
By Your_hood_lesbo

43.9K 1.7K 809

You are a serial killer known from across the globe. And a part time assassin for only the most biggest payer... More

Meet the characters
Heads Up (Not a Update, Suggest You Don't Skip)


1.2K 59 35
By Your_hood_lesbo

Lauren's POV:



Sure I'd have to wait like four months or longer, depends on how the whole Brad situation turns out but she still asked me out.

Thank god I came to terms with my feelings or else I would never have grew the balls to tell her how I feel in the first place.

After the whole Lucy incident, I had very little hope that I would get back into the dating life.

But with Y/N... I can tell she's different and won't actually hurt me. And the fact that she is a virgin is very comforting since I know she doesn't have any hoes or crazy exes I'd have to worry about.

The whole group was able to do our business and get our snacks now we are back on the road.

I haven't let go of Y/N's hand since we went back into the car. Even though I didn't wanna seem clingy I couldn't help it. I'm happy that Y/N feels the same way I do.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She asked me, eyes still on the road.

"Just thinking about how happy I am that my feelings towards you weren't one sided." I confessed, kissing the back of her hand.

"Same here. And I'm apologizing in advance in case I mess up during our, relationship. You already know I haven't done anything like this ever so I'm sorry if I do make some mistakes." She said.

"I know. I'm happy I'd get to be your first girlfriend." I admitted, huge smile plastered on my face.

"Hey now green eyes. Moving fast aren't we, we aren't evening dating yet. Well we aren't really official since I never asked you Jauregui." She said with a smirk.

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow at her.

"Well you might as well be mine, we only have an interest in each other." I answered.

"Bold of you to assume that." She remarked.

"Well who else would you like?" I asked sarcastically, expecting to stump her.

"Well Madison is beautiful, she's sweet. And she can cook. It'll be a win honestly." She replied with a smirk and small shrug.

I scoffed at her answer and let go of her hand.

I know she's messing with me but I can't believe she actually said that.

She reached for my hand back while smiling but I slapped it away, and turned a little so most of my body was facing the window.

"You know I'm messing around right?" She asked with a chuckle.

I didn't answer, I just looked at the murder of Crows in the sky.

I'm looking at a murder while in a car with a murderer... that's funny.

"Ok ok. I only like you. What I said about Madison I true but I'm not attracted to her. I'm in like with you and only you." She said grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it, this time I didn't snatch it away.

I couldn't help but feel an eruption of butterflies in my stomach after and I felt my cheeks heat up.

Shit, what is this girl doing to me?!

(Skip rest of the car ride)

"Woah, this place is sick." Y/N said while admiring the house I picked out for us to stay in.

It is fully attack prone, no weapon would be able to break any of the barriers, and it goes invisible with one push of a button.

"First thing tomorrow we will begin strategizing on how to take Brad down, but it is currently 5 pm and just make yourselves at home." I said to everyone going to get my bags from the trunk while people started walking in, but to my surprise Y/N started grabbing mine and her stuff.

"What are you doing?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Getting our stuff." She said in a duh tone.

She had two suit cases per hand, one rolling forward and the other rolling backward, and she had her book bag hanging from her teeth.

"You know I can get my own bags right?" I asked with a giggle at how she struggled to move our bags in the grass.

"Nuh-Uh. I got dis. Plus I wanna hold yo bags." She said, finally getting to the front door.

"I wanna help tho." I said pouting since I knew there was no point in arguing with her.

"You can help by puttin my book bag back in my mouth so I can hold it. And holding doors fa me." She negotiated while holding her mouth open.

I just gave in and opened the door for her.

"Yo Y/N! Your room is upstairs, first one on the left. Lauren, your room is down the hall on the right." Nas called out to us with a smirk.

"Ugggh, why'd you give me the bad room?" I groaned.

"You know the rules but Y/N doesn't. First come first serve, we all came first." Ariana added on with a wink before both of them disappeared into their own rooms.

"I'm sure the room ain't dat bad." Y/N reassured with a shrug.

"You have no idea, here. Look at your room and then compare it to mine." I said holding the door to her room for her.

We walked in and it was beautiful and clean like I remembered.

"Ooooh this is nice. If that Chandelier falls on me while I'm sleeping someone will be getting sued." Y/N said eyeing the Chandelier while putting her own bags down.

"Now come look at mine." I huffed before dragging her to my own room.

"Oh, yeah I see what you were talking about." She said with a chuckle and rubbing the back of her neck.

"Ya, but it's fine. It's not permanent." I said with a shrug, taking my bags from her.

"Nah, my girl ain't gonna stay in a room like this. You can stay in my room with me." She said taking my bags back.

"Y/N you don't gotta do all that. I'll be fine it's just a bed." I argued but she completely ignored me while taking my bags to her room.

"Plus I'm not even your girl. You didn't officially ask me to be your girlfriend." I pointed out with a frown.

I know I said this already but I don't get why she couldn't just ask me to be her girlfriend in the gas station.

"I want to make sure I ask you the right way. In a romantic scenery, and a safe place. I want to make that time a time you and I will never forget since that'll be when our relationship blossoms fully. But as of right now, if you were to go sleep with some guy right now I wouldn't have a right to be mad." She explained sincerely.

Wow she really wants that moment to be special, not to mention this is my first time hearing here accent fade, it's usually very strong.

"Alright Y/N. I understand. But where did you accent go?" I asked with a giggle while entering our new room.

"Usually in like, super serious situations. It would go away for a lil bit so people know I'm dead serious bout what I'm sayin." She answered with a shrug. And I just nodded in response.

Her and I began unpacking our things and since we had a walk in closet, she had her's on one side while mines were on the other.

"I hope you know we're going shopping very soon." I commented while putting one of my favorite pairs of boots.

"Why?" She asked with a chuckle.

"The clothes you have now seen very warn out. And all you have are plain T-Shirts, hoodies, and black and blue jeans. Plus you'd only steal outfits from your victims and they honestly don't look that great." I said.

"And what's so bad about that?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Nothing is but you have very little style. You can do so much better. The only thing great about your wardrobe is your shoe game." I said.

"Ooook. I'll contact RR to see if I can get a assignment and get some money." She said with a shrug.

"You don't need to do all that. I'll pay with my own money" I said walking over to her and putting my arms around her neck.

"Nah, you don't gotta waste your money on me. And it's not like I don't like killing. It'll be easy." She responded while putting her hands on my waist.

With that single touch butterflies swarmed my stomach and a cold yet nice chill tingled my spine.

"Oh baby it wasn't a request. I'm taking you shopping and using my own money." I said with a smirk.

"Yes ma'am." She gave in with a small chuckle before bringing our lips together.

I could never get tired of her plump lips, even if right now she tasted like Takis. I don't get how she could eat three big bags of those in a row.

Before I could deepen the kiss Madison called Y/N and I for food.

"Uggh, always ruining the moment." I groaned while pulling away from Y/N's addictive lips.

She just giggled before dragging me out to the living room.

Once we hit the top of the stairs I started walking down but Y/N just stayed there while making a thinking face.

"What's wrong?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Come back up I gotta idea." She said waving me over.

I went back up and she grabbed me by my legs and held me bridal style making me let a small scream.

"Y/N! What are you doing?" I asked with chuckle while she walked down the stairs.

"Carrying you down the stairs." She pointed out.

"But why?" I asked going to wrap my arms around her neck as she focused on getting me down safely.

"Because I feel like it." She answered with a smirk, and safely getting down the stairs but not putting me down.

She carried me all the way to the couches and set me down before plopping down next to me.

"And you're my princess." She said taking her three burritos, giving me a kiss on the cheek before digging in.

"Whipped already!" The whole crew yelled except for Camila.

"Shut the fuck up." Y/N mumbled, mouth filled with burrito.

"Pass the guac." I told Camila while taking my own food.

All she did was scoff and flick the guacamole over to me before looking in her phone.

Note to self, ask what the fuck is her problem.

"Anyways, Y/N and I are going shopping right after this. We'll be gone for a few hours." I informed everyone.

"Wait we're doing that today?" Y/N asked, mouth filled with burrito.

"Baby, finish chewing then we can talk." I said tapping her chin lightly. 

She finished chewing before asking her question again. 

"Yeah we have to. The rest of the month we'll be trying to take Brad down, it's not like we have anything extremely important we have to do. The earlier the better." I explained before taking another spoonful of my food. 

"I was planning on going out to kill. I haven't done anything in like a month and it's making antsy." She pouted. 

"Just go now." I suggested, taking a sip of my iced tea. 

"Alright. " She agreed with a shrug. Taking a huge bit of her second burrito before getting up. 

"No one eat my last two burritos. I'll put them in the fridge when I get back." She mumbled with her mouth still filled with food making everyone giggle. 

(Time Skip)

I was in Y/N and I's room, peacefully scrolling through Instagram in sweats and a bra until someone burst into the room. 

"Uh Lauren... I think you should come down and see this." Ariana said to me before leaving, expecting me to follow her. 

I jumped out of the bed, put on my fuzzy slippers, and ran downstairs. 

I couldn't help but gasp when I saw Y/N coming back from her kill. 

She was absolutely drenched in blood and smelled like vomit. 

I looked over and say Nas vomiting his guts out in the grass in the front yard. 

"Hey I'm back." She said through her mask, which was also splattered in blood. 

"Omg. Baby how many people did you kill?" I asked taking a step back while holding my nose.

"Like 10, this gang of teenage boys were stripping this other group of girls out of their clothes so I took my chance. This one boy, had the prettiest eyes. He could've used them to respectfully pull a girl instead of practically raping them so... I took them." She explained before holding up a pair of light blue eyed eyeballs.

"I'm quite impressed by myself, I've never gouged someones eyes out. So when I took them out it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be." She admitted taking off her mask, revealing her cute face with a proud smile.

I tried my best to hold my urge to throw up but it over powered me. 

While everyone else was barfing, Y/N and Nas were talking about her very messy kill and how much fun it was for. 

"Alright, I hope you know you're not keeping those eyes. Let's go in the back and hose you off. Then, you're getting dressed so we can get to the mall." I said holding my nose, I went and grabbed a broom and held the stick up to her chest and poked her till we got to the backyard. All she did was drag her feet and try to convince me for her to keep the eyes but I wouldn't budge. 

So, this is what it feels like... kinda dating a Serial Killer. 

(Just a small filler since I haven't updated in months. For those who don't know I have this book on hold since I wanna finish my first one that I wrote. Go check that one out on my page if you want to❤️)

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