The 5th Ackermann

By Fluffy_Sword

909K 33.4K 33.6K

(AOT/SNK boys x reader) Y/n Ackermann. A young girl who lives in the deadly underground with nothing but a... More

Author's Note not required but encouraged
1-The Underground
2- Converse
3- Recuperation
4- What Are Handles?
5- The Newcomer's Test
7-The Promises of Birds
8- Silly, Kid
9-Arms, Prizes, and Memories
11- Another Promise and La~
12- An Offer for Freedom
13- That Egoistical Squad Leader
14-Pursuit and Getting Captured!
15- Cake
16-The First Day
17- Proof
18- Live
20- Depart!
23- A New Sound Wave and Downpour
24- Splitting Up and the Result
26- Jaeger!
27- The Fall
28- Caught
29- The Operation to Retake Wall Maria
30- Meeting Some Brats
31- Checkup
32- The Emerged Soldier
33- More Brats?
34- ODM Assessment
35- A...Cook-off?
36- Annie's Techinique
37- A Camp!
38- Another Wall Down!
39- Being Grounded (not a oneshot, actual chapter)
41- Existence of an Insider
42- Bite
43- Detection of the Two
44- Losers
45- The Female Titan's Identity
46- Hole in the Wall
47- The Secret Vessel
48- Abducted!
49- The Two
50- Redemption
51- Titan
52- An Unlikely Alliance
53- Homicide
54- Battle
55- Frenetic Frenzy
56- Crowned
57- The Latest Hope
58- Pre-Battle
59- Foray in Shiganshina
60- Offer All
61- The Grave Choice
62- The World
63- Dreams End
64- 852-853
65- Undercover
66- Warriors
67- Vain
68- Front Lines
69- In Her Stead
70- How Much More?
71- "Filthy" Diversity
72- Competition
73- Jamboree!
74- Incursion
75- Comeuppance
76- Consternation
77- Negligence
78- Tit for Tat
79- Chew the Fat
80- The Big Kick Off
81- Cataclysm
82- Recrudesce
83- Tense Rapprochement
84- Jolly Reminiscence!
85- Nightmare
86- Construction
87- Ambition
88- Let's Just Talk
Quick Important Note, My Readers
89- Finale
Tea of Dreams Open for Business!
Armin Ending!
Jean Ending!
Reiner Ending!
Bertholdt Ending!
Zeke Ending!
Moblit Ending!
Eren Ending!

40- The Hearing

8.8K 341 302
By Fluffy_Sword

Written: 1/1/21

Published: 1/4/21

      Two days later, Y/n was looking around for any bodies of people she knew. She had some time before her, Levi, and Erwin would try and talk to Eren. She had a bandana around her mouth to block the germs emitting from the corpses. Y/n only took swift glances at the the few faces she could identify. Some of them were headless, some faces were covered in blood, others were partly gone. She didn't need to look long to see they weren't anyone she knew. Accompanying her, was the two-tone haired boy, Jean.

     They looked against a residential home's wall and they both gasped. They found someone they knew. Someone they both were extremely fond of. Limp and leaned against the wall, was probably the kindest and earnest person both of them ever knew. Marco Bott. He must've had a horrendous death. Half of his torso was missing and blood stained the ground around him. His eyes were empty as his arm lay on what's left of his chest. Y/n's eyes remained widened as she stared at the poor boy.

     "Is that... Marco?" Jean asked. Y/n slowly nodded.

     Oi! Jean! Sorry about him! Wow! Is this leather? I wonder where they get it considering the low number of livestock. Marco Bott, Jinae town, Wall Rose, South District, sir! To join the military police brigade and devote myself to the king! But why don't you ask Miss Y/n? She's called the strongest soldier I grew up in Jinae my whole life. It's peaceful there. Did you... live in the Underground? Glad I can be the first. Assistant Head Instructor Ackermann, would it be alright if I had seconds on the stew? Well, she can't be in here. We would've seen her. So let's go scour the bathroom again. Did that bear give you that huge cut on your cheek?! It's bleeding really bad! I think competition is necessary in the group to raise our skill levels... But I can't help thinking about the actual fighting. I'm the slowest one here, so I thought I should at least attract the titan's attention and let the others take them down from behind. Even though that's pointless in a test that measures the ability to kill, and though I've wanted to join the military police ever since I was a kid...

     Y/n covered her face with her hands. If only she had asked Erwin to stay for this mission... Maybe this wouldn't have... No. No use in regretting her actions. Marco...Is dead. That's the harsh and dreadful truth. She can't change the past no matter how much she wishes.

     "Soldier, trainee, do you know his name?" A woman asked.

     "I wasn't gonna look... but... I can't believe that him... Marco...what happened? S-Somebody... Anybody... see what happened to him?" Jean ignored the woman.

     "What's his name?" She asked again. "If you know, tell me right now." She said. "Two days have passed since the wall was plugged with the rock. But were still collecting bodies. At this rate, there's risk of a contagious disease. We have to prevent a secondary disaster. You can't mourn your comrades right now."

     Y/n glared at her. Give us a moment... However, she knew she was just doing her job.

     "104th cadet corps." Jean said. "leader of 19th squad...Marco Bott." The woman nodded in approval. She started to walk away, but Y/n held a hand out.

      "Wait, could I see who you have so far?" She asked. The woman said she didn't have much time but allowed the captain to scan the names. There were an abundance of random names Y/n didn't know. She then read Nac Tierce. Mina Carolina. Ruth D. Kline. Milleus Zerumski. Thomas Wagner. Franz Kefka. Ian Dietrich. Mitabi Jarnach. She sighed. That many, huh. Ian was a good man, too.

     Y/n stared blankly at the ground. Marco...

     The h/c haired female heard footsteps. She looked to see Miche running towards her. "Miche..." She muttered. She clenched her teeth and hands. She dug her head into a surprised Miche's chest. The male rubbed Y/n's head. Jean normally would've minded, but he understood it wasn't the time to be jealous or anything.

     Miche kneeled down to her and patted her shoulder. "Y/n..." He softly said. "I'm sorry to do this to you, but Erwin and Levi have just gotten approval to see the kid in holding." Miche informed her. She nodded. The two walked away, leaving Jean alone.


     So, here they were. Erwin sitting, Levi and Y/n leaning against the wall, in the cold, depressing dungeon. Waiting for some random kid just to wake up was pretty boring. Erwin turned to face her.

     "Y/n. We have something we need to discuss with you." Erwin told her.

     "Eh?" She responded. "What is it?"

     "It's about our plan to get Eren during the hearing." Erwin said. Y/n eagerly waited for him to explain it. "We need something absolute. The main problem is getting people to think Eren will be stable and under close watching while in our hands. We need to show everyone in that room someone in our branch can take care of him if needed." Erwin explained.

     "Okay. Get Levi to beat him up." Y/n suggested. She didn't like the idea of beating the poor boy to shambles, but she knew if he was given to the military police, he would be killed for sure.

     "That's the thing..." Erwin said. He signaled Levi to take it from there.

     "You think I'm touching that scumbag right there?" Levi asked, pointing a finger at the sleeping boy in the cage. "However, it's mostly this. You and I are the strongest in the whole military. If something happens to me, it will be up to you to make sure the kid behaves." Y/n nervously nodded. She was scared of where this was going. "So, Erwin and I agreed that you need to be the one to do it." Levi explained. "We need to make sure that you are ready to seriously injure, possibly kill the brat."

     Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "No way..." She uttered.

     "Y/n." Levi said. "Will you be folding from the responsibility?"

     Y/n furrowed her brows. Clenching her fists, she looked both of them in the eye. "I'll do it." It's just this once anyway... I hope.

     When the chains the boy was entrapped by rattled, they readjusted. Erwin filled Eren in on what had happened. It took a full day to kill the titans inside the wall. Most of them were killed by the cannons and the scout regiment. Two titans were captured alive.

     "And that's about all that's happened here whilst you were in a coma." Erwin explained.

     "Eren. Do you have any questions?" Y/n asked.

     Eren looked at her in surprise. Captain Y/n... The leader of the survey corps, Erwin... and Captain Levi... "Uh...Where am I?"

     "Let's just say, you're in a dungeon. Currently in custody of the military police. We were finally granted access to see you a few minutes ago."

     "What's gonna happen now? Also...Where are the trainees I was with?" Eren asked.

     "We were talking to them." Erwin said. "Not only those two, but anyone who knows about your past." Erwin revealed the key that Y/n always saw around Eren's neck. "What we're going to do from here on out... isn't much different from what we've been doing." Eren mentioned the key, trailing off that it belonged to him. "Yes, it's yours. I'll give it back later. The basement of the house where you were born, Dr. Jaeger's house in Shiganshina District holds the secret of the titans. Am I right?"

     "Uh, yes... or at least... that's what my father said." Eren answered.

     "You have amnesia, and your father is missing... That's a very convenient story..." Levi commented.

      "Levi... we've already reached the conclusion that he has no reason to lie..." Erwin reminded. "There's still much we don't understand. But what I think we should do right now is ask about your intentions."

     "My intentions?"

      "To visit your home in Shiganshina, we'd need to retake Wall Maria. But that would take drastic measures to plug that wall quickly. We'd need your titan strength. Our fate rides on titans, it seems. Perhaps the colossal and armored are the same type as you..." Erwin suggested. "Your will is the key. The key to freeing the human race from this despair."

     Eren stuttered as he tried to find words. He shuddered. Levi tched. "Hey, answer the man, scum. What is it you want to do?"

     Eren looked up at him. It looked like he was angry or something. Levi raised his brows. "I just want to... enter the survey corps and kill titans..." Eren answered.

     "Huh. Not bad." Levi remarked. "Erwin. Y/n and I will take responsibility for him. Send that message to the mucky mucks." He said as he took hold of the prison bars. "It's not like I trust him. And if he betrays us or goes out of control, we'll put him down immediately. Won't we, Y/n?" He asked, looking at his sister. She nodded. "Upstairs should have no problem with that... because nobody but the two of us are suited for the job. All right. I'll accept you into the survey corps."

     "Our time is done." Erwin said as he stood up. "Please endure this for just a little while longer. We'll try to speak to someone." Erwin reassured.

     The commander and male captain began exiting the room, still within earshot. Y/n looked at Eren's confused, fearful face. She waved to the boy. "Later, Eren!" She told.

     The brunette unsurely raised his hand and gave a small wave. "Bye, Y/n..."

     Levi glared at him before tching. Erwin almost laughed at Levi's reaction.


    Y/n, Levi, and Erwin stood in the ground level stands in the court room. Hanji, Moblit, and Miche were bringing the brunette upstairs for the hearing. Y/n was stuck in thought. What if I say the wrong thing? That could get Eren killed... Will he hate me for this? Mikasa probably will... But, it's better than him getting killed for me doing nothing. I'll do this. For Eren. For everyone!

     "Oi, Y/n." Levi whispered. "Don't worry." He somewhat soothed. She nodded.

     The sound of the doors being opened echoed throughout the room. Y/n and everyone in the room turned to see the boy in handcuffs. He was nervously looking at his surroundings. Y/n saw Eren look back at Miche and Hanji who nervously smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

    Eren was forced to sit in the center of the bare space. He allowed the people to take a pole and lock his handcuffs into the ground. Eren looked around for familiar faces. He was relieved when he saw Armin and Mikasa. His eyes widened when he saw Y/n. He looked away ashamed. The girl he liked was seeing him vulnerable and helpless like this!

     The judge for the hearing came in and sat in the chair. "Let's begin." He said. It was Darius Zackley. Y/n keenly remembered him. He was the man Erwin had sent the real documents about Nicholas Lovoff to when she first met the blonde. Oh how she disliked him. "You are Eren Jaeger, yes?" He asked. "As a soldier, you've pledged your life to serve the public, right?"

     "Yes, sir." Eren replied. Wait, what am I on trial for? He wondered.

     "Regular law cannot apply in these exceptional circumstances. Therefore, this will be a military tribunal. Ultimate authority has been entrusted to me... Even over your life. Now I will only ask you once. Do you have any objections?"

     "No, sir!" Eren answered.

     "I'm glad that you understand. Now the case has given rise to many conflicting, passionate arguments behind these walls. There are those who call you a demon that will lead us to destruction. And others who call you a savior who gives us all hope for the human race. Of course, it was impossible to conceal your existence from the public. When we will eventually be forced to make an official announcement about you, it will inevitable produce a new threat in addition to the titans. We're here to decide which branch of the military will be responsible for your activities. The military police brigade, or the survey corps. W'ell hear form the military police first."

     A man with brown hair and a small mustache and beard stepped forward. "I am chief Nile Dok of the military police brigade." He introduced. "And we believe that Eren's body should be thoroughly examined after which it should be disposed of without delay." (I'm skipping a ton of dialogue. It's too much and if you understand government, you should know the circumstances going through the people of the walls.)

     A priest of the wall angrily spoke up. He said Eren should be killed right there for circumventing the protection of the walls through trickery. Y/n thought his name was... Nick?

      "Minister Nick, quiet please." Darius ordered. "We will now hear from the survey corps."

     "Sir." Erwin spoke up. "I'm Erwin Smith, 13th commander of the survey corps. We plan to induct Eren as a full-fledged member into our corps, and use his power to take back Wall Maria. That is all."

     "Hm? That's all you have to say?" Darius wondered.

     "Yes, sir. With his strength, we can recover Wall Maria. I believe our priorities are clear."

     "I see. By the way, what base do you plan to launch expeditions outside the wall going forward? Pixis?" Darius called, gaining the said man's attention. "The Trost District wall is now completely sealed now, isn't it?"

     "Yes...The gate will never open again." The elderly man informed.

     "We wish to depart from eastern Karanes district. We need to develop a new route to Shiganshina District completely form scratch." Erwin said.

     Several merchants argued pointlessly over what they should do after what Erwin just said. Y/n eventually got fed up with all their blabbering.

     "You're so full of talk, you pig. But where's your guarantee that the titan's will wait patiently while we wall up the gates? When you say 'we', you're talking about all my buddies who protect you while you get fat. You pigs take no notice of the people who can't eat because there isn't enough land!" She insulted. Y/n remembered her starving days back in the Underground.

     The man tried to come up with a credible excuse but Nick once again argued with him. Darius hit the hammer, demanding order. "Let's move on." He said. "Next... Eren, I have a question for you. It seems you wish to join the survey corps. But can you continue to serve as a soldier while using this power for the benefit of the human race?" Eren said he could. "Is that so?" Gaining the attention of everyone. He picked up a few paper on his desk. "This is the report on the recovery mission. Right after becoming a titan... you swung your fist three times at Mikasa Ackermann." Eren looked at the asian girl in horror. Y/n looked at the boy and inwardly sighed. "Where is Mikasa Ackermann?" He asked.

     "That's me, sir." The girl called.

     "So you're Mikasa? Is it true that Eren attacked you?" He asked.

     Mikasa became silent as she looked at Eren. Y/n prayed Mikasa would realize lying would make it worse. "Yes, it's true." Eren and the people in the room were shocked. Y/n noticed Eren's confused face. "But..." Mikasa brought the attention back to her. "Two times before that... he saved my life in his titan form. A titan was about to eat me and he stood against it and protected me. The other time, he shielded Armin and I from an explosive shell. I believe these facts should be considered as well."

     "I wonder..." Nile spoke. "Everything you just said is in the report... but wishful thinking has severely clouded your views... reducing their objective value, in my judgement. I know why you are taking Eren's side." He said as he held up a paper. "While investigating Eren's background, I came across a record from an an incident from six years ago. Astonishingly, when these two were nine years old, they stabbed three adult robbers to death. Their actions are understandable. It was legitimate self-defense. Yet it raises doubts as to Eren's basic humanity. Should we entrust him with the lives, resources, and the very fate of the human race?"

      Y/n eyed the two. That explains a lot. That could be one reason Eren can be very...Violent and aggressive. And a reason Mikasa is so... fond of Eren. Still...It's kind of frustrating kids as young as they are had to go through that. That's the world we live in right now... We'll see about changing that. Eren caught Y/n staring at him. He shamefully looked away from her empty gaze. What am I talking about? Unless they're spoiled rotten within Wall Sina, not many kids grow up in pretty happy ways.

     She looks so... shocked... or disappointed. Eren clenched his teeth.

     As wished for the military police, the citizens called to this hearing took Nile's word. Eventually, someone even accused Mikasa of being a monster.

     "NO!" Eren yelled. "I-I mean... you're wrong... I may be a monster... but Mikasa has nothing to do with it." He said, glaring at the people. "She's not involved. And what's more... everyone's just sayin whatever speculation happens to be convenient to them! But once you've cut yourselves off from reality, it's all pointless! In the first place..." Y/n saw Eren's hesitance to continue. " people have never seen a titan, so what are you so afraid of?"

     Y/n's eyes squinted. This was getting out of hand. Any moment would be the time.

     "What can we do when the people who have power don't fight? If you're afraid of fighting for your own lives, then please, help me! You... Cowards... just shut your mouths... AND INVEST EVERYTHING IN ME!!" He screamed.

     Silence passed through the courtroom. "Stand ready!" Nile ordered someone. They aimed their gun at the brunette.

     Y/n took a step over the wood railing. If this idiot could've kept his mouth shut. Eren had made a perfect opening for her. She silently strolled towards the exposed male.

     Crap... Eren thought. What have I done?

     Crack. Y/n kicked Eren's unsuspecting cheek. The sheer force sent a tooth flying out, it clattering on the ground.

      ??? Eren thought. Something flew out... was that... a tooth? My tooth?

     Y/n kneed him in the stomach. Hard. The boy's saliva dripped from his mouth as he gagged. The air was brutally knocked out of him. She grabbed a fistful Eren's hair and then kneed him in the face. He coughed.

    Is this... Y/n? Eren asked himself.

     Mikasa tried to interfere only to be held back by Armin. Y/n inwardly thanked the boy. She could sense that he understood the female captain's true intentions.

     Y/n stomped on Eren's head, pushing it into the hard stone floor. She moved her foot around, causing more pressure to be applied to different spots on his head. "This is may be an Ackermann thing..." she remembered Mikasa and her mother. Maybe not. "But I've always found pain the most effective punishment." She said as she 'lightly' stepped on the boy, hurting Eren's head even more. "The lesson you need right now... can't be taught with words... only with action. And you're kneeling, which makes you easy to kick. You are completely at my mercy. So? Will you do anything?"

       Y/n stomped on his head again. She then yanked his hair until his body was restricted by the handcuffs. She then kicked him in the nose. She slammed Eren's head on the ground every time he lifted his head to gasp for air. The regular townspeople in addition to the soldiers cringed at the lengths Y/n was going to. Blood was all over Y/n's boots and the ground. Y/n cringed. Disgusting. Levi you better pay me back for this. Eren's face was crimson and brown with it. He glared up at Y/n. She slammed her foot against Eren's face against the pole.

     "Ackermann, wait." Nile said.

     Y/n glanced at him with eyebrows raised, foot still on the boy's face. "What?" She was tempted to ask if he had a problem but that would be a bad idea.

    "'s dangerous." He said. Y/n twisted her mouth, a disgusted look on her face. "What'll we do if you make him mad and he turns into a titan?"

      Y/n fake chuckled. "What are you talking about?" She laughed as Eren's face sank to lay on the ground. "You're the ones who wanted to dissect him, right?" The two men were silent. "Heh..." she muttered, looking at the soldier with the gun. "He apparently killed 20 titans when he was one himself, stopping only from exhaustion. The fact he has intelligence could make him a formidable enemy." She paused and looked down at the broken boy. "But he's not my enemy. Is he yours? Everyone who's persecuted him should think carefully, too. I wonder... could you actually kill him? Do you have the skills to actually be able to kill this soldier?"

     "Commander-in-chief, I have a proposal." Erwin said. "There are many unknown elements behind Eren's titan power. Danger will always be lurking beneath the surface. Therefore, in the event that you decide to put him under our control, I would pair him with Captain Y/n and Levi as a failsafe. People as skilled as the Ackermann captains would be able to deal with Eren even in a worst-case scenario."

     "I see." Darius replied. He turned to Y/n. "Can you do it, Y/n? Levi?"

     Y/n inwardly took a deep breath. "If you mean killing him..." She took a deep breath. "it's no problem. Not at all. Rather, the problem is there would be no half-measures." Y/n shrugged as she shook her head.

     "If you think I'd hesitate to kill a brat..." Levi added. "Of course I wouldn't."

     "I see we have exhausted this land if inquiry. I will now make my decision." Darius announced.

     "Please wait!" Nile begged. "Erwin... I want to ask you. What will you do about the interior?!"

     "I'm quite aware that our activities outside the wall depend on the stability of the human race. I don't take the problems of the interior lightly. So let me propose that to calm the public... we'll prove Eren is a valuable asset to humanity in our next expedition beyond the wall. I would like to decide his future based on those results."

     "I see..." Darius said. Y/n discreetly raised a brow. This guy sees a lot of things... "So you're going outside the wall..."

     "Anything to get them out of here now. God willing, he'll die out there."

     "Then it's settled. Eren Jaeger is placed in the care of the survey corps. However, he may return here depending on his accomplishments."


     Y/n, Levi, Hanji, Miche, Erwin, and Eren were in a different room now. Y/n held a damp cloth as she sat on the couch beside Eren. She raised the cloth up to his injured face and began dabbing it... Just like Farlan had advised before.

     Erwin took a knee in front of Eren. "Sorry about that. But you did get your point across to the commander-in-chief and the other VIPS anyway." Eren nodded. "And that gave us the perfect chance to play the card we had up our sleeve. Believe me, it was worth the pain. You have my respect." He said as he held out his hand. "I look forward to working with you."

     "Sir." Eren said as he reached out. "Thank you for having me." He shook Erwin's hand.

     Levi suddenly crashed next to Eren on the couch and crossed his legs. "Tell me, Eren."

     "Y-Yes sir?!" Eren shakily said.

     "Do you resent Y/n?" He asked. "Or any of us for that matter?"

     "N-no, sir... I know you guys needed to put on a show."

     Hm. Levi thought. I don't think he even holds a grudge against her or anything. Could it be that..? Hmm... I'll make Y/n and Hanji leave before asking.

     "You could've shown some restraint, Y/n!" Hanji exclaimed. "He broke a tooth!" She said as she held out a tissue with the tooth.

     Y/n flinched. "Well, I thought it would beat getting dissected... Plus, in the report, it said he regrew an arm! Surely he could do the same for a little tooth! His body could produce a little extra calcium probably..!"

     "Oh yeah! Good point, Y/n! Eren, show me your tooth!" Hanji excitedly said. He opened his mouth. "Huh?" She said, gaining everyone's attention. "It's growing back."

     Y/n nodded in pride.

     "Y/n, you should go examine if there's anything different on that tooth compared to normal people." Levi ordered.

     "Hey! Levi!" Y/n exclaimed. "Are you saying Eren's abnormal? That can be insulting- hey did you just order me around?" She asked.

     Hanji sensed Levi's intentions. Thank goodness Y/n was dense. "He's right, Y/n!" Hanji exclaimed as she grabbed Y/n's arm and dragged her towards the door. "Let's go look at it!" She said, holding the tooth up high with her other hand. And they were gone.

     Eren looked at the door nervously. Man... the only one I know and not terrified of just left the room... he thought.

     "Hey, Eren." Levi said once more.

     "Yes, sir?" He asked.

     "I've been wondering ever since the hearing..." he trailed. Erwin and Miche's attention was high. "Do you like my sister?" He asked.

      Miche and Erwin's heads jerked up at his question. Eren flinched. "She's your sister?!" He shouted in shock. (Mind you, when you told Mikasa and Armin, he was only half-conscious) He looked and saw no joking faces. He took a breath. "U-Uh, yeah! She is awesome! How could someone not like her?" Eren answered.

     Levi grabbed Eren's shirt. "Hey, you should know not to kid with me." He grimly said to the frightened brunette. "Answer the question."


     "Levi, that's enough." Erwin ordered. Levi tched and released Eren. The brunette quietly panted in relief.

     The fifteen year old (Eren) looked at the eighteen year olds (Miche, Levi, and Erwin for the same of this story). His eyes widened. Are all three of these guys protective of Y/n?! He asked himself.

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