Accidentally On Purpose

By sadscorpio07

79K 1.2K 364

When Hollis moved to California, she had never expected to fall in love with the charming football player, O... More

a few words.
chapter one ~ Hollis
Chapter two~Owen
Chapter three~ Hollis
Chapter four~Owen
Chapter five~ Hollis
Chapter six~ Owen
Chapter seven~Hollis
Chapter eight~Owen
Chapter nine~ Hollis
Chapter ten~ Owen
Chapter eleven~ Hollis
Chapter twelve~Owen
Chapter thirteen~ Hollis
Chapter fourteen~Owen
Chapter fifteen~Hollis
Chapter seventeen~ Hollis
Chapter eighteen~Owen
Chapter nineteen~Hollis
Chapter twenty~ Owen
Chapter twenty-one ~Hollis
Chapter twenty-two~ Owen
Chapter twenty-three~ Hollis
Chapter twenty-four~ Owen
Chapter twenty-five~ Hollis
Chapter twenty-six~ Owen
Chapter twenty-seven~ Hollis
Chapter twenty-eight~ Owen
Chapter twenty-nine~ Hollis
Chapter thirty~ Owen
Chapter thirty-one~ Hollis
Chapter thirty-two~ Owen
Chapter thirty-three~ Hollis
Chapter thirty-four~ Owen
Chapter thirty-five~ Hollis
Chapter thirty-six~ Owen
Chapter thirty-seven~ Hollis
Chapter thirty eight~Owen
Chapter thirty-nine~Hollis
Chapter forty~Hollis
Chapter forty-one~ Hollis
Chapter forty-two~Owen
Chapter forty-three~ Hollis
Chapter forty-four~ Hollis
Chapter forty-five~ Hollis
Chapter forty-six~ Hollis
Chapter forty-seven~ Hollis
Chapter forty-eight~Hollis
Chapter forty-nine ~ Hollis
Chapter fifty~ Hollis
Chapter fifty-one~ Hollis
Chapter fifty-two~ Owen
Chapter fifty-three~ Hollis
Chapter fifty-four~Hollis
Epilogue~ Owen
Epilogue~ Hollis

Chapter sixteen~ Owen

1.2K 22 7
By sadscorpio07

"Beck, where do you think she would've gone?" I asked him frantically.

"I don't know, she's your girlfriend." He replied.

I sighed.

"Look maybe she's at the house or Annika's. A hangout or comfort place maybe?" He went on naming things.

"Lets try Annika's. You text Brooklyn or Lynleigh to see if she's home." I said to him as I pulled out of the school parking lot.

I drove quickly and toward Annika's part of town.

"She's not at her house or Annika's." Beck said not looking up from his phone.

"Okay. Maybe I'll try Enzo's, I guess." I said.

Beck nodded and I reversed the car and changed directions.

"What the hell did you do anyway?" He asked me.

"Nothing Beck. She thinks I cheated on her with Breya." I snapped.

"And did you?" He questioned.

"No Beckham. I didn't cheat on her and would never."

"Then why does she think you did?" Beck asked again.

"Because Breya was all over me at practice and said some bullshit to upset Hollis. And Hollis probably didn't know what to think." I explained.

"That's always been Hollis. She's been gullible since forever and has major trust issues because of her dad. I get why she got so upset" Beck said.

I pulled into into Enzo's, " I feel so bad man, I was being a total dick about it too. Jesus, Beck she deserves so much better." I went.

"Being her family and all, I agree. But being your best friend, I see the good in you. You didn't mean to start anything, hell you didn't, it was Breya starting everything. Either way, don't feel sorry for yourself."

I nodded, "Thanks Beck", "She's not here either though." 

"Dear God. She had no car so where the hell could she have run to?" Beck added.

Where could this girl be?

Where would she go where she could be alone, somewhere only she would know?

And that's when it hit me.

"Breakwater Beach." I said out loud.

"Wait why would she be there? There are so many beaches why there?" Beck asked.

" I took her there on our first date, it kind of hidden so nobody would think to go looking there. She has to be hiding out there."

"You're probably right O. Lets hurry up then and get you to her." Beck said to me.

I pulled the car out of the Enzo's parking lot and stepped on the gas pedal. 

I could see the beach in the distance; we were all most there.

"O slow down a little bit." Beck said.

"It's fine Beck, we're almost there anyw-"

And bam. Another car collided with ours and we felt the strong impact. 

I was so close to her but so far.

I kept telling myself don't doze off, don't doze off.

I couldn't help it though. I quickly found myself passed out in my wrecked jeep alongside Beck. 


I woke up to the sounds of machinery beeping and the smell of disinfectant. I flickered my eyes open and saw my mom sitting a chair across the room. And then it all hit me.


I was in the hospital and Beck and I had been in a crash.

"Mom." I said.

She looked up frantically, "Owen sweetie you're up. How are you feeling?" 

"Sore. How bad is it though?" I replied.

"Broken wrist and concussion. You and Beckham will stay out of football for a week or two.But I can get the doctors to bring you in some more morphine." She said.

I shook my head, which made it hurt worse.

"How's Beck? Is he alright?" I asked.

She nodded," Concussion and pretty bruised up, less severe as you though."

I groaned, "Ugh this is all my fault."

"It sure is, you're grounded for a month. I'm just glad you're alright." She added, "To some degree."

"When can I get out of here?" I asked.

"Tomorrow, if everything is still fine."

I looked at the flowers on the bedside table, "Um mom, has-"

She nodded, "She's in the waiting room. I called her last night."

I nodded.

"I'll go get her and let her know you're up." She said.

And then she left the room.

About a minute later a familiar face popped into the room.

She rushed through the doorway, "Ohmygod Owen, you terrified me. How could you be so stupid to drive like that."

I just shrugged and Hollis continued.

"I overreacted and didn't hear you out. If I had just listened then none of this would have happened to you or Beck." She put her face into her palms.

"Hollis calm down, okay? None it is your fault. I was just driving too fast, that's all. But maybe we should talk about yesterday. What's on your mind?" I said.

She looked up at me, " I don't know what exactly I saw but it- it was Breya. Relationships are about trust and  we're almost eighteen, almost adults. Point is that we're in a solid, mature, adult relationship and we should trust each other and not let stupid petty things get the best of us. I want to trust you and I want to trust us. I want to be in it for the long run, if you wanted that too."

I smiled and put my hand on hers, " I want that too Holls. I really do."

And that's when she smiled her big gorgeous smile and kissed me.


I was discharged from the hospital the next morning and figured out the whole car insurance thing, with help from mom of course. Then the "grounded" stage started.

I had planned out everything for December seventh; Hollis's birthday. I was going to take her out to a nice dinner and I had found this really nice hiking spot. You'd hike up to the top and there was this amazing view. Anyway I was going to get a projector to watch a movie up there but no, I was grounded. So plans changed.

I was only allowed to go near the house so I took her on a beach picnic again and we went surfing at sunset. It was fun and she was happy. And for a gift, I had made her a mix tape of all her favorite songs. Her "perfect playlist" she called it.

And after that it was only school and back home and then the occasional football practice. Week after week.

Now it was Christmas break though, I was officially ungrounded since yesterday. Tomorrow was Christmas.

I was currently with Beck and we hadn't bought people gifts yet. Yes, I know how bad that was.

"Can this car be any slower, the stores close soon. Everyone keeps saying how they have my gift and I'm just over here looking like an idiot." Beck ranted

I nodded, "Same. Who do you still need to buy for?"

"The family, being forced to get Nathan something this year as well. And then you. What about you?"

"Same. Family and you. Already got Hollis's and Liam's. I'm not really bothering with anyone else at this point though." I added, "What about Mona?"

"Already bought for her a few weeks ago."

"What did you pick? I need some pointers." I joked.

"A locket that she's been wanting." He responded.

I nodded again. 

"Finally he moved!" Beck yelled, "What did you get Lis?"

"Promise ring." I tried to say as casually as possible.

"Shit, for real?!" He exclaimed, "That was fast."

I shrugged, " Some people get engaged after dating for two months so i don't know. Also time doesn't matter in our case, I guess. I think its right."

He pulled up to the mall, "True. That's all that matters too."

I nodded, "Yep. Now lets do this thing."


We shopped around and joked for awhile. Eventually we picked everything out and the mall was closing early, so we left.

This year I had only gotten gifts for the family, Hollis and Beck so I didn't take a lot of time, but Beck on the other hand was very indecisive and took hours.

"Well that was pleasant." Beck said getting into the drivers seat.

We refused to let me drive anymore because of paranoia. I couldn't say I blamed him though.


We talked about football and Christmas plans and random life topics for the rest of the ride.  Traffic was really terrible considering it was Christmas eve and it was California.

Finally we got to my house and Beck put the car in park, " Text me later, I need lengthy details on Hollis's reaction to the ring."

I was never going to hear the end of this.

"Roger that."

I got out the car and grabbed my bags and ran into my house.

"Hey O. How was shopping with Beck? No crashes, I assume." My mom said welcoming me in.

How welcoming.

I grabbed the wrapping paper next to the counter.

"No crashes mom. Just killing my bank account for you." I smiled.

I started walking up the stairs to wrap all my stuff when my mom yelled to me,

"We're doing christmas eve dinner at Emmy's by the way. Which I'm sure you wont mind because of Holli. Regardless just dress nice." She said to me

"Okayyy mom. Sounds like a plan." I replied back. 

I ran up to my room and shut the door.

I texted Hollis real quick before I started the wrapping process.

cant wait to see you later at dinnerrr

H: me too! I miss you sm

H:oh also dress nice! my mom keeps going on about how she wants us to.

I will babyyy. 

Then the wrapping began. To be completely honest, it was kind of sad looking presents because my wrapping technique isn't on point. Yet.

Then I took a quick shower got ready for dinner. I put on a blue button down and nice dress pants and shoes, per my mother's request. Honestly I didn't really care if it was a fancy dinner because I could see Hollis all dressed up. She looked beautiful all the time but when she wore dresses it was breathtaking.

"Owen, hurry up and get your ass down here." Liam yelled from downstairs.

I scrambled around my room and grabbed my phone. I ran downstairs, waiting by the front door was Liam and my mother.

"You have everything?" My mom asked.

She was holding a big tin of cannoli dip and box of ice cream cones, along with a tray of green-bean casserole.

"Yeah, let me help you carry though." I said to her while I grabbed the tin away from her.

She smiled, "Thanks O."

Liam opened up the door and we walked out. 

And to the Green household we go.


We pulled up and Esme almost immediately opened the door and welcomed us in.

"You guys look great and you brought Bianca Lennon's famous cannoli dip." She chirped.

"As promised." My mom said with a cocky grin.

I couldn't help but wonder if Beck and I would be like this when we were older.

Esme looked in Liam and I's direction, "Oh you boys look so handsome. And Owen, you don't have to stand here. Hollis is inside."

I swear I started blushing a little bit, " Thanks Esme."

I walked inside and saw Hollis on the couch  with the twins. They were all dressed nicely but I only saw Hollis. She was wearing a black dress and had her hair curled really nicely. She had also done her makeup tonight which I didn't see why because she was already so beautiful.

She got up and walked toward me.

"Holls, you look amazing." I said to her.

I wrapped my arms around her and she looked up at me, "What? This old thing."

She added, " Seriously though, you look so handsome."

"Thank you Holls." I said.

I lightly kissed her and when we pulled away she looked up at me with a big smile.

"Ew get a room." Brooklyn said to us.

"Okay, is yours open?" Hollis asked her with a smirk.

"God, Lis. Ya'll are a bunch of horny weirdos." Brooklyn replied

Hollis ignored her and we walked back towards the couch and sat down.

We sat in silence for awhile, Hollis and I cuddling, and Brooklyn and Lynleigh sitting on their phones.

Lynleigh broke the silence, " So what did you get Hollis for Christmas?"

She was looking at me, did she know?

I smiled though, "It's a secret."

She rolled her eyes, "Boring."

"Dinner!" Esme yelled.

We all walked in and saw the big meal sitting on the table. Esme had made a lamb and a bunch of other sides. And my mom's green bean casserole was sitting there next to everything. It all smelt and look great.

Everybody sat down and Esme said, " We should say grace and something we're thankful for."

"Why, it's not Thanksgiving." Brooklyn said.

"Emmy, I think that's a great idea. Hands everyone." My mom said, holding out her hands for Esme and Lynleigh to hold.

I entwined my hand with Hollis and held out my other to Liam.

He mouthed, " Yeah, no."

Which was a relief because I didn't want to hold his.

Then Esme recited the " Bless us oh Lord prayer". I didn't really peg her to be the religious type but good for her.

Once she was done everybody stopped holding hands, with an exception of Hollis and I. And then came time to naming our thankfulness. Which really didn't make sense because it wasn't Thanksgiving.

"Lyn, you first." My mom said.

She smiled, "Okay. I'm grateful for being accepted into the university of Arizona!"

"Oh my god! When did you find out, when do you leave?" Esme beamed.

"I found out a few days ago and in March, for early spring admission. We can talk about it later though, Brooke?" Lynleigh said.

I squeezed Hollis's hand.

And then everyone one went until it was me, Hollis and Liams turn.

"Owen, your turn."

I smiled, "I'm thankful for my beautiful girlfriend."

Hollis started smiling alot, "Aww, I'm thankful for my amazing boyfriend."

"You guys are seriously goals." Lynliegh said.

"No, they're seriously gross." Liam said.

Brooklyn nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys." I said to them.

"Let's just eat now." Esme said.


And that pretty much summed up my Christmas Eve.

Hollis.Green: all i want for you Christmas is you @ Owen.windess 

Happy new years guys! Hopefully 2021 is treating you well so far. Wishing ya'll the best!!

xoxo sophie 

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