Always & Forever (Choni)

Par NeireeWrites

156K 4K 3.7K

When Toni agrees to show her best friend Betty Cooper's cousin, Cheryl Blossom, around the school, she's imme... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 9

2.5K 65 16
Par NeireeWrites


"Are you sure? I don't have to know yet, Cher." The soccer player said. Cheryl shook her head, "I want you to know." She took a deep breath.

Toni nodded, bracing herself, "Alright. I'm all ears."

Cheryl moved closer to Toni if that was possible. "It started when I turned 9," Cheryl whispered.

"The first time, I didn't really think of it as abuse, I just thought of it as I did something wrong and I deserved the hit. I accidentally knocked over his favorite baseball that he got signed by one of the players. The glass broke and I apologized so many times-" Her voice cracked making Toni hold her tighter.

"I kept telling him that I was sorry and that my mom could get him another one. But he just tsk'd at me, and told me that I deserved the hit. He smacked me. I just let him do it because I was small, and I thought that he was r-right I did deserve that h-hit." Cheryl sniffled.

"I didn't tell my mom how I got the bruise. I just told her that I fell, but Jason wasn't trying to believe me. Him being 6 years older, he was much wiser. The second time was a few months after that. He came home and I was in the living room. He was already pissed off about work or something, me being his small child I smiled and said hi. Then out of nowhere he picked me up off the couch and pushed me on the floor." Cheryl explained.

"When I asked him what was wrong and why he was so angry he just shouted at me, telling me it's my fault why his day was bad and that I made it worse. But I didn't can a 9-year-old mess up your day? I was a child. His child. It stopped for a while, just two years. On my 11th birthday, I ran inside to help Jason with the water cases. When Jason exited the kitchen my father grabbed me by the collar of my dress and told me that he hated that I was here and that I didn't deserve a party because I was a brat. But I wasn't, I never asked for anything unless needed. Anything I wanted my mom would have to ask me." Cheryl sniffled, wiping her eyes.

"The 3rd time. I was on my bike in the yard, just by myself being that I didn't have any friends. My mom was inside with Madison and Jason was busy with studies so I had no one to play with. I saw my dad and I asked him if he wanted to play with me. But instead, he pushed me on the ground, He kept yelling 'Stop asking me for shit!' and I made sure no one found out, but that day Betty came over. She saw the bruises and I told her what happened. That's when I learned the two words 'physical abuse' I begged Betty not to tell my mom. She was hesitant but agreed." The redhead sighed, pushing her head further into Toni's chest.

"Fast forward to age 15, the day my mom found out. She stepped out for groceries and my father came home drunk. He hadn't come home that night, my mom had mumbled something about him not coming home that night anyway. That made me happy knowing I was free of him for a few hours. I was in the living room, on my phone when he walked in. I had already learned my lesson from the last times when I spoke to him so I kept quiet. And that triggered him. He started yelling at me, asking me why I didn't greet him. And when I said 'but you told me not to speak to you' he got so upset and he started yelling louder. I got up but he pushed me back down and slapped me. Hard. My cheek was purple for a month after that. When my mom got home, she dropped her bags when she saw me crying on the couch. He had already left, mumbling words to himself. I told her about all the times he hit me. We cried for a while and Jason came home from college that day and I never saw him so upset. He started calling my father yelling into the phone but it was too late. On the way to where ever he was running away to, he got into a car accident...killing him on the spot. I was in a dark place for a while and I was sent to my Nana in New York but I was used to staying there because I was always there from age 6-8." Cheryl finished.

Toni sniffled, " didn't deserve any of that. At all, you are so strong, Cher." Toni whispered.

Cheryl smiled, "I wanted to ya know, give up but seeing my Nana every day and making her smile was the best thing I could ever ask for. She had me as I had her. I was super sad when I had to move back here, but she promised me that she'd visit sometime soon." Cheryl explained.

"Well, I for sure want to meet her." Toni smiled. "I'm sure she'd like you." Cheryl nodded, "She liked heather a lot." The redhead sighed.

"She was super upset when she found out how she treated me, but in the end it was okay." She added. Toni nodded in understanding, "I just want you to remember that if you need anything or anyone, I'm your girl." Toni smiled.

"Okay." Cheryl chuckled, "Thank you." She added.

"Anytime, let's sleep now. We have a long day ahead of us." Toni said.

"Goodnight, TT," Cheryl said making Toni blush at the nickname.

"Goodnight, Cher." She whispered in reply. Soon both girls were out like lights.


Cheryl opened her eyes, the sound of birds chirping made her smile as she looked up at Toni who was still asleep.

She sat up and stretched her arms. She looked through the window only to see Betty and Veronica still asleep. She was the first one up. The pale redhead laid back down, wrapping Toni's arms around her. She felt safe, even if they were two stories high on a balcony. She had realized that Toni is her safe place.

Toni stirred, subconsciously bringing Cheryl closer as she rested her chin on Cheryl's head. Cheryl breathed in Toni's vanilla shampoo bringing a blush to her face.

"How long have you been up?" A raspy voice startled her. "For about 5 minutes, " The redhead squeaked quietly. Toni's morning voice was hot.

She felt Toni nod against her head. Toni pulled up her arm, checking the time on her Apple watch, "My father should be making breakfast. Let's get dressed so we can head down." Toni yawned.

Cheryl pouted making Toni chuckled, "You're just so cute." The soccer player huffed before pulling Cheryl back down with her, "Just a few more minutes since you're cute." Toni said making Cheryl smile as she laid back down with Toni.

~10 minutes later~

Betty woke up to Veronica's hand in her mouth. She groaned, moving it before sitting up. When she didn't see Cheryl and Toni in the bed, she stood up and walked towards the window.

She giggled when she saw them on the balcony, laying on the large lounge chair. "Aww." She whispered when she saw Toni kiss Cheryl's nose and the redhead giggle.

Betty decided to give them their privacy.

Soon the tan and pale girl entered the room. Veronica and Betty were getting dressed, "Hey, love birds. Your dad said breakfast is ready." Betty smirked at the blushing girls.

"Uhm, we'll be down in a sec." Toni nodded. "Kay, " Veronica smiled, grabbing Betty's hand and walked out.

Cheryl changed in the connected bathroom while Toni changed in her bedroom. Once they were both ready, they walked downstairs.

"Morning!" Toni said happily as she and Cheryl entered the room. "Morning, mija." Marie smiled, kissing Toni's cheek before placing the plate in front of her and Cheryl.

"Where's dad?" Toni asked, grabbing the syrup for her and Cheryl. "He's upstairs in the study, " Marie informed.

Toni nodded, digging into her food.


Toni and Cheryl held hands while Betty and Veronica were picking out some clothes.

The two girls strolled the store, not really worrying about getting clothes, they were just enjoying each other's company. "I remember when I almost give my dad a heart attack when I was around 8." Toni giggled.

"Please tell more." Cheryl laughed. "Well, he took me shopping for clothes and I always hated to shop but I loved to run around. When my nanny wasn't looking, I ran out of the store and sat on the bench. My father came out of the store running and he hugged me so tight." Toni explained with a giggle causing Cheryl to laugh.

"I always went shopping with my mom. It was back when my father wasn't so...mean." Cheryl frowned, "But he used to pick out these killer outfits and my mom would always reject them. She always said 'My sweet little girl isn't wearing those short ass shorts' and we'd laugh. There was one time he sneakily brought them. My mom hasn't found out till this day." Cheryl laughed.

They stopped at a section that had these cute jackets. "Oh my God! You'd look so cute in this!" Toni squealed making Cheryl shake her head shyly, "I-I don't know." Cheryl blushed.

"For me." Toni pouted, giving her puppy dog eyes. Cheryl sighed, "Okay...fine." She smiled, "Only because you're cute." she added.

Toni squealed, picking up the red jacket. She slipped it on Cheryl's arms and smiled when the redhead turned around. "Yes, it's so you!" Toni nodded.

Cheryl looked down at herself, "You think so?" She asked. Toni nodded, "I know so. I'm buying it for you." Toni said.

Cheryl shook her head, "Wait, no! You don't have to. I-I don't want to be that type of person..." Cheryl disagreed.

"Nonsense, I insist, Cher. I'm buying you the jacket, end of the decision." The soccer player said, gently taking it off before grabbing Cheryl's hand and leading her to the cashier.

Betty and Veronica weren't too far behind as they walked up with their stuff. "That's all?" The boy asked, eyeing Cheryl. Toni felt the redhead shift uncomfortably making Toni growl, "Her eyes are on her face, bozo."

He immediately cast his eyes on Toni, an nervous smile on his face, "S-Sorry. Uhm- you-your total is 235.67." He said.

Toni gave him a fake smile as she handed him her credit card. Once they were done paying, they walked out.

"I'm sorry about him, Cheryl," Betty said. "It's not your fault, Betts." Cheryl shook her head, "He's just a disgusting pig." Toni said.

"We love a protective girlfriend." Betty teased making Cheryl and Toni blush.

"Sh-she's not my girlfriend." The pale girl stammered. Veronica smirked, "Yet." She said nudging Toni who rolled her eyes.

Toni pulled Cheryl away from them as they entered Macy's. "Don't pay them any mind." Toni chuckled. Cheryl nodded as they took a seat in the corner where Betty and Veronica were looking at necklaces.

"And you pay for all this?" Cheryl asked, blushing when Toni moved closer to her.

"Yeah, it's an unlimited credit card. He gives it to me whenever I go shopping." Toni explained. Cheryl scoffed, "My mom doesn't trust me with my own credit card." She sighed.

"Really? How come?" Toni asked. "She said that she didn't want me carrying a card with money on it since I'm and I quote 'gullible' she doesn't trust me." Cheryl shrugged.

Toni nodded, "I had to convince him to let me have one." She chuckled.

"So...uhm- well, I wanted to ask last night, b-but you know...uh-"

"Toni just spit it out." Cheryl giggles, making Toni's nerves calm down as she chuckled nervously.

"I want to ask you on another date...if that's okay?" The tanned girl asked, playing with her fingers nervously as she looked down in her lap. When she felt Cheryl's soft hands on hers she looks up at those capturing blue eyes, "Of course I'll go on another date with you!" Cheryl smiled. (A/N: I prefer blue eyes)

"Oh thank god..." Toni said, placing her hand on her chest as she let out a relieved breath. "Why did you think I'd say no?" Cheryl asked with a laugh.

"Because...I just really like you, and I don't know just thought the first one wasn't the best." Toni laughed with a shake of her head.

"I enjoyed myself..." Cheryl nodded and Toni smiled. "Saturday?" Toni asked.

"I'll be there." Cheryl joked. Toni smiled and a blush raised to her face when Cheryl leaned forward to kiss her cheek.

Bro this was over 2,000 words😭✋🏾

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