Diabolik lovers:Amaya's Story

By animelover9998

257 0 0

Amaya is Yui's best friend but Amaya looks up to her as a sister. Amaya was adopted by Yui and her father and... More

Diabolik lovers:Amaya's Story
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 20
Untitled Part 21

Untitled Part 5

18 0 0
By animelover9998


"Amaya!" I yelled as she passed out. I ran over to her and picked her up bridal style.

"Subaru, Laito, and Ayato, watch Amaya and see if you can get her to wake up. Kanato, Shu come with me to help with Yui."

"Tch. I should be the one with Chichinnashi.." Ayato grumbled.

Reiji ignored him and left the room with Shu carrying Yui and Kanato right behind him. I laid Amaya on the bed and sat beside her. She had Yui's blood all over her hair and hands. The smell was driving me crazy. I got up quickly before I bit her.

"Ayato, go get some towels so I can clean Yui's blood off her," I didn't trust anyone alone with her for even a minute.

"Tch. Whatever." He left the room, slamming the door behind him; Laito took my place beside Amaya. I visually tensed.

"Subaru-Kun, doesn't Whore-chan smell delicious?" He sniffs Amaya and licks his lips. I wish Reiji hadn't left him with us.

"Laito, don't you dare," I growled in a low voice. He leaned closer to Amaya and licked her cheek.

"Don't I dare do what Subaru-Kun?" He said, eyes wide as if he were innocent. He grabbed her hand that was covered with Yui's blood, and licked it.

"Mmm, Bitch-chan's blood tastes so good." He moaned while still licking her hand. He looked at me and giggled before biting into Amaya's hand.

"Oops." He said in his sweet innocent voice.

"Looks like I've bitten into her hand, mmm, her blood tastes just as good as Bitch-chan's if not better." I turned away, trying to ignore the sweet smell of Yui's and Amaya's blood; it smelled so delicious. I could barely control myself.

"Subaru-Kun, don't you want to taste some of Whore-chan's blood?" I ignored him and stepped closer to the door. Damn it! Where is Ayato with those towels?

"Subaru-Kun." He was right by my ear now. I could smell the blood on his breath; I swallowed hard and spun around.

"What the hell do you want, Laito?" I inhaled sharply at what scene awaited me. He was holding Amaya, who was even more bloody now, by the waist. I could feel my blood lust getting stronger. I growled and pushed him away, causing Amaya to fly out of his arms and land on the floor with a thud.

"Shit," I mumbled. Amaya's going to feel that when she wakes up. I hope that's soon. I went to pick her up, but I quickly jumped away. The smell of her blood was so sweet, strong, and mixed with Yui's it was almost too much to take. I want to bite her so bad. Well, I can at least wait until she wakes up, right?


I rolled over twice before opening my eyes and stretching. My bed is so comfy. Wait, this isn't my bed... I looked around the room and discovered it was Yui's room. How did I get in here? I started playing with my hair. Hang on, why am I playing with my hair? I hardly ever do that. I noticed something else, I was playing with blonde hair, not my teal hair. What the fuck is going on? I heard a woman's laugh echo through my head. What the hell?

"You want to see what happened to poor little Yui? I'll show you." The woman's sultry voice continued to echo. My body began to move on its own. I looked into the mirror and saw Yui's face. Is this what that voice meant by she'll show me? Yui's face started to become deformed. Her wide pink eyes grew small and a little slanted and turned green. Her scared expression turned into a smirk with fangs. I/Yui screamed and backed away from the mirror until I/she hit the bed. The other strange Yui laughed from the mirror. She sounded just like the woman in my head.

"Why are you so afraid, Yui? You knew this would happen, and didn't you say you wanted to be free of this house?" Yui shook her head. "That was before I got to know everyone here. I want to stay here and be alive." The woman laughed.

"Well, looks like that wish won't be granted. Now, what should we do about you, hmm, oh! I've got it. You see, I've practicing how to control your body like this," Yui's hand raised up and swiped across her face. Yui's eyes began to tear up; I felt the sting and understood her pain.

"Ow! Stop, Cordelia," Yui said while rubbing her cheek. The Yui in the mirror pouted mockingly.

"Aw, but this a lot of fun. Okay then, since you don't want to play around, let's get serious", The Yui in the mirror disappeared, and her reflection was normal again. Yui must have known what was about to happen because she ran for the door, but her legs froze in place. Yui turned involuntarily and began walking to the dresser. Yui's eyes widened.

"No," she whispered.

"Please don't," Despite her pleas, she kept walking over to the dresser and opened the drawer. Shaking with fear, she reached into the drawer, pulled out Subaru's dagger.

I gasped inside of Yui and felt sick to my stomach. I did not want to see this. I knew what was going to happen next. I watched in horror as she brought up the dagger and held it about 2 inches from her heart. Yui pushed against the blade, but that woman was too strong for her. The dagger plunged into her chest. Blood pulled through her shirt. She tried to grab onto the dresser to keep herself up, but she was too weak. Despite her efforts, Yui fell to the floor with a thud. Just before she went unconscious, she whispered.

"Help me. Please, someone. Amaya." Then she blacked out.

"YUI!" The scream ripped through my throat as my eyes shot open. My outburst startled Subaru Laito and Ayato awake. I began to sob hysterically. Yui went through all of that, and I wasn't there to save her. Subaru walked over to me, wrapped his arm around me, and nuzzled my neck.

"S-Subaru, you're holding me kind of tight. Crushing me, actually." He loosened his hold, but he didn't let go

"Tch. Since she's awake, I'm leaving." He got up and left the room, slamming the door behind him. Laito laughed

"Yeah, guess I better get going too." He walked to the door and turned around and winked at Subaru." Subaru growled, and Laito laughed again and left the room.

"Amaya, what happened?" He said softly and looked deep into my eyes.

"N-nothing," I said and looked away from him. I didn't want to tell them what I'd seen, didn't want to talk about it, period. I felt his cold breath on my ear as he nipped my ear lobe gently.

"Don't lie to me, Amaya," he said lowly. I scooted away from him until I hit the headboard. He straddled me on the bed and pinned my arms against the headboard, not hard enough to hurt me but hard to know he was serious.

"Now, we can do this the hard way or the easy way your pick." He said with a bit of malice in his voice. I shook my head. I'm not going to give in.

"Subaru, I can't," He growled.

"Hard way it is then," He gripped my legs, pulled me down flat on the bed, and tightened his grip on my arms.

"Subaru, you're hurting me," I cried and struggled against him. He smirked.

"That's the point, Amaya. I've got to get you to talk somehow. Now, shut up unless you want to tell me what happened" He leaned down and licked my neck; I shivered.

"S-Subaru, if you're going to bite me, do it already." He ignored me and continued licking my neck softly. A small moan came out of my mouth as his body pressed against mine. Without warning, he bit into me. I cried out in pain. He moaned as my blood poured into his mouth. The more he sucked, the less pain and more pleasure I felt. It was too much stimulation. I pushed against him.

"S-Subaru, stop," It only made him moan and suck more vigorously. He slowly slid one hand from my arm down my body to rest on my hip. I gasped and started struggling against him more. He pulled his fangs out and looked at me with lust clouded eyes.

" Are you going to tell me?" He said in a huskily.

"Or am I going to have to-," He started rubbing my inner thigh.

"Take this farther?" I squirmed under him. I guess I had no choice but to tell him.

"Fine, I'll tell you," I breathed out in annoyance. Subaru chuckled and placed his hand back on my hip. It was almost impossible to talk with his body still pressed to mine but, I doubted he would move even if I asked.

"Okay. So, this may sound crazy, but I saw a vision. I guess that's what you would call it, and I was Yui. I kept hearing this woman's voice in her head. Long story short, the woman took control of Yui's body and made her stab herself. I think the woman's name was Cordelia." Subaru's eyes widened, and he whispered in my ear.

"Don't tell anyone what you just told me, got it?" I looked at him, perplexed.

"Cordelia is the triplet's mother," He said quietly.

"But she may have killed Yui," I said with a gasp. As soon as I said that, Yui burst into the room.

"Hey- whoa! Umm, am I interrupting something here?" I had nearly forgotten Subaru was still on top of me. Yui smirked; I'd recognize that smirk anywhere. But I had to hide it.

"Yui!" We heard Reiji yell as he came down the hall.

"We weren't done yet and-,"Reiji looked at me and Subaru's current position. I blushed and pushed Subaru off. Reiji cleared his throat. "And you just got up and left," fake Yui shrugged and walked over and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to see my best friend." She beamed at me, and I gave her a small fake smile.

"Umm, can I talk to Yui alone real quick, guys?" They shrugged and left, shutting the door behind them. Fake Yui jumped on the bed and smiled.

"What's up, Amaya?" I walked over and slapped her.

"Ow! You damn brat!" Fake Yui said in Cordelia's voice.

"Ha! Just as I thought. You aren't Yui, and take those damn contacts out! You will never replace Yui. Once I tell everyone who you really are, you will be removed from Yui." I stated, my body burning with rage. How dare she try and take my best friend away from me. Cordelia laughed

"Do you really think it's that easy to get rid of me? Foolish child. Yui is almost gone. She has only two days left before her soul is obliterated." I growled at her and jumped on the bed, straddling her. "Bring her back!" I screamed, punching her in the face.

"You will never be her! You can never replace Yui!" Cordelia flipped us over to where she was straddling me and leaned down towards my face.

"You know," She said, looking at my neck.

"I don't usually drink from girls but, it's been an awful long time since I've drunk blood, so this will be an exception." She smiled and leaned towards my throat. I struggled underneath her, but she was strong. I felt her fangs touch my throat; I wince and prepared for the pain.

"Ah, how arousing, bitch-chan and whore-chan fighting" Cordelia froze and turned around to look at Laito, who had just entered the room. While Cordelia was distracted, I took my chance to escape and kicked her off. The blow knocked her off the bed and left her unconscious.

"Damn bitch." I muttered bitterly.

"Aww, why is whore-chan mad at bitch-chan?" Laito came and sat next to me on the bed. I glared at him. I am so not in the mood to deal with this shit right now.

"Get. Out. Laito." Laito pouted.

"Aww, Whore-chan is so mean; I just want to have some fun."

I picked up a pillow and threw it as hard as I could at his face. He fell off the bed, got up, and with a menacing voice said,

"You'll pay for that later." He said and slammed the door. I rolled my eyes and got off the bed. Quietly I opened the door. Fortunately, I didn't see anyone outside. I crept out and went to Subaru's room. When I got there, I knocked; No one answered. I opened the door slowly.

"Subaru?" No answer. I walked in and looked around. Maybe he's asleep? I walked over to his coffin and opened it. Nope, not in there. I crawled into his coffin and laid down. The lid closed on top of me, closing me in. I just wanted to see what it was like sleeping in these. It was pretty comfortable. After today's ordeal, I was exhausted. Sleep quickly overtook me; I didn't dream about anything, just a dark abyss. I was woken up by a groan. I rolled over and found myself face to face with a sleeping Subaru. I moved back slightly. One of Subaru's eyes opened at my movement, and he slung an arm over my waist. He pulled me closer until there was no more space between us.

"Subaru, sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I just wanted to talk to you about Cor-" He silenced me by pressing his lips to mine gently. I gasped in shock at the kiss but didn't pull away. After he pulled away, he pushed my head down on his chest.

"Shh, Just rest. You have had a rough day, but rest beside me now Amaya." I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips. We both ended up falling asleep and slept together throughout the whole day.

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