The Bad Boys' Soft Boys' Lone...

By Sam_le_fou

318K 26.9K 26.7K

Four bad boys, Ayden, Hayden, Brayden, and Okayden, try to form a school club to learn how to fight their bad... More

Chapter 2: Because Nothing Good Ever Happens In Chapter 1
The One With The Micropenis
Trapped With The Bad Boy QB!
The QB Bad Boy Is My BFF?!
The Prez-o-dent
The Queen B - Part I
The Queen B - Part 2
The Queen B - Part Three
The First Law
The No-No Square Fiasco
Kidnapped By The Bad Boy Gang Leader!
The Bad Boy Gang Leader Is A Soft Boy!
The Serious Buisness Kerfuffle
The Totally Normal Death Wish
The Furry Fiasco
The Sandwich Discussion
The Chapter With No Narration, And Everything Goes Smoothly For A While
The Girl With The LaCroix Tattoo
The Lion, The Witch, And The Audacity Of This B*tch
The Office And The Trap
The Marbleous Ms. Vazquez
The PCL Threat
The Bad Boy In The Treanchcoat
The Mysterious Bad Boy Is Hairy A.F
The Lonely Chocolate Cake Slice
The Slurpening
The Sleepover From Hell - Part 1
The Sleepover From Hell - Part Deux
The Sleepover From Hell - Tercera Parte
The Existentialist Approach To Daddy Issues
The Sausage Party
The Feet Curiosity
The LaCroix Bamboozle
The Indicent Proposal
The Endgame - Age of Ultron
The Endgame - Infinity War
The Endgame - Uh, Endgame?
The Finale...Or Is It?
BONUS: Panic! At The Roadtrip
The Season 2's Season 1 Recap Thingy
Chapter 3: Storming The Necrodancer's Keep
The Safe Space Invasion
The Warfare Deception
The Wacky Races Rip-off
The Fever Dream
A Chapter Where The Title - Meaning, This One - Is Way Longer Than The Chapter
The Ellipsis Intervention
At Last, Chapter 1
The Libertarian Shakedown
The Big Beepis Chapter
The Importance Of Protections
The Eternal Recurrence Of Random Sharts
The Sound Of Silence
The Wrap-up
The Millionaire's Secret Billionaire ~ Part 1
The Millionaire's Secret Billionaire ~ Part 2
The Millionaire's Secret Billionaire ~ Part 3
The Millionaire's Secret Billionaire ~ Part 4
The Bottle Chapter
The One Where Ayden Rants About Pachelbel
The Objection
The Solomonic Solution
The Season Finale, Again
BONUS: How The Brayden Stole Christmas
The End...ish
The Face/Ball Status-Quo
The Battle Royale With Cheese ~ Part 1
The Battle Royale With Cheese ~ Part 2
The Split-up
The Deux Ex Pasta
The Shitshow
The Bad Boy From Under The Stall ~ Part 1
The Bad Boy From Under The Stall ~ Part 2
The Bad Boy From Under The Stall ~ Part 3
The Blowjob Chapter
The Bad Boys' Soft Boys' Lonely Hearts Club
The Myth Of Ay/Iden
The Seed of Doubt
The Shitti Date ~ Part 1
The Shitti Date ~ Part 2
The Shitti Date ~ Part 3
The Shitti Date ~ Part 4
The Murder/Funeral/Wedding Trifecta ~ Part 1
The Murder/Funeral/Wedding Trifecta ~ Part 2
The Murder/Funeral/Wedding Trifecta ~ Part III
The Dead Mother's Club
The Maze of Hungry Divergence ~ Part 1
The Maze Of Hungry Divergence ~ Part 2
The Tao Of Kirby
The One Where Ayden Kills A Dude
The Choosening
The Treasonous Treason Of A Traitorous Traitor
The Alpharatus Bad Boy Is A Bitcoin Millionaire?!
The Virginal Defense
The Libertarian Endgame
The Checking Of Priviledges
The End ~ Part 1
The End ~ Part 2
The End ~ Part 3
The End ~ Part 4
The End? ~ Part 5
The Déjà Vu
The Goddess Of Fortune Is A Rotten Fujoshi!
the brayden chapter wrote by me: brayden messina-park
The Ballroom Blitz
The End
Chapter 1
BONUS: The Cold Feet Kerfuffle
I Was Accidentally Isekai'd Into My Favorite Wattpad Book! Part I

The Hail Mary Touchdown

1.6K 225 105
By Sam_le_fou

To see if the last part of my plan works or not, all we have to do is wait until sunrise. That, and keep Brayden away from the vampire/werewolf girl to stop her from inviting her in again. 

Thankfully, both things are easily accomplished by tying Brayden with some shoelaces and cramming him inside the vent with all four of us inside. 

On one side is Hayden, only halfway with his feet dangling outside; on the other side, Okayden, sitting criss-cross apple-sauce while making pug noises every time he breaths. The tension between the two is palpable, and not in a "miss me, you fool" kind of tension. More like a tension cable swaying in a storm, and I'm an unsuspecting bird about to be instantly cooked by a zap from the dangling noodle. 

Needless to say, me and Brayden are between the two. And it's as quiet as you can imagine. Mostly because everybody is as tense as a teenager self-discovering in the shower when his relatives are in the house and had a little bit too much of Uncle Jimbo's patented face-melting chili, but also partly because Okayden hasn't stopped fiddling with my feet for the last hour or so. 

He is surprisingly gentle. 

Not a word is shared, not a peep is uttered. Everything is as quiet and still as a goose on a pond, and just about as menacing. After an hour or two, Brayden dares to say something, which is shut down by Hayden before he could finish the first syllable. It isn't a particularly interesting syllable, so I will refrain from adding it here and wasting your time. 

"Zip it, wundertwink. You got horny for Werepire and got us fucked! Now we gotta wait in this tight, moist hole until things cool down."

Brayden gives him a killing stare, but his eyes are as soft at him, so it's more like a gentle pat on the back. "well, la dee da. if god didn't want us to be horny for werewolves and vampires, he wouldn't have made them so hot! also, not to be a tracy technicality, but technically, this is yer fault for being thicker than a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich and not fitting into the vent, which lead clifford the fit a-f werepire here to snatch ya."

Oh boy, now we're pointing fingers. And I haven't cut my fingernails yet. 

"Oh, word?" says Hayden, trying to shimmy his way deeper inside. He fails. "If we finding blame, then this is all Ayden's fault!" 

And here we go.

"It was his dumb sleepover idea that got us here in the first place!" 

"yeah!" chimes Brayden, "and he was the one that got my queen in here and started this whole kerfuffle. god, i wish i had been the one that got her in. enter my chamber, you hoof-footed queen."

And now, it falls to me. I can say that this is all Hayden's fault for being such an aggressive ball-hogger during dodgeball, or Brayden before him for putting us in this fucking secret-room LaCroix shit-show, or even Okayden, who did nothing wrong, but enabled us to stand up to Lieutenant Colonel Fuckwad, or whatever his name is. 

But I'm better than that. We can always point a finger at another person and call them the root of our evil. I can blame my parents for birthing me as a bad boy in a world that gobbles them up as breath mints. They would blame cheap beer and a porta-potty at a Grateful Dead concert. Who's next? The Sumerians who invented beer? Or worse, George Harding, inventor of the porta-potty? See? We ain't even through the circumstances that created the Grateful Dead in the first place. 

This dies with me. 

"You're right," I say, owning up to it. To everything. "It was my fault. Everything. You were all cool before I arrived here. I came in, kicked the hornet's nest, and fucked everything up. You all deserve better. I'm sorry. I do this wherever I go. I'm the King Midas of shit. I need a minute. Excuse me." 

They try to protest, to tell me to stop, but it's no use. Everything has gone to shit, and it all started with me. I'm the one who came in and altered the status quo of this place. Everyone was happy and content in their roles, and I had to come in and fuck it all, like I always do, and like I've always done. 

How foolish of me to think that this time it would be different. 

Thankfully, Hayden is kind enough to move out of the way for me to get out of the vent, and with the same impetus, I leave the school for the night. I'm not afraid of what will happen, for the worst has already happened. All I have to do is wait until morning, and figure out what to do from there. 

I wonder if getting a GED is any hard. 

"Is everything okay, Mr. Messina-Park?" asks Principal Strickland, seeing us two, as agreed, outside the school at the first strike of dawn, and none the wiser to the last six chapters or so. "You look a bit...odd, this morning."

"Me? I'm very okay. Much well. Am Okayden, see? Very well-fed, have many Instagram followers. Timothy Charmintine and all," says a man who is very much not Brayden, but is dressed in his clothes and is aggressively...Eastern European? And probably late 40s.

Brayden stepped off at some point during the night, saying he was going to catch that flight to Belize, and that a "body double" would take his place. I mean, he's a body alright.


"He just got a little bit of flu, Mrs. Strickland," chimes Hayden, who decided to stay around in case things went south. 

"I see. And why are you here, Mr. Wilson?" 

"Oh, I'" he stammers, but I cut him before he can make a fool out of himself. 

"He forgot his cooler inside, so he just wants to get in quick and get it, first thing in the morning, right? He has a brunch, and he needs his cooler back, asap." 

"Yeah," he says. 

"Isn't that your cooler that you have there?" she asks, pointing at the cooler he used earlier to store his "sleepover supplies."

After a few seconds of doing nothing and staring at the void of his soul, he speaks up. "This is my spare cooler. Has bad juju. I need my main one." 

"Okay, then," says Principal Strickland. "These are officers Reiner and Iglesias. They were so kind as to come here and inspect the scene before anything else happens as to not to raise a fuss. They will also interrogate you two on what you know and don't know."

"Brayden knows many things," says "Brayden," rubbing his hands with a smile. "Me will help you get bad guy, and if bad guy is Brayden, is okay. Jail is fun, have time to exercise, three meals a day." 

"Right," says the principal, pivoting away from him and staring at the officers. "I also invited the student council president to oversee as a representative of the students...and to avoid any litigious lawsuits that might come from this. I'm hoping this is fine?" 

Lee is coming? Oh, shit. 

And right as I say that in my mind, she appears, smelling like fresh morning dew, with her bouncy locks swaying with every—okay, almost went monologuing there. Keep your mind in the game.

"Sorry for being late," she says, almost as if an angelic chorus were going through puberty once again, but, like, not when their voices crack and sound like a damaged honker? You know? Like a bunch of heavenly castrati. You get the idea. "I was...momentarily detained. But I'm here." 

"Good," says the Principal while opening the front gate. "Now, let's get this over with before the press has a field day with us."

We move like the world's worst Roman phalanx to the vending machine, I give a silent prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus, patron saint of lost causes, that my cockamamie scheme would work. Not to be confused with Saint Jude Law, patron saint of strong jaws and other kinds of cocks. 

"Okay," says one of the officers, plunging a coin into the machine and pressing whatever number, "let's see what's all this nonsense." 

My buttcheeks are clenched, and my breath is being held so tight that I'm essentially pressurized. I'm a shit submarine. 

The vending machine slides open perfectly. And there she is, in all her glory, smushed against the invisible wall dividing the secret hallway and the school. She lets out a demeaning howl, showing row after row after row of jagged teeth. It feels as if three beasts, one more wicked than the other, were harmonizing on a devil's tritone. 

And just like that, the vending machine is slid back shut. 

"Yeah, you got one of them vampires here," says one of the cops. He takes out a pad, scribbles a few notes, and hands it to the principal. "They're pests, mostly. Nothing too criminal about it. Just like getting a rat or somethin'. I do have to write you a fine for it, but for the most part, they're classified as pests. Call Pest Control and they will send a priest over. Have a nice day, ma'am."

They leave without making any more questions or follow-ups. Principal Strickland gives me and "Brayden" a look that suggests that she knows we have something to do with it, and she knows that we know she knows, and if everybody can keep quiet about this, it is gonna be for the best. 

Kinda went like this: >.>

I unclench my butt and release the pressure. For now, we are safe. I am safe. 

But for how long, I wonder?

Hayden grabs me by the shoulder and pulls us closer, cheek to cheek, spittle to spittle. "You did it, brother. Once again, you're our own personal Jesus. But seriously, what the fuck is going on? Why were the cops here? Why don't you tell me over breakfast? Some pancakes, maybe? I know a place. My treat." 

Before I can say anything, I feel someone grabbing my arm. Something soft, and moist, and oh so tender. It's Lee, which has a surprisingly hard grip. 

"Excuse me, Mr. Gomez," she says in her sweet, forest fairy voice. "May I have a word with you?" 

I hope she can't feel my hair standing on their end from only mentioning my name. Also, my boner. 

"Sure," I say. Oh, God, I can feel her warmth. "Hayden, why don't you go on ahead? I'll talk to you later, okay?" 

I can't even hear his response when Lee drags me away from him. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving this, but this sounds like some endgame kind of stuff I'm about to do. 

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