Overlooked Fate ~ Sequel

By xXMarinaDeSantisXx

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Chapter 1 ~ No Control
Chapter 2 ~ Playful Love
Chapter 4 ~ Taken
Chapter 5 ~ The Mystery Boy
Chapter 6 ~ The Plan to Split
Chapter 7 ~ Stuck
Chapter 8 ~ Take Off
Chapter 9 ~ Covered Lies
Chapter 10 ~ Crashed
Chapter 11 ~ Train Ride
Chapter 12 ~ Choppy Choppy
Chapter 13 ~ Meeting the Others
Chapter 14 ~ The Song House
Chapter 15 ~ Arrived
Chapter 16 ~ Candy Robber
Chapter 17 ~ Attempt
Chapter 18 ~ The Marketplace
Chapter 19 ~ The Chase
Chapter 20 ~ The Search
Chapter 21 ~ Reset
Chapter 22 ~ Official
Chapter 23 ~ Bandaged Up
Chapter 24 ~ Found
Chapter 25 ~ Invading
Chapter 26 ~ RUN!
Chapter 27 ~ Locked Out
Chapter 28 ~ Game On
Chapter 29 ~ The Delivery
Chapter 30 ~ Bank Robbery
Chapter 31 ~ Hidden
Chapter 32 ~ The Temptation
Chapter 33 ~ Oppertunity
Chapter 34 ~ Once
Chapter 35 ~ Hope
Chapter 36 ~ Ruined
Chapter 37 ~ Last Straw
Chapter 38 ~ The Move
Chapter 39 ~ Warning
Chapter 40 ~ The Plan
Chapter 41 ~ Truth
Chapter 42 ~ The Cave
Chapter 43 ~ Caught
Chapter 44 ~ The Confrontation
Chapter 45 ~ Secret
Chapter 46 ~ Poor Escape
Chapter 47 ~ Far Away
Chapter 48 ~ Done and Free
Chapter 49 ~ The Fight
Chapter 50 ~ Cleared Up
Chapter 51 ~ Promise
Chapter 52 ~ Creepy
Chapter 53 ~ Exposed

Chapter 3 ~ The Suspicion

1.6K 58 1K
By xXMarinaDeSantisXx


Biana's P.O.V

Biana stared into the mirror of her locker as she applied her last layer of her pink, shiny lip gloss. Then she grabbed her perfume bottle in her emergency kit and sprayed herself a few times.

You could never go wrong with perfume.

Especially since she just came from gym class and she didn't want to smell bad.

Once satisfied, Biana smiled and closed her locker shut and almost had a heart attack when she spun around and almost collided into Marella.

"Hey girly!" Marella greeted, giving Biana a tight hug.

"Jeez you scared me!" Biana exclaimed, hugging Marella back. "And please be careful, you're going to wrinkle my outfit!"

Marella immediately pulled away, but a smile still remained on her face. "Whoops, sorry about that!"

Biana playfully rolled her eyes and slung her purse over her shoulder as Marella started to walk with her down the hall to the cafeteria for lunch.

"So, what's up?" Biana asked.

"Mmm...nothing much— oh wait! I HAVE SOME TEA!" Marella exclaimed, her eyes widening in excitement.

"Girl, please spill," Biana insisted.

"Well, if anyone asks, you never heard this from me," Marella started. She then looked around her to see if anyone was eavesdropping. When no one was around, Marella leaned in and whispered, "I got something about Stina."

Biana gasped and spun around to face Marella. "How?! She's in France right now."

Stina was currently on a huge Europe trip with her family that was supposed to last a whole month. Apparently, they were supposed to be at France right now so Biana wasn't sure what she could possibly cause there.

Marella then wiggled her eyebrows as she continued, "well apparently Stina met some French dude. Now, these are just rumors, but what I heard was that this dude posted a picture of him and Stina at France on his Instagram but apparently it was immediately taken down."

Biana gasped. "Do you think Stina made him take it down?! But she wouldn't have to do that...unless she was hiding something!"

"EXACTLY! I think Stina may have cheated on Fitz! But then again, these are just rumors so who knows. Leave it to Stina to pick up some French dude," Marella said.

Biana immediately frowned when Fitz popped up in her head. "Oh no, what will Fitz do?!"

Marella shrugged. "Who knows— I wouldn't tell him anything until we are for sure."

Biana nodded in agreement. "Who even told you these rumors?"

"Sophie!" Marella exclaimed.

"SOPHIE?!" Biana shrieked, trying to hold back her laughter.

"I'm kidding! Sophie would never get involved in gossip!"

Biana smiled. "True, true. So, who really told you then?"

Marella opened her mouth to say something but a loud clash interrupted her that made them both jump.

Biana and Marella immediately spun around to face the sound of the noise.

"Tam?!" Biana shrieked, realizing it was Tam who had crashed into a locker.

Tam immediately looked up and his eyes widened. He then spun around and started to run away.

"TAM! WAIT UP! Walk to lunch with us!" Marella called out, but Tam ignored her and disappeared around the corner.

Hmm...that was very strange. It almost had looked like Tam was scared...

Biana furrowed her eyebrows. "That was weird. What's the deal with him?"

"We should ask him about it later," Marella suggested.

"I guess..." Biana mumbled. She then looked up and realized they had reached the cafeteria for lunch.

Biana and Marella immediately made their way over and sat down with their friends. At the moment, it was just Biana, Marella, Sophie, Linh, Tam, and Dex. Keefe and Fitz were at college and Stina was on her trip.

A few minutes later, Tam had joined them but he sat at the end of the table and had his dark hood over his head.

Something was up and Biana intended to find out what it was...

Though that may be tricky, given how hard it is to make Tam open up.

"Hey, Sophie, you okay?" Linh asked Sophie.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Sophie said quickly, immediately tugging out an eyelash.

Biana highly doubted Sophie was 'fine.' Sophie was a terrible liar and she hadn't been herself ever since the Neverseen had escaped from prison about a month ago.

"You know, Sophie, if you ever need anyone to talk to, we are here for you. It's a smaller group but we still got your back," Biana reminded. Everyone else nodded along in agreement.

Sophie stayed quiet and for a minute, Biana thought Sophie wasn't going to reply but then Sophie admitted, "I talked to my parents last night...and they helped me out a little. They said they would be there for me."

"See, your parents are even saying the same things we are saying!" Dex exclaimed, elbowing Sophie.

Biana pursed her lips and she couldn't help but feel a bit of frustration and envy. It was almost as if Sophie didn't believe anyone cared for her but she has so many people who do. It almost makes Biana want to strangle Sophie sometimes and tell her to stop doubting herself.

And Sophie had such amazing parents. They were loving and always there for her.

Her dad legit has a ninja army ready to defend her whenever she needs it!

With metal spiked bats included which is a BONUS!

"You're so lucky to have such great parents Sophie," Biana said, getting Sophie's attention again.

Sophie gave a shrug and a small smile. "Yeah, Edaline and Grady are really kind to me. I don't know what I would do without them."

"Yeah, I...I wish my parents were a bit more like yours...it's just, they're always so busy—"

Biana stopped talking when she realized no one was listening and they all had their attention on some girl that had approached Dex.

Biana was a bit irritated that no one had listened to her but it happened a lot lately so she was used to it.

Especially with her parents, which she was trying to tell Sophie. Biana's parents had been so busy lately that they didn't really make time for her—

"Biana!" Linh exclaimed, tapping Biana and snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Um— sorry, what?" Biana stuttered.

"We are trying to introduce you to Dex's friend, Linda!" Linh said, gesturing to the girl that had approached Dex.

"Oh um...hi!" Biana greeted, awkwardly. Linda was staring right at Biana with sort of a creepy expression.

The girl had chocolate brown eyes, freckles, and dark brown hair with a green headband that held the front part of her hair back.

Linda smiled. "Hey! I stopped by to say hello to my dear friend Dex." Biana raised an eyebrow at the way she said 'dear.'

Dex had never mentioned this Linda girl before. Dex then stood up and cleared his throat.

Dex can walk now because with all the money he gained from the cancer cure company, he was able to have enough money to pay for a prosthetic leg.

Dex then gestured to Linda and explained, "Linda is friend of mine I met in the engineering club. We are partnered for our most recent project."

Biana nodded and Dex continued to speak more but she zoned him out and continued to stare at Linda.

Linda, for some reason, was giving Biana very strange vibes.

Biana then turned to see how Marella was reacting. This was her boyfriend after all.

Marella was just nodding along to whatever Dex was saying, but Biana noticed that she looked a bit uncomfortable.

But this was Dex, he was a very nice boy and would never hurt Marella. Biana just hoped Marella understood that.

"So, who are you?" Linda asked, facing Tam.

"That's Tam— don't worry about him. This is how he normally is," Sophie explained, when Tam just grunted.

Everyone just nodded along but Biana was pretty sure everyone knew that this was definitely not how Tam usually is. He is usually grumpy but this felt different.

"Hey, Tammy, why did you run off when Biana and I saw you in the hall earlier?" Marella questioned out of nowhere.

Wow, Marella. Way to call him out like that.

Biana felt bad but she was desperate to see what Tam had really been up to.

Tam's head then snapped up and he instantly glared at Marella. "Don't ever call me Tammy," he snapped.

Marella giggled and shook her finger. "Tammy, just answer the question!"

"Nothing! I just...remembered I had to go grab something from my locker," Tam replied. It was obvious that that was a lie.

"But why were you so urgent?!" Marella pushed, getting in Tam's face.

Tam gave Marella a warning look but she didn't take the hint. He looked around at everyone, his face growing red with anger.

His eyes locked with Biana's for one quick second before he yelled, "I SAID IT WAS NOTHING! OKAY?!"

He then jumped up and stormed out of the lunchroom.

"What is up with Tam?" Sophie asked, mostly directing the question towards Linh since she was his twin brother.

Linh shook her head and sighed. "I'm not quite sure. He's been acting up lately like this and I haven't been able to get him to tell me why. Wylie even noticed, since we are living with him, but Tam just got even angrier when Wylie tried to help."

"Yeah...this is strange..." Biana mumbled.

"Truth or Dare?" Marella asked Biana.


"I said 'Truth or Dare?'" Marella asked again.

Biana was confused but she said, "um...dare."

Marella smirked. "I dare you to go after Tam and see what he is up to."

Biana's eye brows shot up. "Me? I don't know if that's a good idea—"

"It's a dare! As Keefe would say, 'never turn down a dare!'" Marella informed.

Biana looked at the others for help but they seemed to be okay with it.

"Maybe you could see what's really going on with him," Dex said.

Biana let out a dramatic sigh. "Fineee, but if Tam catches me and gets mad, I'm blaming it on you guys!"

Marella just grinned and blew a kiss to Biana as she got up.

Biana rolled her eyes and then ran out of the cafeteria. There were two ways to go, left or right, and Biana figured Tam probably went right since left leads to where all the main activities occurred.

Biana started to jog down the right hall, but she made sure she was quiet since she didn't want Tam to catch her.

The more Biana thought about how weird Tam had been acting, the more Biana wanted to find Tam.

For all she knew, he could be getting himself in trouble. Or maybe he was  involved in some vampire gathering where they were going to make sacrifices with garlic or something.

Who knew when it came to that kid.

Biana then came to a stop when she reached a stair case going up and down. Biana had to be smart about this.

Hmm...well Tam seemed to be hiding something so if he didn't want anyone to catch him, he would have taken the stairs that go down to where the basement is.

Rarely ANYONE goes down there.

When Biana was satisfied with her reasoning, she made her way down the stairs as quickly and quietly as she could.

When she reached the basement, she was glad there were lights on.

She didn't want any surprises in the dark.

Biana was about to decide where she would go next when she heard some whispering down the hall in front of her.

Biana felt fear rush through her as she slowly made her way down the hall, closer to where the voices were.

When she reached then end, she almost jumped into the air when she saw two people talking in hushed voices just around the corner.

Biana immediately moved back and hid behind the nearest trash can, which was thankfully really close. Biana then peaked and realized that it was Tam and this girl named Monica Shay.

Monica Shay was a girl in their grade that wasn't well known. She was a pretty quiet person and kept to herself. Biana did know that Linh talked with Monica quite often.

Monica had rich dark skin and long curly dark hair. She honestly seemed like a genuinely nice person, but Biana was very curious as to why Monica was speaking with Tam in a dark hall in the creepy basement of Foxfire.

Biana silenced her thoughts as she listened in.

"I'm gonna make up for what I did— I promise," Tam said, his voice sounding very different than what Biana was used to.

"I-I know— it wasn't your fault—" Monica tried to say but she was cut off by her sobs.

Sobs? Why was Monica crying? And what did she mean by fault? What did Tam do?

So many more questions started to fill her head but she stopped herself when Tam spoke again.

"You can't tell anyone about this," Tam urged. "They'll use it against me."

They? What on earth was Tam even talking about?!

Monica nodded quickly in agreement. "I haven't told anyone but— you know who knows about it. And he is after you," Monica warned.

Someone was after Tam?

None of what Biana was hearing made any sense.

But if someone was really after Tam...then maybe Tam really was in trouble.

Whatever this was about, Biana knew it couldn't be good.

Tam and Monica then began to talk in even quieter voices. And when Biana try to lean in closer to hear better, her heals made a squeak against the ground and Biana froze. The squeak seemed to echo off the walls of the hall.

Oh please, hopefully they didn't hear—

"Shh! Did you hear that?!" Tam hissed to Monica.

Welp looks like they did.

Biana felt her blood go cold when she saw Tam and Monica starting to walk towards her way.

Biana was about to get up and start running until the lights in the basement started to flicker.

There was loud banging echoing off the walls and suddenly the lights all went out.

It was pitch black in the basement and Biana felt so much terror.

Relax, it's probably just a power outage—

"Attention everyone!" A voice suddenly spoke through the intercom, making Biana jump. "This is a lockdown. This is NOT a drill! This is a real lockdown! Everyone get to safety immediately!"



Lol anyways next chapter is on Friday!! See ya rats then!

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