[Arthdal Chronicles] Fight fo...

By parkmingyeong94

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" I am an Igutu. Just like you, Tagon." Tagon's secret is not a secret for everyone but as he can't take the... More

CHAPTER 1 : It all begins. (EDITED 01.22)
CHAPTER 2 : The beginning of a friendship? (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 3: Too late. (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 4: An ambush (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 5: Option two. (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 6: Merciless. (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 7: Reunion. (EDITED 05/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 2 : An angel? (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 4: A promise. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 5: Was that love? (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 6: "I killed them all" (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 7: Getting closer. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 8: Nothing but us. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 9 : Breaking the rules. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 10 : A meaningful dream. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 11: A promise to find each other again. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 8 : A secret that shouldn't have been heard. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 9: A new High Priestess. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 10: Interesting ideas. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 11: Meetings despite the risks. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 12: Caught. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 13: A Daekan sister. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 14: The calm before the storm. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 15: A turning point. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 16: A new guard for the High Priestess. (EDITED 07/22)
Chapter 17: Choosing a path. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 18: Allies. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 20: An imminent separation.
CHAPTER 21: A declaration of silent war.
CHAPTER 22: A King for Arthdal.
CHAPTER 23: A strong will.
CHAPTER 24: The rise of Asa Sin's descendant begins.
CHAPTER 25: The truth behind the lies.
CHAPTER 26: A sudden proposal.
CHAPTER 27: Learning how to be an Igutu.
CHAPTER 28: A coalition.
CHAPTER 29: A trap slowly closing.
CHAPTER 30: An effective curse
CHAPTER 31: A first victory for the Queen of Arthdal.
CHAPTER 32: The Spirits of Flowers Ceremony.
CHAPTER 33: Changing things will take time.
CHAPTER 34: A worrying dream and a deal.
CHAPTER 35: An unavoidable fate?
CHAPTER 36: A royal wedding.
CHAPTER 37: The fight had just begun.
CHAPTER 38: A pain always there.
CHAPTER 39: A step back, two steps forward.
Chapter 40: Friendship and love.
CHAPTER 41: A decision to try.
Chapter 42: A secret knowledge.
CHAPTER 43: Consequences.
CHAPTER 44: A decision, a kiss and a brokenheart.
CHAPTER 45: Eunseom.
CHAPTER 46: Things are going to be more complicated than planned.
CHAPTER 47: A reunion as wanted as dreaded.
CHAPTER 48: The twins meeting.
CHAPTER 49: Painful words.
CHAPTER 50: The members of the pack support each other.
CHAPTER 51: The cause you chose to fight for.
CHAPTER 52: An act of war.
CHAPTER 53: Shared grief.

CHAPTER 19: Bringing back the calm in the Union.

308 15 101
By parkmingyeong94

The High Priestess spent the morning listening to the people who had come to ask for her prayers. Yangcha wasn't far and she could hear in his thoughts how he calmly analyzed every single one person who came in and out of the room as he anticipated all the potential dangers. She wondered if he was that focused on his job when he was by Tagon's side too but that was the moment he chose to complain in his mind about how bored he was. It was as if he was waiting for someone to attack her so he would actually have something to do and before she realized it, Tanya turned her head and gave him a dark look.

"Is something wrong, Niruha?"one of her attendants asked, surprised by the High Priestess' reaction. 

She couldn't explain to them that she was hearing the warrior's thoughts so she felt embarrassed by her reaction which only made Yangcha internally laugh at her. "He is too loud, that's all," she mumbled.

"Am I, Niruha?"  the warrior asked in his mind with a mocking tone.

"What do you mean, Niruha? He didn't say anything or do anything. How could he be loud when h-"

"He is breathing too loudly. I can't concentrate," she interrupted, looking at the warrior.

He couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow, surprised by the quite stupid answer she had given them and he thought she would have to learn how to lie better if she wanted to protect the secret of her ability. 

"Should I stop breathing for you to be able to concentrate, Niruha?"  he questioned.

"Make sure to be quiet from now on or else you'll wait outside."

If Tanya wasn't a Niruha, he would have probably rolled his eyes but the warrior just bowed his head before he went back to stare at the opposite wall, the time for another person to enter for an audience. It wouldn't have bothered him if she had sent him outside, being bored inside or outside didn't make a real difference to him. It was actually hard for him not to roll his eyes or sigh at all those people who asked the High Priestess for her prayers over things he judged stupid most of the time.

The attendants exchanged questioning looks but they didn't comment on what they had witnessed. They thought the High Priestess was probably tired because they wondered how she could find him noisy when he was just a quiet shadow. 

Tanya didn't hear his thoughts again and she felt a little bad for having reacted that way but that wasn't the first time she was hearing the warrior complain about how bored he was. She knew she shouldn't take it personally since she could understand standing next to her all day was not that amusing but it wasn't like she was the one who had asked to have him by her side. She just thought that, for a warrior who wasn't supposed to talk, he was quite loud. And yet, even if she had been the one asking him to be quieter, now that he was, she couldn't help but wonder what was going on in his mind at the moment. She doubted he had just stopped thinking and she wondered how he was successfully hiding his thoughts from her before she realized she actually didn't like the fact she wasn't hearing him anymore.

The people went by her and she tried to listen to every single one of them with attention but she knew she wasn't as attentive as when she had started, it had already been a few hours she had been doing that and it was becoming hard to stay focused. While waiting for someone else to enter, she glanced outside and sighed, she wasn't used to being between four walls all day.

"You should take a break, Niruha."

She glanced at Yangcha discreetly and she didn't know why she felt relieved to hear him again. "I can't take a break, many people are still waiting," she murmured to him.

"You are a Niruha, you can do whatever you want, and you need a break."

Even if she didn't want to recognize it, she knew he was right, she needed some fresh air. When one of her attendants announced the next person who wanted an audience, Tanya quickly stood up from her chair and told her attendants she was going to take a short break. They didn't oppose and she headed for the door, Yangcha slightly behind her. Her maids were all about to follow when she told them it was unnecessary.

"But Niruha, we can't leave you alone," the head of the High Priestess' attendants, MuMyungjin, said.

"I am not alone, I have Yangcha with me. What could happen to me with him around? Even you, you don't even dare to look at him directly."

"But Niru-"

"I said I needed a break so I am taking a break. I am your Niruha and I want all of you to stay here and wait," she interrupted.

"Yes, Niruha," the others replied as they all bowed to Tanya, forcing MuMyungjin to do the same.

Tanya took a deep breath and raised her head high before leaving the room with her bodyguard by her side. In the corridor, she sighed in relief, it had been easier than she had thought and no one was following them, as she wanted. They walked a little further, quietly, before she heard the warrior's thoughts again: "Well done, Niruha."  

Tanya didn't reply to that, she was trying hard to restrain the smile that was forming on her face. She wouldn't have been able to explain why she was feeling good to be praised by the warrior. 

When they arrived in one of the gardens near the Great Shrine, she chose a remote place so that she could speak to her bodyguard privately. She sat on a bench and she almost proposed to him to sit too before she remembered he wouldn't accept anyway, "a warrior isn't allowed to sit next to a Niruha"  he would have probably told her. For a moment she just stayed quiet. She closed her eyes and let the sun warm her face and the silence revitalized her. Then, without even looking at him, she addressed the masked warrior: "You know, everyone is not a danger. You shouldn't be suspicious of every single person talking to me."

"This is my job," she heard as an answer.

"What could an old man who can barely walk do to me? You are being overprotective," she replied. She didn't want to think everyone wanted to harm her. She didn't want to become suspicious of everyone and everything all the time. That wasn't how she had been raised and she didn't want to lose faith in the people. 

"To protect you is my job," he simply thought. 

Tanya looked at him up and down then sighed, she knew well it was his job. The only reason he was by his side was because of Tagon's order and the only reason he was going to help her if necessary was because she had cursed the woman he loved, the only one he cared about, so she wondered what exactly she was expecting from him. "Is it that boring to be by my side?"

He took some time to analyze her words before he came to the conclusion she had probably heard him thinking about how boring he was before. "Is that why you gave me a dark look earlier? "  he asked, "did I  involuntarily offend you?"

"Yes, you did," she sharply replied, "don't think about how bored you are or about how much you don't want to be there because, just in case you didn't know: I didn't actually ask for your service."

He hadn't asked to be by her side either. He would have preferred to stay by Tagon's and consequently by Enoria's. He sighed before he directed his thoughts to the Priestess: "Niruha, just in case you didn't know: if you don't like my thoughts then don't listen to them."

"As if I could! Do you know how loud your mind is? I am not listening on purpose!"

He was almost amused by Tanya's reaction. She always appeared calm and controlled but she did have a temper and it reminded him of a particular someone. "Why are you getting angry?"  the warrior calmly asked.

"I am not angry! "

She was, and he wondered why what he thought seemed to be so important to her. He couldn't even be bored in peace by her side. "You should lower your voice, what will people think if they hear you talking to yourself?"

"I am not talking to myself, I am talking to you."

"I am under the punishment of silence and everyone in Arthdal knows that. In the eyes and ears of the others, you are talking to yourself right now, Niruha."

"Stop Niruha Niruha me," she complained in a sigh, "what are you punished for?"

"It's none of your concern."

"You are boring."

"I am afraid I am not here to distract you anyway."

They were interrupted by the chirping of birds. The two looked at the small animals for a moment before they flew away. 

Tanya sighed, "I am sorry for having called you a gosal," she said.

"I don't mind what you think I am, Niruha." 

"Even if you don't mind, I wanted to tell you. And also, I realized I didn't even thank you for having saved my life, twice, so thank you."

"I was just following my orders. No need to thank me." 

He was following his orders, just like that day when he had caught her in Iark and separated her from Eunseom. Was he sorry for that? Would he apologize if she was to ask him to do so? He probably would because he would obey her, because she was his Niruha, but probably not because he sincerely regretted his action. She wondered if he had sincerely apologized to Enoria for his action towards her tribe and she thought maybe she should ask her. She sighed again, "how is your hand?" she asked. 

She was about to take his hand but he quickly withdrew it to avoid her touch."It's healing well. You don't need to worry about that, Niruha."

"Won't you let me see? You were hurt because of me."

"There's nothing for you to see. You should not bother about that," he replied. He had known worse though he wouldn't say it wasn't painful to be hurt there. But he already had someone to take care of his injuries, he didn't need, nor did he want, the High Priestess to take that place.

"Make sure to properly clean the wound so it won't get worse," Tanya said and the warrior just bowed his head before she continued: "I will personally feed the children slaves tonight, I know you may find it boring but you will come with me, won't you?"

"That's what I am supposed to do, Niruha."

"When we'll go, could you, please, be careful with the way you look?"

Yangcha frowned, then looked at his own clothes."Do you want me to change Niruha?" he asked, confused by the High Priestess' question.

"Ah, no, I was talking about the aura you emanate."

"My what?"

"Try not to scare them. That's what I wanted to say. No offense but you don't really look like a nice uncle you know."

"I am a warrior, I look like one."

"And those kids lost their families because of warriors like you so at least, try not to remind them of those painful memories."

He bowed his head but didn't reply. He clenched his fists as he felt the anger raising inside him. The day before he had asked her too not to remind Enoria of her painful memories but she hadn't respected his demand. Tanya had apologized and Enoria wasn't bitter about what happened but he couldn't help it, he just couldn't stand those who hurt her, even with just words. He was always controlling his feelings well but when it concerned the woman he loved he tended to lose control easily.

Tanya noticed he had tensed but she couldn't hear what he was thinking about. She didn't ask, she knew he was probably still angry about the day before but he wouldn't admit it if she asked, he was too respectful of the rules and he wouldn't have dared to accuse the niruha she was. She didn't expect him to become her friend or a happy ally but she didn't want him to just be her cursed bodyguard either,  she hoped that, at least, they would be able to have a cordial relationship. 

She sighed again before she went back inside the Great Shrine, accompanied by the warrior, to continue what she had to do as the High Priestess.


Tagon smiled, satisfied by the news which had came to his ears. The right rumors were circulating in Arthdal: Asa Ron was a traitor who had tried to destroy the Union by organizing a coup because he couldn't accept he had lost his position as the High Priest and Tagon was depicted as the one who had saved all of them. Asa Ron and those who had sided with him deserved what happened to them because they had tried to raise against Asa Sin's descendant and Aramun Haesulla's second coming, those who were chosen by the Gods.

As Enoria had suggested, Tagon had sent ressources as compensation to the tribes who had lost people because of the coup. He had personally chosen the people in charge of delivering the gifts, as well as his apologies for the harm that had been caused to them. In results, even if they didn't all agree, the people started talking about how their Union Leader was generous and considerate.

Now it was time for him to show himself in front of his people to reinforce the good rumors and definitively erase the bad ones. Things were going well and if they continued like that he would become the king he wanted to be with the support of his people. He raised from his chair with determination and headed for the door, Enoria was waiting for him next to it. When he arrived at her level, he stopped and looked into her eyes. An obedient and well-trained warrior would have lowered her head but that wasn't her style.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Tagon asked.

"To be honest, you already didn't look well yesterday but today you look terrible."

"Brutally honest, aren't you?" he replied with a small laugh.

"I am serious, you don't look well, maybe we should postpone what we have planned so you can rest."

"I am fine. We'll do as planned."

"You keep saying you are fine but your face says otherwise. Who told me that Igutus were maybe strong but not invincible nor insensible to pain?" Without asking for his opinion, she took his wrist and rolled up his sleeve to check his pulse. He let her do so, curious. She put her hand on his forehead then she frowned. "The wounds you got from the attack. Have they all healed well?" she asked.

"I am ok," he replied, putting her hand away.

"If you are still hurt you have to do something about it, quickly. The Shahatis sometimes put poison on their blades, if that was the case, you'll be able to resist it longer than somebody else because you are an Igutu and it spreads slower in our bodies, but in the end, it will spread anyway."

"How do you know that?" he asked to change the subject.

"Few years ago, I got hurt by one of their blades too; The cut was nothing but the poison cost me a lot," she said before she lowered her head as she remembered the painful memory, though it had been approximately three years, she had not yet recovered from the loss that incident had caused and she didn't think she would ever recover from it anyway.

"What business did you have with the children of Shahati?" he asked.

"I am someone who loves to search for troubles, don't you already know that? But don't try to change the subject, if you are still hurt you have to get treated."

"I am fine, don't worry," he repeated.

They were interrupted by Taealha's entrance who, seeing the two standing close, didn't really appreciate the view.

"Did I interrupt something?" she asked.

"What bring you here, my sweet Taealha?" Tagon asked with a smile, approaching her. 

"I came to congratulate you, they don't all agree but the people of the Union seem to think you saved them from Asa Ron and those who had sided with him."

"I know, we made them think that way, that's a good thing, it will make things easier."

" "We"? " Taealha asked, knowing well she wasn't a part of that "we".

Tagon slightly turned his head to make her understand who were included in the "we" he had used.

Taealha didn't reply right away, she turned to look at Enoria. "Dear, won't you leave us for a moment?" she asked with a fake smile.

"Sure, my Lady," the Igutu replied, giving her back her fake smile, then she bowed and left the room.

Alone with Tagon in his office, Taealha sighed before she sat on the desk. "I don't approve of that," she said.

"She is useful. I told you she would be," Tagon replied, approaching his lover.

"She is unpredictable. And I don't like where she is leading you. The Union is fragile at the moment, you need to show the people you are the strongest among them but she wants you to befriend them, that's ridiculous, they'll think they can have and can do everything they want."

"They won't. I will still stand above them but not with fear."

"You are trying too hard Tagon," she deplored, "why are you always searching for people's love? Is my love not enough for you?"

Tagon didn't reply immediately to that. He stroke Taealha's cheek with his thumb before dropping a kiss on her forehead. "If I am not well-liked by the people, what we want to build will never last. We are going to be a part of history, Taealha, let's try to be a good part of it. Enough blood has flowed."

"If you are not careful enough, it's your blood which is going to flow, my dear Tagon," she replied, putting her hand on his cheek. She gave him a faint smile. He had held a different speech the night of the coup. That day, he had given up on trying to do things nicely and she didn't like the fact Enoria had convinced him to keep hope. She knew things wouldn't work the way the two wanted. Love was a fragile thing while fear lasted longer. But Tagon didn't want to reign by fear anymore and she was worried because of that. She knew the love of the people was too inconsistent and at the first mistake, they would turn their back on Tagon. She thought he was wasting his time by trying so hard to win the people's trust back and that it would just make things harder for him when he would realize what he wanted so bad was impossible to get. She was ready to act if necessary, for now his plan wasn't a real bother even though she thought it had really little chance to success. Tagon was going to be King and she was going to be Queen, his Queen, but unlike him she didn't want, nor did she had ever wished for the people to love her, she wanted all of them at her feet. "I hope your precious Daekan Lady knows what she is doing and the consequences it could have if the plan she had suggested you to follow fails. Be sure to keep her under your control," Taealha warned, ready to leave the room.

"She is under my control."

"Is she? Because from my point of view it seems more like she is the one who has you under her control. Are the two of you working together or are you working for her?"

Taealha didn't wait for an answer, she left the room with the hope Tagon would think about her words. They still didn't know exactly what Enoria's plan was and they couldn't lower their guard, even though it seemed to her that Tagon had already lowered his. 

Tagon knew well they still didn't know everything about the Igutu woman but the most important to him at the moment was that she was causing no harm and was helpful for him and his goals. He had an idea of what she wanted as she had showed concern about the slaves before so he was almost sure she would make her plan clearer when she would think the right time had came and, if the things were going well in the Kingdom, he thought he may even be opened to her suggestions.


As they had planned, Tagon spent the entire morning in the streets of the city, showing the people he was there for them, showing interest in what they were doing, in what they had to say, in what they needed. As the Union Leader, he had already held audiences for his people but it was more formal then and the people were often not at ease speaking to him sitting on his throne at the top of the stairs showing well they were from two different worlds. By walking the streets, Tagon was giving the people a more approachable image and they showed curiosity in what their Union Leader was doing and soon they started following him in his walk.

Enoria followed slightly behind him, giving him discreet advice on what he should say or do from time to time. But Tagon was good at acting and if she had not known they had planned everything she would have probably thought he was sincere. 

A part of him was, because he sincerely wanted them to appreciate him but he also knew he had to be careful with his words and actions. 

Enoria's people were making sure only good things were being said in the crowd and soon, the people were shouting Tagon's name and thanking the Gods for having brought Aramun Haesulla to them.

Tagon wouldn't have hoped for more and he played his role with all his heart but he also felt tired quickly. He wouldn't have admitted it but he wasn't feeling that well even though he didn't let it show. He knew it would have been better to rest instead of mingling with the crowd but his duties were more important at the moment, becoming king was the most important.

In the afternoon, he made sure to give satisfactory answers to the requests he had heard in the morning. He continued to act as if he was ok, pretending he was just tired when he felt a little dizzy. 

Enoria kept a close eye on him, she knew he was lying, he wasn't just tired, he was probably feverish because the Shahati's poison was spreading in his body and she also knew that, as much as he wanted to, if he had really been poisoned, soon or later, he wouldn't be able to resist its effect.


Tanya was smiling more than in the morning. Listening to the people's complaints was her job but she felt more herself helping to feed the children.

Yangcha stayed in the background so that he wouldn't scare the children, just like the High Priestess had asked, but no one actually paid attention to him, the children were all looking at her, waiting in line to be served by the one who wanted to protect them. 

When one little girl asked for a second meal, Tanya questioned her about how she had became a slave. The girl replied she was captured and became a slave after her tribe was wiped out by Arthdal and her parents killed.

Tanya felt bad for having asked, it was obvious those kids didn't have the happy childhood they should have had. She glanced at Yangcha. She asked herself if he had been one of those who had brought the kids there but she heard nothing in his mind. She just noticed he was looking at her reaction too and she wondered if he had ever been sorry for his actions.

The little girl dared to ask the High Priestess if she was going to be a slave all her life or if she was allowed to be something else. Her wonders reminded Tanya of a conversation she had with her mother in Iark, who had told her that she could be whatever she wanted. Tanya added that the little girl and everyone else could be anything they wanted. She pointed at the sky and explained that when they would die, after they had completed their missions, they would become stars and just like there were many stars in the sky, no one could predict what kind of stars they would become because it was up to them to choose. The children looked at the sky with smiles, imagining all the possibilities the High Priestess was giving them and seeing the smiles on their faces only reinforced her motivation to do everything she could to change the way things worked in the city.

Yangcha surprised himself looking at the stars too. He wondered what exactly his mission was and if he would become a star too after his death. Then he sighed, thinking there was no way someone like him would turn into something as beautiful and as shiny as a star, not after everything he had done. Still, he appreciated the view the sky was giving him and his thoughts went to Enoria as they used to lay on the grass and watch the sky together during the years they had passed together in secret. She loved watching the stars because it reminded her of her father's words: to live like a star, doing her best to shine even when everything around was dark. Yangcha had came to like doing it too, because it reminded him he had someone around him who was sharing her light with him when he was lost in his darkness.

Tanya heard those thoughts and glanced at him with a small smile on her face. Even if he often complained about how boring it was to be with her, even if  he always appeared so impassive to everything, he was not insensible to her words and carefully listened to what she was saying. Tanya also smiled because of the place Enoria was taking in his mind, she didn't know if he was aware of the fact she never truly left his thoughts. She wouldn't have been able to explain why but Tanya kind of felt relieved to know he was capable of loving someone that much. She thought that if he was capable of such unconditional love, he probably wasn't as bad as he looked and hearing his thoughts was a great help to know him better.

After they had all finished their meals, the children were allowed a short free time to play before they were sent back to their dormitory. Tanya headed back to the Great Shrine, on the way she told her maids to go before her as she wanted to walk a little and before they had time to tell her it was dangerous and that she shouldn't walk in the street at night she informed them, once again, that she was under Yangcha's protection and that she had nothing to fear. The maids felt unable to oppose her, just bowed and left to respect their Niruha's order.

"Why do they have to follow me everywhere every time?" Tanya complained as she was now alone with her bodyguard.

She didn't hear anything from the warrior but she already knew he would probably have said they were only doing their jobs. She continued on her way, enjoying the silence of the night. She couldn't even hear the silent steps of Yangcha who was following slightly behind her. She was thinking about the children she was with earlier, and she wondered if she was right to give them hope, if she could really offer them the decent lives they deserved to live. 

She was interrupted in her reflection by the masked warrior's thoughts: "Enoria is there,"  he simply informed her.

Tanya looked around but there was no one in the streets, they were alone. "Where is s-"

Tanya didn't have the time to ask her question, she was surprised by the Igutu's sudden apparition. It took a few seconds for the High Priestess to realize Enoria had aimed at her with a sword which was fortunately blocked by Yangcha's fast reflex. She didn't even know where she came from and how he had known she was there. She came back to her sense only to witness the two were making their swords clashed in the silent of the night. For a second she got worried then she heard Enoria laughing after she had managed to dodge one of Yangcha's attack. She relaxed a bit when she noticed than they weren't actually hurting each other despite the strength they seemed to use. 

"What are the two of you doing exactly?" Tanya asked, not sure to understand the situation they were in.

"Don't worry little Niruha, I am just testing your bodyguard's abilities, it's a friendly fight," Enoria replied.

"She is going to lose again anyway," the warrior added in his mind, amused as there was finally something interesting in his day.

Tanya just watched them, thinking it was a weird way to distract themselves but as they seemed to have fun she just let them be. 

She noticed Yangcha was stronger than her, when she blocked his attacks she always had to take a step back to compensate for the strength he was using, but she was faster than him and when she had to, she dodged the attacks with a grace Tanya wouldn't have expected to see in a fight. It seemed to her they predicted the other's action without even trying and they looked like two people dancing rather than fighting. She wondered for how long they would keep going, they didn't seem to be bothered by the time passing or they were probably having too much fun to notice time was passing. 

Tanya cleared her throat for the two warriors not to forget she was still there. They hadn't, even if they were busy they were still attentive to the High Priestess' surroundings in case something happened.

"Our little Niruha is getting impatient," Enoria murmured to Yangcha.

"Do you want to surrender then?"  the warrior asked in his mind with a smile she perceived.

She smiled at him, she didn't need to hear his thoughts, she knew him too well, they were both too proud to just give up. Yangcha quickened the game, he used the injury on his palm to his advantage and fainted being hurt, making Enoria immediately lower her guard. He took that as an opportunity and soon she had her back on the wall of the house behind them, his blade on her neck.

"You lost,"  he thought with a satisfied smile.

"This is cheating," she complained in a murmur. 

He raised an eyebrow at how inappropriate it was for her to say that when she always used that technique to make him lower his guard. He didn't lower his sword immediately, their faces were so close he could do nothing but look straight into her eyes.

She wasn't sure if she was breathless because of the fight or because of the way he was staring at her as if he was looking into her soul but she knew that the intensity of desire burning in his dark eyes wasn't helping her to catch her breath. 

They were interrupted by the High Priestess who reminded them she was still there. The two warriors immediately came back to their senses, lowered their swords, turned and bowed to Tanya.

"Sorry, we went overboard," Enoria apologized.

Yangcha sheathed his sword. Enoria didn't and she tried to take that as an advantage. She tried to aim at him one last time but he had anticipated her action and he blocked the sword with his hand, his leather glove avoiding him to get hurt. He gave her an amused look, she was predictable. She sighed and finally sheathed her sword too, admitting she had lost and that he was obviously the best bodyguard the High Priestess could wish for. Seeing his smiley eyes, she cracked a smile too before she inquired about the injury on his hand. A simple look was enough to reassure her, it didn't get worse because of their friendly fight, he had been careful.

"Were the two of you actually fighting or flirting?" Tanya asked.

Enoria approached her and took her arm in a friendly gesture. "Were the two of you enjoying a night walk? I hope it was not a date," she teased, avoiding the Niruha's question.

"Are you here to kidnap him?"

"Yes, it seems you already forgot that at night he is mine."

"Do you miss him that much during the day?"

"Of course I do!"

The two women laughed lightly before they headed for the Great Shrine arm in arm. Yangcha following just behind. 

They exchanged about their day and as always, Enoria stayed vague about what she had been doing, she didn't explain in detail what Tagon and her had planned and just told her she had been helping the Union Leader to bring back the calm in the Union.

Tanya wondered how someone like him could actually bring peace in the city, but she didn't comment on that. She shared with the Igutu how she had occupied her day, and she invited her to join her to pass time with the children when she would be able to, an invitation Enoria accepted.

They talked all the way through the shrine, a light conversation that made Tanya forget how tired she actually was. It was hard for her to keep her Niruha image all day long and she was glad she could forget a little about that when Enoria was around, she was probably the only one who hadn't changed the way she was with her after she had become Arthdal's High Priestess. With her, she was just Tanya, the simple Tanya, the Tanya from Iark.

When the trio arrived in front of Tanya's room, the warriors who were supposed to take over Yangcha were already there, the maids who were asked to go ahead earlier were present too. 

Enoria wished the High Priestess a good night, then, just like the masked warrior, she bowed respectfully to the Niruha who entered her room followed by her maids. 

Yangcha and Enoria went back to their own room after having left the High Priestess under good guard. When they were out of the sight of the warriors, he took her hand in his and that put a smile on her face, which put one on his too. 

It was a good day, everything was going well, maybe a little too well.

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