Falling Harder- Fred Weasley

By OBX80swritesbooks

204K 3.5K 9.1K

!!DISCONTINUED!! Y/n Black is the daughter of the one and only Sirius Black himself. She lives with her godfa... More

~About the story & suggestions~
Thank you<3


5.1K 87 261
By OBX80swritesbooks

(Fred POV)

"So where to first?" She asked grabbing my hand. I blushed at the contact but shrugged it off, "Honeydukes?" I asked. "It's right down here, follow me." I said pulling her over to the shop.

"Here my uncle gave me this to split this with someone." She said handing me 4 galleons, "Y/n I can't take this, give this back to your uncle." I said holding out the four galleons.

She shook her head and closed my hand, "Take em Freddie, just don't tell George." She said winking at me. I smiled at her then we walked around the store looking for things to buy.

"How about these love?" I asked grabbing some chocolate frogs. "Oh yes I love those. Grab a bunch." She replied. It was cute when she was excited about something. Her smile would form to a bright one and her eyes, god her e/c eyes. They were beautiful.

"Freddie?" She asked closing me from my thoughts. "Sorry love, what'd you say?" I asked. "Are you ready to go?" She asked. I nodded and we headed over to pay for the treats.

Once we were done I took her to Three broomsticks for a butter-beer.

"Adrian's over there." I said pointing towards the Slytherin boy with his friends. "Do you and Adrian have some kind of secret friendship I don't know about?" She joked around. "No we don't, I just thought you might have wanted him to come over." I replied.

She smiled at me then called over Adrian, "Oi Adrian!" He smiled at us then came over sitting down on my left while Y/n was on my right. "So Y/n Fred show you around Hogsmade?" He asked. "Oh yes it's wonderful." She replied.

We all talked for a while until Y/n had to go to the bathroom. "I'll be right back." She said before walking off to the bathrooms.

Once she was out of sight Adrian nudged me with his arm. I gave him a confused look before taking a sip of my butter-beer"did you ask her out yet?" He asked causing me to spit out some of the drink.

I wiped my mouth and looked at him, "Excise me?" I said shocked at what he had said. "Don't act like you don't understand. It's obvious you two like each other." He told me. "We're just friends." I replied.

"I know for a fact Y/n wants to be more then friends with you." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked, "On our way to Hogwarts a couple of months ago she told me all about her childhood. You, George, Angelina,Lee and Cedric. You mean a lot to her, she told me herself she likes you but is to afraid to tell you." He explained.

I couldn't help but smile, "Your Serious?" I asked. "No her dads Sirius." He replied causing me to roll my eyes. "I am Fred, she really cares for you, don't ruin it." He added.

Y/n came out of the bathroom and Adrian left to go back to his friends. "Ready to go love?" I asked. She nodded and we walked out.

"Well what do you want to do now?" She asked. "Black lake?" I asked. She smiled at me then grabbed my hand as we ran to the lake.

We both sat down by the edge and smiled at each other, "so this our secret hang out place?" I asked. "Sure." She replied looking towards the water.

It was cold out snow was on the ground and the lake wasn't frozen.

I stood up and pulled her up. "Fred what are you doing?" She asked. "Follow me." I said pulling her towards the black lake. "Freddie no, no stop!" She said trying to hang on to me. "Sorry Y/n." I said pushing her into the lake.

"You complete utter idiot Fredrick Weasley!"she exclaimed soaking wet. I laughed and sat down by the edge. She grabbed my arm and pulled me in. "What the hell Black!" I exclaimed cause I was now soaking wet. She chuckled and splashed me, "Suck it loser." She said smirking.

I splashed her back which ended up with us having a splashing war.

We were having fun until Professor McGonagall came out and yelled at us to get inside and change.

We laughed the whole way in until we saw the others standing in the middle of the corridor. "Looks like you two had fun." George said. "I guess you could say that." Y/n said shivering. I put my arm around her causing George to nudge Lee.

I look behind them to see Adrian giving me a thumbs up, I smiled at him then looked down at Y/n.

She looked back up at me and smiled causing a light tint of red to come on my cheeks.

"Was it really that cold Weasley? Your cheeks are all red." Lee pointed out causing Angelina to snicker.

(Up in the common room)

"I had a good time tonight Freddie." She told me with a smile. She looked really cute, her hair and face was wet making her eyes shine cause of the moonlight from the window.

"Me too." I replied. She hugged me, "I'm glad I came back." She murmured into my chest. "I am too." I replied putting my chin on her head.

She pulled away, "Night Freddie." "Night Y/n." I replied before watching her go up the stairs. Once she was gone I sighed and went up as well.

(Y/n POV)

Once I got up to the dorms I saw that Angelina wasn't there.

I changed into some sweatpants and a T-shirt.
I went and sat on my bed and sighed. I had a really good time with Fred today. I loved hanging out with him.

I just hoped that he felt the same way. I've kept my crush a secret for a couple years, the only one that I actually told was Adrian and Angelina.

But he was one of my closest friends, I can't just ruin our friendship because of some silly crush.

As much as I wanted to tell him I couldn't. I was afraid of rejection, I can't handle that kind of humiliation. It'd ruin our entire relationship.

I sat there thinking in wether or not I should tell Fred I have a crush on him until I heard a bark outside.

I stood up and walked over to the windowsill to see the same black dog I've been seeing for the last couple of months.

It barked again and I saw a man running towards it. The man was my uncle, why would he be down there? I thought.

Suddenly the dog transformed into a man.

And that man was my Father.


2020 was a f*cking nightmare but let's hope that 2021 is better.

Question: Your Hybrid house/s

My answer: Slytherdor

91% Gryffindor

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