The Spade Amongst Clovers

By demetriusperry

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"Everyone has a goal or a dream that they want to make a reality. Most people want to be famous, most people... More

Chapter 1 It Begins
Chapter 2 The Mission
Chapter 3 Attack at Sosshi Village
Chapter 4 Mukuro Rokudo
Chapter 5 Kyoya's Pride, Mukuro's Pact
Chapter 6 Kyoya vs Mukuro
Chapter 7 Mukuro's Defeat
Chapter 8 Nightmare
Chapter 9 Progress
Chapter 10 Dungeon
Chapter 11 Allies and Enemies
Chapter 12 Flames of Wrath
Chapter 13 Win
Chapter 14 Pride of a Black Bull
Chapter 15 Worst Magic Knight Squad
Chapter 16 Curse from the Past
Chapter 17 Pebble and a Hypocrite
Chapter 18 Asta and Kyoya
Chapter 19 Do I Deserve This
Chapter 20 Assemble at the Capital
Chapter 21 Attack on the Capital
Chapter 22 Connection
Chapter 23 Kyoya vs Zancrow
Chapter 24 Aftermath
Chapter 25 A Break
Chapter 26 Visit
Chapter 27 Missing
Chapter 28 Anger
Chapter 29 Keep on Fighting
Chapter 30 Unexpected Ally
Chapter 31 Rivals and Sacrifice
Chapter 32 Third Eye
Chapter 33 Reinforcements
Chapter 34 Rest
Chapter 35 Day at the Beach
Chapter 36 Kind Memories
Chapter 37 Underwater Temple
Chapter 38 Intruders
Chapter 39 Ur's Tear Part 1
Chapter 40 Ur's Tear Part 2
Chapter 41 Vetto the Despair
Chapter 42 Black Bulls vs Vetto Part 1
Chapter 43 Black Bulls vs Vetto Part 2
Chapter 44 Victory
Chapter 45 The Cost for a Life
Chapter 46 Cursed
Chapter 47 Sun Village
Chapter 48 King of Flames
Chapter 49 Attack on Sun Village
Chapter 50 The Battle Begins
Chapter 51 Yuno & Wendy vs Charon
Chapter 52 Dragon Force
Chapter 53 Festival of Flames
Chapter 54 Set Your Heart Ablaze
Chapter 55 Child of Sin
Chapter 56 Goodbye
Chapter 57 Child of Greed
Chapter 58 Trial
Chapter 59 His Origin Part 1
Chapter 60 His Origin Part 2
Chapter 61 His Origin Part 3
Chapter 62 Witch of Greed
Chapter 63 The Star Festival
Chapter 64 Rankings
Chapter 65 Hot Springs Part 1
Chapter 66 Hot Springs Part 2
Chapter 67 The Royal Knights Exam
Chapter 68 Team I vs Team J Part 1
Chapter 69 Team I vs Team J Part 2
Chapter 70 Battle of Brothers
Chapter 71 True Magic Knight
Chapter 72 Team J vs Team K
Chapter 73 The Final Match
Chapter 74 Monster Generation
Chapter 75 Paying Respects
Chapter 76 The Royal Knights
Chapter 77 Operation
Chapter 78 Daemon Spade
Chapter 79 Descent to Madness
Chapter 80 Dark Revelation
Chapter 81 Time For Revenge
Chapter 82 A Plan
Chapter 83 A Dark Reunion
Chapter 84 Tragedy Sealed in Ice
Chapter 85 Exposing The Lie
Chapter 86 The Truth Behind Silver
Chapter 87 Kyoya Fullbuster is Not A Hero
Chapter 88 I'll Reach You
Chapter 89 Devil
Chapter 90 Ace of the Clover Kingdom
Chapter 91 Surpass Your Limit
Chapter 92 What Comes Next
Chapter 93 Answers
Chapter 94 Second Trial
Chapter 95 Echidna
Chapter 96 Flames, Ice, and Smoke
Chapter 97 Investigation
Chapter 98 Heart Kingdom
Chapter 99 Explanation
Chapter 100 Power of a Curse
Chapter 101 Etherious
Chapter 102 The Ashen Reaper
Chapter 103 Devil Slayer Kyoya
Chapter 104 The Slayer and the Reaper
Chapter 105 Train for the Future
Chapter 106 Newfound Strength
Chapter 107 Mukuro the Phantom
Chapter 108 Absolute Zerø Kyoya
Chapter 109 Truth
Chapter 110 Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 111 Attack from the Dark Triad
Chapter 112 Spades vs Clovers
Chapter 113 Inner Darkness
Chapter 114 E.N.D's Motive
Chapter 115 Rage of the Devils
Chapter 116 Tragic Reunion
Chapter 117 Kyoya vs E.N.D
Chapter 118 Two Sides of the Same Coin
Chapter 119 Weak
Chapter 120 Vice Captain
Chapter 121 Ultimate Warriors
Chapter 122 Final Trial
Chapter 123 E.N.D's Gift
Chapter 124 Kyoya's Purpose
Chapter 125 Instinct
Chapter 126 Trial By Fire
Chapter 127 Battle Begins
Chapter 128 Ash and Flames
Chapter 129 Battle of Flames
Chapter 130 Inferno
Chapter 132 Kyoya Bares His Fangs
Chapter 133 The Children of Fire and Ice
Chapter 134 Devil Slayer's Resolve
Chapter 135 Rampage
Chapter 136 Crowning of the Dragon King
Chapter 137 The Dragon vs The Lioness
Chapter 138 The Fire Dragon King Awakens
Chapter 139 Wrath of the Fire Dragon King
Chapter 140 Devil Slayer's Revenge
Chapter 141 Victims vs Megicula
Chapter 142 Victims vs Megicula II
Chapter 143 Victims vs Megicula III
Chapter 144 Freedom
Chapter 145 The Meaning Of Greed
Chapter 146 Resolve
Chapter 147 Devil Slayer of the Black Bulls
Chapter 148 Belong
Chapter 149 Wake Up
Chapter 150 Human
Chapter 151 The Demonic Human
Chapter 152 Cost
Chapter 153 Sacrifice
Chapter 154 Victory
Chapter 155 The Beginning of the End
Chapter 156 Next Stage
Chapter 157 The Instinct Called Fear

Chapter 131 E.N.D's Dragon Force

1.1K 29 4
By demetriusperry

"Fire Dragon's Roar!!!!!!!!"

Natsu, after inhaling, releases a large burst of flames from his mouth as he directed the attack at Benimaru and Xanxus. As Xanxus used his guns to shoot his Flames of Wrath on the ground to propel himself in the air, Benimaru just stood where he was.

"Sorry but that won't work on me!"

As Beninaru swung his arm, he redirects the flames of Natsu's attack back to him. However, he was surprised when he saw Natsu dash through the flames and got in front of him so quickly.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art:Crimson Lotus:Fire Dragon's Fist!!!!!!"

Natsu rapidly punches Benimaru, with his hands lit ablaze, creating a fiery explosion after each subsequent contact. As Benimaru was sent flying backwards, Xanxus readied his guns to attack the etherious.

"Flame Magic:Colpo d'Addio!!!!"

Xanxus charges up his guns with a large amount of his Flames of Wrath and fires two large blasts of flame magic with even more power than his Scoppio d'Ira. However, Natsu looked towards him as he had his sights on his target.

"Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!!!!!!!!!"

Natsu ignites both of his hands in flames and then brings them together, creating a giant fire ball that he hurled at Xanxus. As his spell and Xanxus' clashed, Natsu jumped high in the air as he was above Xanxus.

"Fire Dragon King's Purgatory!!!!!!"

Natsu releases an huge amount of fire all over his body while intensely burning Xanxus before creating a spherical explosion. Xanxus managed to keep himself from being burned alive through his mana skin as he was crashing into the ground. When Natsu lands on the ground, Benimaru was already prepared to attack.

"Iai Chop, Form Four:Red Sun!!!!!!"

Benimaru ignites and creates a sharp-blade of flames on both palms of his hands, and releases a very powerful beam of flames. Seeing this, Natsu released a large amount of magic power as he looked at Benimaru.

"Fire Dragon King's Roar!!!!!!!"

Natsu produces a searing hot flame in his mouth before spewing it out in Benimaru's direction. The unleashed flames engulf a large-scale area and, with their incredible heat, cnot only scorched the earth beneath it but utterly vaporized it, leaving a U-shaped valley in its wake. As the spell connected with Benimaru's, a large explosion of flame magic occurs.

"Vanica......I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!"

Natsu slams his fist into the ground and creates multiple fire pillars from the ground and onto Benimaru. Seeing this, the man swipes his hands as he made the flames disperse. While this happened, Xanxus quickly got behind E.N.D.

"Flame Magic:Scoppio d'Ira!!!!!!"

Xanxus charged his guns with his Flames of Wrath and unleashes a barrage of flames simultaneously that, because of their density and grouping, appear to fuse together into one large super-powerful blast. As Natsu was hit by the attack from behind him, he didn't have time to counter properly. Seeing this, Beninaru smirked as he was ready to attack.

"Iai Chop, Form Seven:Sun Wheel!!!!!"

Benimaru created a giant ring of fire behind him, resembling the sun, and threw it at Natsu while Xanxus attacked him. As the Sun Wheel hits Natsu's chest, a giant explosion of flames was the result. Soon Xanxus stood next to Benimaru as he made sure to get out of the range of the man's spell.

"Did that attack do it?"

"No, I think this fight has only just started."

As Benimaru said this, Xanxus and himself felt some intense magical power. When they turned to the direction of the source, they saw E.N.D walking forward as his anger seems to have only increased.

"I'll kill you......i'll kill you.......I'LL KILL YOU VANICA!!!!!!!!"

As red scales grew all over Natsu's body, an intense flame was being emitted from him as it seemed his magic got even more powerful. Soon he looked at Benimaru and Xanuxs. When this occured, his curse activated once more, causing him to see them as the person he hates most.

"VANICA!!!!!!! Dragon Slayer Secret Art:Crimson Lotus:Exploding Flame Blade!!!!!!!!"

Natsu swipes his arms in a circular fashion, creating a powerful, and highly destructive, torrent of flames that barrages Xanxus and Benimaru.

As the two men were being caught in the intensity of the flames, Benimaru saw the etherious charging at them. He needed to act quickly or else Xanxus and himself will lose their momentum in the fight against E.N.D.

"Iai Chop, Form Two:Moonlight!!!!!"

When E.N.D got close to them, Benimaru crossed his arms and fires off a x-shaped attack which radiates a blinding light. As the etherious was blinded by the light, Benimaru punched him in the chest as Xanxus hits the etherious' head with the end of his guns. Afterwards, both mages kicked Natsu away from them.

"Damn, this thing is a pain the ass."

"Yeah...not mention that the move I used on the old man took a lot of mana to cast. Just what the hell is this thing?"

Soon E.N.D stood back up as he glared at his opponents. His rage felt even more fierce then before. As he was gathering his magic power, a single thought went through his mind.

"I promise......i'll get strong enough to beat Vanica and save you, Kyoya!!!"

"Natsu......thank you."

"I'll never forgive you....i'll kill you....Vanica!!!!!!!"

With a loud roar, Natsu's magical power was increasing drastically. Seeing this, Xanxus and Benimaru were getting a little worried. Soon the two fighters decided to quickly end the fight.

"I'm not going to lose here!!!!"

Soon Xanxus launched several barrages of his Flames of Wrath at the etherious. However, Natsu kept charging towards Xanxus. Seeing this, a smirk appeared on Xanxus' face as he got E.N.D's attention and got him in his range.

"Flame Magic:Martello di Fiamma!!!!!"

After charging up his guns with his Flames of Wrath and concentrating on how much mana he's expending, Xanxus launched multiple Scoppio d'Ira at Natsu all at once with no signs of stopping. As Natsu was caught in the onslaught, Benimaru got next to him for a moment as he was putting everything he had in this last attack.

"Flame Magic:Crimson Moon."

Using an incredible amount of firepower, Benimaru fires an enormous fireball at Natsu;creating a giant explosion resembling a red moon. Combined with Xanuxs' Martello di Fiamma, a giant eruption of flames was the result of the attacks making contact with the etherious.

"Heh. Looks like we did it. That thing was a lot tougher than it looked."

"Yeah, no ki-"

Benimaru's eyes became wide when he heard a strange noise. It was almost as if someone was slurping a beverage. When he turned around, he couldn't believe what he saw. Natsu was devouring all of the flames that was thrown at him.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you!! I'll kill you!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!"


More scales appeared on Natsu's body as his hands became claws, his teeth becoming fangs, his feet becoming talons. Not only that, the flames he was emitting was so hot that the ground underneath him was starting to cave in. As he looked at Benimaru and Xanxus, he was prepared to fight even harder.

"Fire Dragon King's.......Brilliant Flame!!!!!!!!!!"

Natsu charges up a dark ball of fire from his palms and focused the blast in Xanxus and Benimaru's direction and fired it as it was heading towards them akin to a meteor. As he was low on mana, Benimaru didn't have enough strength to redirect the attack.

"Looks like i'm done for. Sorry old man. Sorry Konro. Sorry........Kyoya."
"Ice Devil's Four World Freeze."

Something wasn't right for Beninaru and Xanxus. The hot atmosphere became freezing cold in a matter of four seconds. When they blinked, the attack, Natsu, and even some of Spade Castle was covered in ice. It was like even the air itself was frozen. When Benimaru looked at the ice, he got an ominous but familiar sense from it.

"Man, you guys look like shit. But thanks for holding him off, i'll take it from here."

As Benimaru and Xanxus heard this voice, they turned around as they saw one individual walking towards them. His left arm wrapped in bandages as the right half of his body was covered in black markings and his right eye becoming red. Soon the two of them let out a sigh of relief as the markings disappeared from his body for the moment.

"It took you long enough, you damn Ice Stripper."

"Shut up, Benimaru. You and Xanxus head back to Kurono and the others. After all, when it comes to killing devils, no one is better than me."

Hearing this, Benimaru smiled as he hurried back to Kurono and the resistance. As Xanxus followed him, he passed by the ice mage as he said one thing.

"Show him. Show him the strength that beat me. Show him that you're the strongest, Kyoya Fullbuster."

"Heh. I don't need your permission to do what I do best, Xanxus."

As Xanxus left along with Benimaru, Kyoya heard the sound of ice shattering. When he turned around, he saw Natsu glaring at him as immense magical power was radiating off of him. Soon Kyoya looked at him, yet he wasn't consumed by rage like last time.

"I'm sorry I took so long, Natsu. Don't worry. Your rage, your hatred, i'll freeze the very soul of E.N.D to bring you back. I'll save you from your own curse, Natsu. But for you to be so far gone to become this rampaging're telling me to use only the demonic portion of Devil Slayer Magic? If so, I won't take responsibility for what happens next."

The long awaited battle is finally here. The two victims of Vanica are finally face to face. The devil who's rage fuels his flames or the devil slayer who's resolve seems as fierce as ever. The battle to see which one arrives at hell first is about to begin.

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