snape Victorious
Chapter 142: The Half-Blood Prince
Chapter 143: The House of Gaunt
Chapter 144: Hermione's Helping Hand
Chapter 145: Silver and Opals
Chapter 146: The Secret Riddle
Chapter 147: Felix Felicis
Chapter 148: The Unbreakable Vow
Chapter 149: A Very Frosty Christmas
Chapter 150: A Sluggish Memory
Chapter 151: Birthday Surprises
Chapter 152: Elf Tails
Chapter 153: Lord Voldemort's Request
Chapter 154: The Unknowable Room
Chapter 155: After the Burial
Chapter 156: Horcruxes
Chapter 157: Sectumsempra
Chapter 158: The Seer Overheard
Chapter 159: The Cave
Chapter 160: The Lightning Struck Tower
Chapter 161: Flight of the Prince
Chapter 162: The Phoenix Lament
Chapter 163: The White Tomb
Chapter 164: The Dark Lord Ascending
Chapter 165: In Memoriam
Chapter 166: The Dursleys Departing
Chapter 167: The Seven Potters
Chapter 168: Fallen Warrior
Chapter 169: The Ghoul in Pyjamas
Chapter 170: The Will of Albus Dumbledore
Chapter 171: The Wedding
Chapter 172: A Place to Hide
Chapter 173: Kreacher's Tale
Chapter 174: The Bribe
Chapter 175: Magic is Might
Chapter 176. The Muggleborn Registration Division
Chapter 177: The Thief
Chapter 178: The Goblin's Revenge
Chapter 179: Godric's Hollow
Chapter 180: Bathilda's Secret
Chapter 181: The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
Chapter 182: The Silver Doe
Chapter 183: Xenophilius Lovegood
Chapter 184: The Tale of the Three Brothers
Chapter 185: The Deathly Hallows
Chapter 186: Malfoy Manor
Chapter 187: The Wandmaker
Chapter 188: Shell Cottage
Chapter 189: Gringotts
Chapter 190: The Final Hiding Place
Chapter 191: The Missing Mirror
Chapter 192: The Lost Diadem
Chapter 193: The Sacking of Severus Snape
Chapter 194: The Battle of Hogwarts
Chapter 195: The Elder Wand
Chapter 196: The Prince's Tale
Chapter 197: The Forest Again
Chapter 198: King's Cross
Chapter 199: The Flaw in the Plan
Chapter 200: The Tapestry

Chapter 103: The Hearing

116 8 0
By bookhater95

There was just no winning, as James finally had room to breathe, and the reward for that was getting steps in the back. Again.

They all sat up with general winces and grimaces once more, and looking carefully at each other to see a flash of recognition come over somebody. It didn't seem likely to happen as they all got wearily to their feet, and no one proclaimed where they were this time.

Alice found she was the only one on the ground to take in the room as you should from the doors directly behind her, and the book sitting on a smooth chair, with chains set in place. She took an automatic step away from such a thing, lest they come to life and strap her in, that book sitting innocently in place wasn't fooling her. The room was only lit by torches set high up in the walls, casting the very ceiling into darkness with no telling how high it was, and leaving everything underneath bathed in shadows. Even the first tire of stone benches rose high above her head and could hold hundreds.

Frank swung himself down beside her in the next instant and took her hand, both relaxing at the physical contact and breathing a bit easier when still no danger presented itself. Swallowing one last time to brace herself, she decided to summon the book to her just to be on the safe side and it soared to her hand. They'd both swear the chains clinked menacingly, but did nothing else.

Letting out a rather pitiful sigh in relief, really they'd been through worse, they still took refuge by the doors behind the chair just to be safe as she cracked the book open and began. "The Hearing," was self-explanatory at least, though the fact it was taking place in this room was still beyond odd. The very first sentence only sent another set of chills through everyone though.

There was just no mistaking the intent of Fudge, holding Harry's hearing in the very courtroom where so many had once been sentenced to Azkaban. Sirius climbed up to the very highest tier and had to fight back the urge to change forms once more at the suddenly vivid mental image of himself strapped into that thing; or worse, as his future self had once informed, it had sat empty while others had just decided to leave him to rot while he'd already been inside.

Alice licked her lips and had to fight the urge to apologize to someone for even speaking of this, but ultimately kept going with just a touch softer tone, like she was trying to gently let them all down as easily as possible how horribly this was going to go.

Lily began playing with her hair uncomfortably at the mention of so many people being in attendance. She'd been looking into affairs at Ministry trials lately in her off time, studying by-laws in the library had become a fallback interest recently since even fiddling with potions lately weren't always a safe topic between her and Sev anymore. Guests weren't usually welcome to these sorts of things though, but surely she just wasn't fully grasping the whole concept here yet. It sounded like they were holding a whole Wizengamot Trial to deal with Harry's underage magic.

Remus was certain his wasn't the only sigh of relief in the room when Dumbledore entered, but it was the most audible. Between Percy not even acknowledging Harry and Fudge attacking him so publicly, Dumbledore seemed like the only person left with any influence in the Ministry to get Harry out of this mess.

This hearing certainly wasn't going well regardless of who was in attendance, as Harry was interrupted, sidelined, and even dismissed for his impressive corporeal patronus without being able to get a word in through the majority of it all. It wasn't until Harry shouted about the dementors that he even got anyone's attention, and still Fudge tried to dismiss him as a story! It was infuriating to listen to, Sirius Black even went over to the seat Fudge would be in and lit all the paperwork on fire and nobody stopped him.

Alice's voice was getting harder, an edge of anger none of them had heard before except in regards to how Snape treated Neville, but hearing of how the Ministry was treating this was unprecedented. Dumbledore alone seemed to be keeping his head and manners when Fudge certainly wasn't as he had to remind the very government itself Arabella Figg was allowed in to add testimony for Harry.

Despite the bumpy start, at least her account was accurate and seemed to get the job done, and Madam Bones at least found her credible, so it wasn't all an uphill battle anymore.

Dumbledore's cool use of logic to back up Harry's story and the inconsistencies Fudge tried to throw back finally gave them all a bit of breathing room again, a feat this place had been trying to deny them since the entry. Even as some random woman named Umbridge tried to retaliate, that surely Dumbledore wasn't implying the dementors were sent by them, Dumbledore shot back her own fallacy. If the Ministry had control of all dementors, then how did they wind up near Harry?

When Fudge still tried to dismiss their very involvement as a lie on Harry's part and again was overruled by Madam Bones saying the witness had been plenty reliable, the Minister even tried to go beyond the immediate scope, of the previous warning he'd been sent, and all the trouble he got up to at school-

Though Dumbledore kindly corrected Harry's schooling was not of the Ministry's concern.

Now Remus's laugh echoed a bit in the room, and he definitely wasn't the only one doing so this time. Things were pretty much done from there, as Fudge was schooled on his own laws. After the looming fear of being stuck in a place like Grimmauld for any more foreseeable future, the news Harry was definitely going back to school soon couldn't have sounded any better! Aside from Dumbledore's rather odd behavior there at the end, he didn't so much as look at Harry during the entire thing nor acknowledge him the moment Harry was cleared of all charges, none of them could bring themselves to care right then as Alice announced she was on the last sentence. 

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