Before I Go - Fred Weasley x...

By LaineWeasley

275K 5.5K 6.5K

Since the first year y/n Avery has been a friend group with the other Gryffindors in her year. Sharing a dorm... More

1. The Summer Before Fifth Year
2. Reunited
3. Seriously
4. Official
5. Oh no
6. Halloween
7. Marauder's Map
8. November Snow
9. Hogsmead Date
10. Slimey Slytherins
11. Sweet Sixteen
12. The birthday Ball
13. Ballgowns and Ballrooms
14. The Christmas Eve Ball
15. Christmas With the Weasleys
16. So what?
17. Bloody Hell
18. The Argument
19. Forgive and Forget
20. Gryfindor versus Ravenclaw
21. The Gryffindor Break-In
22. Birthday Boys
23. The Quidditch Final
24. OWLs
25. Starting the Summer
26. Back to the Burrow
27. Results
28. Nine Weasleys and an Avery
29. Summer loving
30. The Tickets
31. Sunset Date
32. Harry's Arrival
33. The Portkey
34. The Qudditch World Cup - part 1
35. The Quidditch World Cup - Part 2
36. Run
37. Nightmares and Daydreams
38. Back to Hogwarts
39. The Triwizard Tournament
40. The Three Unforgivable Curses
41. The Makeover
42. Nightmares Come True
43. The Goblet of Fire
44. Amortentia
45. The First Task
46. The After Party
47. Seventeen
49. The Second Task
50. Spring
51. The Last Task
52. Summer Sorrow
53. Order of the Phoenix - Part One
54. Order of the Phoenix - Part Two
55. Harry's Hearing
56. The Last Year
57. The Detention
58. High Inquisitor
59. Head in the Fire
60. Dumbledore's Army
61. Ministry Attack
62. Our First Christmas as a Family
63. New Term
64. The Demise of the DA
65. The Weasley Twins Exit
66. The Department of Mysteries
67. Goodbye
68. New beginings
69. 93 Diagon Alley
70. The Engagment and The Baby shower
71.The Quidditch Team Catch Up
72. Three Years
73. The Weasley's Arrival
74. Hello, Old Friend
75. December
76. The Twins First Christmas
77. The Weasley Twin's Magic
78. Happy Birthday, My Love
79. The Weasley Black Wedding
80. The Honeymoon
81. May Madness
82. The Death of a Professor
83. The Battle of the Seven Harry's
84. The Wedding of Bill and Fleur
85. Hiding
86. The Ministry break-in
87. The Weasley Twins first birthday
88. Christmas
89. Nineteen Ninety-Eight
90. A Week Filled With Nightmares
91. One year of marriage
92. The Final battle
93. The Second of May ninteen-ninty eight
94. Too Many Goodbyes
95. Life after the War
96. Happily Ever-After
97. Epilogue
A/n: thank you

48. The Yule Ball

3.2K 57 52
By LaineWeasley

A/N: so before this chapter begins I'm going to say now there is going to be smut in this chapter but I will put a warning so you can skip past it if you don't want to read it. :)

- - - -

Today is the day that everyone has been looking forward to... the Yule Ball. We were all so excited for tonight but we had to celebrate Christmas first. I wake up in Fred's bed as we decided to have a sleep over last night, I roll over and bury my face into his bare chest and his arms tighten around me.

"Merry Christmas Freddie," I say sleepily.

"Merry Christmas beautiful." He replies sounding more sleepy than me.

He leans down to my forehead and presses a light kiss on it, making me smile.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Lee shouts.

"Merry Christmas." I reply lifting my head off of Fred's chest.

"Presents?" George asks.

"Yeah sure." I say moving out of Fred's arms and getting out of the bed and Fred does the same. Fred pulls a top over his face and on to his body and we all quickly brush our teeth and then I brush my hair.

Fred, George, Lee and myself make our way downstairs to see Melody, Alicia, Angelina and Jack waiting for us along with other students sitting downstairs opening their presents.

"Merry Christmas, everyone." I say as we walk into the common room and a chorus of merry Christmas is then heard. We walk over to the rest of our friends who are sitting by the Christmas tree and had already sorted all of our presents into piles.

"So who's opening presents first?" I ask the group.

"We could just all open them at once." Lee suggests eyeing up his presents. This year, Fred and I decided to buy the presents together for the group.

We all start opening presents and I open my one from Melody she said my present and Fred's present from Jack matched in some sort of way

I see a box which I open to see a set of red lace bra and knickers and quickly close the top of the box, with my face turning a slight shade of red.

"Melody!" I whisper yell.

"What?" She then looks at my flustered face. "Oh I see you opened the present." She then has a small smirk on her face.

"Yes..." I start saying.

"You shoulder wear them tonight under your dress robes as your dress is red and you never know you might get lucky." She says with the smirk on her face getting progressively bigger.

"Thank you anyway." I say putting the present aside.

"What's go you blushing y/n?" Lee asks and everyone looks at me.

"Nothing." I say quickly going to open my next present which is from Fred.

We all finish un-wrapping our presents rather quickly and sat with piles of presents. Including presents from the older Weasley brother and of course Mollys jumpers, Charlie sent an enchanted flask which meant it had more room for alcohol which he also sent for us.

"Looks like we are going to have fun tonight." I say to the group.

"Yeah you are." Jack says looking between Fred and I.

"You two have planned something I know you have." I say looking at Melody and Jack.

"We don't now what you mean," Melody says with a smirk that matches her boyfriends.

"Yeah you do." I reply back to the pair before turning to Fred. "What did Jack give you?"

Fred's cheeks flush a similar red colour to how my face was a few minutes before. "Err..." I grab the bag that was from Jack and look inside and it was filled with condoms. I was completely speechless.

"Oh look Mels we left them speechless." Jack says high-fiving his girlfriend.

"Do the rest of us want to know?" George questions.

"Probably not." I reply, "anyway breakfast?"

"Yeah." Everyone agrees.

We all take our presents to our dorms getting ready for breakfast, we make our way to the Great Hall which is busier than most Christmas' as most students stayed for the Yule Ball.

"So what's the plan for getting ready?" Angelina asks.

"I said Hermione and Ginny could get ready with us and I was thinking we will have to start getting ready around four is we al need to shower." I say to them.

"Four?" All of the boys asks at the same time.

"Yes." Alicia answers.

"Why so long?" Lee asks.

"Right so we all need to shower and wash our hair and do lady things. Melody and Alicia said they are styling hair, I'm doing make up for everyone including myself, so yes, it will take four hours." I say to them.

"I suppose we can still have our snowball fight right?" George asks.

"Yeah." Angelina says.

"We should make the teams bigger maybe we could ask Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny?" I suggest.

"Yeah, sounds good."

We gather the other kids to come and join the snowball fight that was about to take place and we were doing teams of girls versus boys.

"So what are we planning on doing, how do we determine who wins?" Hermione asks.

"We are just going to play until around four to pass the time as there isn't much else to do." George says.

"Then we can go and get ready for the ball." Alicia announces with a massive smile on her face which all the girls matched.

"I am so going to need that warm shower after." Melody tells us.

"Agreed." I say already slightly shivering.

"Right everyone at the ready." Lee announces and we go into opposite directions then turn to face each other.

"Let's destroy them." Ginny says with a massive smile on her face. I suppose being brought up with six brothers makes you extremely competitive and three of them are on the opposing team.

"Agreed." I say to her matching the massive smile she has on her face.

"Three... two... one... GO!" Lee shouts and we all start rapidly making snowballs and start throwing them at the each other.

We were all throwing snowballs at each person on the opposing team.

After a while my clothes are soaked through and I can imagine everyone else is feeling as cold as I do.

"When can we go in." Melody say with her cheeks pink from the cold snow hitting her face.

"Yeah, I'm freezing." Alicia says.

"Honestly agree so much." I say trying to keep myself warm.

"Okay, we've been playing for ages now, I guess us guys can play against each other for a bit then." Jack says.

"Sounds good, because I need a nice warm shower." Angelina says.

"Me too." I say.

I wake up to Fred and peck his cold cheek. "I'll see you later, handsome." I say with a smile before waking off towards the castle.

"So what's the order we are going in the showers?" Alicia asks.

"Angelina, me, Melody then you, Ginny did say as she is the only girl from her dorm in there she said one of us could use her shower." I suggest.

"Sounds good maybe you y/n because you do live with her." Melody suggests.

"Yeah I'll have to grab my stuff. Is that still okay Ginny?" I ask her.

"Yeah that's fine you can go first anyway." She says as we enter the castle.

"Thank Gin, are you still coming to get ready with us?" I ask the younger girl.

"Of course you can." I tell her.

We walk into the common room which has a few students dotted around in it and we all walk up the stairs.

"Right Ginny, I'll be a few minutes just need to grab my stuff." I say to her as we walk past her dorm room.

"See you in a minute." She says entering her dorm room.

We enter our dorm room and I go to the bathroom to collect the things I will need, I then grab my bath robe and slippers.

"Don't forget this." Melody says handing me the box with the red underwear from earlier in and giving me a little wink.

"Thank you Melody." I say taking the box and adding it to the pile of my things. "Right I'll see you all in a bit."

I open the door from my dorm room; waking down the hall way to Ginny's dorm room and knock on the door. She opens the door and smiles at me.

"Got enough stuff there y/n?" She asks me.

"Just about, I won't be too long." I say as we walk through the room and she sits on her bed.

"Okay." She says as I walk into the bathroom.

I turn the shower on so it can heat up and sort all my shower things out and take off my clothes and step into the warm shower. It was like heaven. My body soon warmed up and forgot how cold it previously was. I wash my hair and body, shave then get out and dry myself off. I put my hair in a towel and put the red lace underwear on and look in the mirror.

Okay... it looks pretty sexy if I do say so my self. I then tie the bathrobe around my body and gather my belongings before heading out of the room.

"I'll see you in a bit Ginny," I say walk out of her dorm down the corridor and back into my dorm.

I see Angelina doing her own hair, so I start on my make up, I decided I was going to do it a bit heavier than usual as it's not everyday you get to go to a ball.

I sit on my bed and start my base make up, when Melody walks out of the bathroom and her eyes fall straight on me.

"Right let's start your hair then." She says walking over to me.

Melody gathers a hair brush, hair bands, bobby pins and other products to start on my hair. After about half an hour of drying then styling my hair.

My hair was now in a low bun, that looked stylishly messy with strands of hair at the front curled to frame my face.

"I love it, thank you Melody, right I'm going to finish my make up now." I say going back to my make up which was now only a little bit of eyeshadow and mascara now.

I finished my make up moving on to Angelina's make up as Ginny walks into the room.

"Wow y/n honestly how did Fred get such a beautiful girlfriend is difficult to understand." She says.

"You are so brutally honest Ginny and I love it," Melody says doing the finishing touches to her hair as I concentrate on Angelina's make up.

"Thanks Ginny. Your brother is cute, but you won't see it as he is your brother." I tell her as I apply the final touches to Angelina's make up, she didn't want it too heavy so I knew it wouldn't take me long.

"Thank you y/n." Angelina says.

We carry on getting ready and Hermione walks into the room with a lovely pink dress on, and sits down on one of our beds.I'm finishing Melody's make up which took around the same time as mine as she wanted something a little more fancy for tonight.

"Hermione, that dress is beautiful." Alicia says, as she sits waiting for her make up to be done.

"Thank you, so who is doing my hair?" Hermione asks.

"I am," Angelina says as she finishes getting into her dress, "could someone zip me up please."

"I will." Alicia says helping her zip the dress up.

We continue getting ready and I've finished doing everyone's make up. I finally get the red dress robes out of my wardrobe. I stand facing the wall.

I step into the red dress, which hugs my figure but still flows , they showed a little cleavage and had spaghetti straps to keep the up.

"Could someone do my dress you please?" I ask the girls in the room.

"I will" Melody says rushing over to me in her own dress robes. She the does the dress up and I then sit gracefully on my bed to put my matching red high heeled shoes on. I then grab the the flask Charlie got me for Christmas, that was now filled up with Firewhisky and put it into my bra.

"I'm going to see if the boys are ready," Ginny says walking out of the room as we all apply the finishing touches to our looks including perfume.

I look around the room to see a mixture of coloured dresses. Angelina was wearing a dark purple dress, Melody was wearing a navy blue dress, Alicia wore a light yellow dress and Hermione was in her pink dress.

Ginny walks back into the room about a minute later. "They are ready." She says with a smile on her face.

"We all ready to go?" Melody asks, and we all nod our heads apart from Hermione who says she going to go to the toilet quickly.

I stand behind the other girls as the walk in front of me, I felt nervous and I don't know why, I've done this many times in front of many people but maybe it's different in front of Fred.

- - Fred's POV - -

We are waiting for the girls to finish getting ready and they were taking ages.

"If they take any longer, the ball is going to be finished." Jack says and we all laugh, including Neville who is waiting for Ginny and some of the other boys in his year waiting for other girls.

We hear clicking of heels down the stairs and the girls started to appear in the common room one by one apart from y/n.

"Where's y/n?" I ask the girls as they meet their partners.

"I'm here" y/n's familiar voice comes from the stair case and I turn around.

Wow... she looks so beautiful, her dress hugged her figure but still flowed, those loose strands of hair framing her face. She walks over to to me with the most beautiful smile.

"Fred, I think you have some dribble on your chin." George says to me taking me out of the moment.

"You look so beautiful, y/n, I can't even describe how beautiful you look." I tell her with a massive smile, which even though she was wearing make up you could still see her cheeks turn pink.

"You look very handsome, Freddie." Y/n tells me and we take each other's hands and we all start to walk to the Great Hall.

- - Readers POV - -

Fred and I walked hand in hand towards the Great Hall with our friends in pairs, walking down you could see couples and groups standing around and walking towards the hall as well.

"Tonight is going to be so much fun." Alicia says.

"Yeah, it is, especially since y/n brought that flask with her which she filled up with Firewhisky." Melody tells the group.

"Where have you put it?" Lee asks, looking to see if he can find a bag.

"Don't worry about that." I say with a small smile.

"We do worry although this will spice up the night." George says with a huge smile on his face.

"That's the plan." I reply.

We walk into the Great Hall which didn't look like the Great Hall. The walls of the Great Hall had been covered in sparkling silver frost, with garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the ceiling. The house tables were no longer here; they were replaced with smaller round tables and there was the top table with all of the judges but Mr Crouch...

"Is that Percy?" I ask my group of friends.

"Yeah," Jack says.

"Why's he up there?" Fred asks.

"Looks like Weatherby may have got a promotion." George said in a sort of posh voice which made us all laugh as we try and find a free table as far away from the judges table as possible.

We find a table and sit down waiting for the champions to walk in as everyone settles down. They finally begin to walk in and Hermione walks in with Victor Krum.

"She's made Ron look like a fool." George says laughing quietly.

"Wonder how his taking it." Lee says joining him in on the laughing.

I look at the menu choices and say what I want "pork chops." I say, and the appear on my plate.

We all start eating a decide now is the time to get the flask out, I look around before pulling it out of my bra.

"So that where you were hiding it." Fred says smirking at me.

"Hiding what?" Lee says then looks at my hand that holds the flask. "Oh."

"Remember the rules, don't get caught with the flask." I tell them, before taking a swig out of the flask then handing it to Fred, before carrying on eating my meal.

"Yeah we know, makes it more fun." Melody says.

We all finish eating and get ready for dancing and having fun especially since the Weird Sisters are performing here tonight. Dumbledore makes an announcement for us all to stand up and once everyone was on their feet he made the tables disappear and a soft song starts playing and all the champions and their partners take the floor and Harry looks very nervous.

Soon after the teachers starting with Dumbledore and McGonagall start to join the dance giving the signal for students to join as well and Fred takes my hand.

"Care for a dance me lady?" Fred asks me.

"Of course kind sir." I reply back and we join the pairs that were already dancing.

With the peaceful melody playing and looking into Fred's eyes everything felt right and we didn't even need to focus on our dancing, we kept in sync and we both weren't paying much attention until the song ended.

The weird sisters usual upbeat songs then started to take the stage and we all started to dance along energetically as a group looking out for teachers and fellow students before taking swigs from the flask containing the Firewhisky.

"You know beautiful you shouldn't have to much, especially in front of the teachers." Fred tells me as we are dancing.

"Okay, okay I'll slow down on the drinking." I tell him secretly passing the flask to George who was dancing with Angelina.

Fred, Melody, Jack and I stand at the punch table taking a break from all of the dancing we have been doing, when Percy walks over to us.

"Got a promotion I see Percy?" I say to him.

"Yes, Mr Crouch has made me his Personal Assistant." Percy says to us.

"Well done Weatherby," Fred says and the four of us try not to laugh, but with the alcohol in our system it merely failed.

"I see you all haven't made a fool out of the school, well done on that, although I suppose there is still a chance for that." He says looking at his watch, "well i best be off, see you all later." Percy tells the four of us before wondering off.

"He is the life and soul of the party isn't he?" Jack asks and we all chuckle lightly.

"You wouldn't think he is a Weasley," Melody says to us, "but the red hair says otherwise, anyway more dancing?" She suggests.

"Yes." Jack says dragging her to the dance floor whilst Fred takes my hand and we start energetically dancing again.

After a while Fred whispered in my ear, "want to go outside for a minute." And I nod my head and he takes my hand and leads me to the hallway and into an alcove so no one else can see us.

"I just wanted five minutes with you," he says placing a kiss on my lips, "it's been very hard to resist you all evening, looking so gorgeous in that dress." He whispers into my ear, making shivers run down my spine as the warm air from his breath touches my neck.

"Th-thank you Freddie." I say stuttering the reply back.

He pulls me into a deep passionate kiss which makes my stomach turn with excitement.

"Want to go somewhere a little more private?" He asks as he holds on to the small of my back.

"Of course I do." I reply and he takes my hand again leading up to the staircases to the Gryffindor tower.

We arrive at the portrait and Fred quickly says the password. "Fairy lights." We rush through the empty common room up the stairs and into Fred's dorm room.


Fred sits down on his bed and I straddle his waist and we start kissing more passionately than we did when we were in the hallway.

We break away from the kiss and I kick my shoes off on to the floor, "I've been wanting to take them off all night."

"Well I've been wanting to take this off all night," he says pulling on the straps of my dress, before kissing my neck then snaking an arm round to the back of my dress in a n attempt to in zip my dress which he does successfully. He then pulls the straps down my arms which then makes the dress fall to the floor and Fred looks my body up and down.

"I like this." He says gesturing to the red lace underwear that I'm currently wearing.

"Not my idea." I say as he moves his lips to mine and start passionately kissing me before pushing me lightly onto the bed before stripping himself down before getting on top of me kissing me again.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I am." I reply back to him and he removes his boxers and well this boy has a huge dick, oh damn this is going to hurt. He then removes the lacey underwear before going to the bag that Jack had given him for Christmas reaching in and taking one of the condoms out. He the condom over his hard length and then moves over to me and grabs my waist, sticking it in gently.

I wince in slight discomfort which soon turns into pleasure, Fred soon picks up the beat causing us both to moan slightly.

"Fred..." I moan his name which he clearly likes as he looks down at me with a smirk.

"Do you like that my angel?" He asks continuing to thrust in and out of me.

"Ye-yeah." I say breathlessly.

Keeping at the same pace we both quickly finish with Fred collapsing on the bed by my side.

"I think I could go to sleep now," I say yawning, not realising how tired I actually am.

"Here's a jumper, I'll clean up." He says as he puts our clothes in a pile together to make it look somewhat less suspicious.

We lay in bed together and we both slowly fall asleep.


In the morning everyone wondered where we got to the night before, then figuring out what had happened and of course all the jokes started which Harry, Ron, Hermione and unfortunately other students had to endure as well as us both.

Let's just say poor Harry looked like he wanted to cry hearing about all of the jokes the were making and the girls wanted to know every detail. Melody was very happy her and Jacks presents paid off and was glad she wasn't the only one out of us girls anymore, then she wanted to know how everything felt by which point I told her she had gone to far.

- - - -

A/n: this chapter took me all day, I had writers block for the first half but didn't want to skip straight to the Yule Ball, anyway hope you all enjoyed its now 1:40 on the morning which means I should get some sleep. :)

Also, I haven't wrote smut before, so I went off of what I have previously read.

Edit: forgot to say thanks for 3k reads and I changed the cover, which I was planning on doing for a while.

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