His Saving Grace

Door writergsofia

19.1K 372 158

Merely the narration of how a minuscule background character in her own life turns into a hero by barging int... Meer

Before starting this story...
Main Characters (aesthetics)
Chapter 1- Scowling Aunt & Alastair Manor
Chapter 2- Trip to Diagon Alley & The Notorious Rude Boy
Chapter 3 - Last First Day at Hogwarts & The Eventful Sorting
Chapter 4 - Royalty Status & Pleasantry Letters
Chapter 5 - Confrontations & Predicaments
Chapter 6 - Divination Revelations & Riddles
Chapter 7 - Mishaps & Solutions
Chapter 8 - A New Friend & Tragically Irksome Tutor
Chapter 9 - Horcruxes & Eavesdropping
Chapter 10 - Interesting Tutoring Session & Deadly Curiosity
Chapter 11 - More Curiosity & Observations
Chapter 12 - Invitation to Hogsmeade & More Tutoring
Chapter 13 - Room of Requirement & Hogsmeade
Chapter 14 - Nonverbal Spells & A Duel
Chapter 15 - Strong Tension & The Plan
Chapter 16 - Improvement & New Dynamics
Chapter 17 - Werewolves & The New Alliance
Chapter 18 - Blossoming Chemistry & After Hour Recklessness
Chapter 19 - Suppressed Feelings & Explanations
Chapter 20 - Sleepless Nights & Realizations
Chapter 21 - Restricted Section & Falling
Chapter 22 - The Talk & A Date to the Yule Ball
Chapter 23 - First Fight & Possible Redemption
Chapter 24 - Yule Ball Practice & Holiday Plans
Chapter 25 - Yule Ball & Confessions
Chapter 26 - Holidays at Hogwarts & Closer to Action
Chapter 27 - Holidays at Hogwarts & Closer to Action Pt. 2
Chapter 28 - Quidditch & Going Steady
Chapter 29 - Insane Boyfriend & Date at Hogsmeade
Chapter 30 - No More Secrets & Less Ambitions
Chapter 31 - Myrtle & A Break
Chapter 32 - Missing Each Other & A New Promise
Chapter 33 - More Family Secrets & Execution
Chapter 34 - Unraveling Truths & Dark Side
Chapter 35 - Imperfect Man & Final Stage
Chapter 36 - Attempted Murder & Possible Redemption
Chapter 37 - The Price & Coma State
Chapter 38 - Waking Up & Mutual Love
Chapter 39 - Power Struggles & Hope Through Truth
Chapter 40 - Inquiries & Declarations of Love
Chapter 41 - Visiting Aunt & Reconciliations
Chapter 43 - NEWTs & Inevitable Death
Chapter 44 - Unconventionally Magnificent & Numb
Chapter 45 - Vulnerable Thoughts & Changes of Heart
(EPILOGUE) Chapter 46 - Graduation & Life with a Changed Man
Author's Note

Chapter 42 - Eighteenth & A Disease

191 3 9
Door writergsofia

Euphoria consumed my being. No previous time in my life had provided me with complete submission to the feeling of utter joy. There was no avoiding the frenzy flowing through my veins as if I had been lifted onto a fluffy cloud right next to the sun by an angel.

A couple of days had passed since the only living soul that could add to my life had returned into my arms; he had even returned to the light. The man I had hoped for was no longer captured by the demons of his past, but he had become the person whom I knew he could be. Crazy to say, but I would have never stopped loving him regardless of where his heart lied. But now, we had spent days of pure bliss together in which only love, purity and light were present in both of us. Destiny played the long game, but in the end she was just and kind. Taking him by the hand and guiding him towards his true path, luckily, that path being mine as well.

Here and now, standing in front of Dumbledore's office once more, I contemplated on how thankful I should be for spending my birthday alongside Tom; the one who gave me such an indescribable sense of purpose and pleasure. I made my way inside the Headmaster's center, wanting to find the wise older man immediately. I had to express my gratitude for the push towards hope that he gave me, but also plead Tom's case of redemption.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, I apologize for the intrusion. May I speak with you?", I asked confidently hiding my wariness.

"Athena, how lovely to see you.", Dumbledore replied. "Please, do share whatever is on your mind, your presence is no intrusion."

"I simply wished to express my gratitude to you for being the guide that I needed, especially when you could have simply ignored the problem at hand.", I humbly expressed.

"I merely gave you truth and I knew you were, and are, strong enough to receive truth. Not many wish to hear it and it is always treated with caution, but you only see the beauty in verity.", he responded.

"Thank you.", I replied. "But now, I must ask you one more thing."

"Go on."

"Whatever you know that Tom has done or that you think he may do, disregard it completely. If only you could see him now, he is light. A forever work in progress, but currently shining bright with light. Love has not blinded me, I am solely pleading on behalf of a redeemed man.", I plead restraining my emotions from possibly getting the best of me.

"Young one, did you think I would keep him here and give you hope if I did not know this would be the outcome?"

"Oh... umm... yes, that makes sense.", I replied as a weight was lifted off my shoulders which were now used to carry the world on them.

"He is free from the bondage of hate, anger and darkness. Both you and him, both will be great assets to the betterment of the wizarding world.", Dumbledore added in a reassuring tone.

Eternally grateful for Dumbledore's part in delivering Tom from the forces of dark, "Once again, thank you."

"No, thank you."


After the encounter with Headmaster Dumbledore, I skipped along the hallways full of rushing students and professors, leading my feet towards the Head of House common room. I would be meeting Tom because he kindly promised to spend the entire day with me. I remember he looked into my ebony eyes and softly spoke, "I know your birthday is coming soon. You purposefully hid your birth date from me, April 19th. Athena, darling, you wound me! But I shall spend the entire day with you, making it the most wonderful day of your existence."

I did not tell him my birthday, but only because I truly felt that it was best to not make a big deal out of it since I did not know his birthday until the day of. Unsurprisingly, he did the necessary digging and he found my birth date. Honestly, I am thankful that we will spend the day together; a lady only turns eighteen once.

Reciting the password, I made my way inside and I notice everything is dark. Before I could find the light, I hear footsteps and whomever moved had tripped. Then, a towering figure turns on the light.

"You bloody git! Peas for brains, you ruined the surprise!"

Abraxas sprawled on the floor, Tom angrily staring at my friend and Avery trying to hold him back from turning that anger into physical damage, Septimus laughing at Abraxas clumsy mistake, Sophia; the kind 6th year Hufflepuff I had acquainted myself with in Divination, coming out of what appeared to be her hiding spot, and a few other Ravenclaw peers trailing behind her. What a scene I had witnessed!

"Hello guys, fancy seeing all of you here. Obviously has nothing to do with the fact that it's my birthday today.", I greeted trying to diffuse the tension.

"Athena, my love, this dim-witted friend of yours tripped over air at the worst moment possible! You have to understand my reasonable anger, but forget about that! The dim-witted friend helped me plan this for you, a small celebration in honor of your wonderful life!", Tom explained trying to ignore the disappointment in Malfoy's innocent slip.

"Tom, this is most kind of you. Thank you for coming everyone!", I replied addressing both Tom and the small gathering of fellow friends and acquaintances. "Now, darling, don't lose the plot over Abraxas, he always means well."

Tom extended his hand towards Abraxas and hoisted him up. Then, forgetting about him completely, he nearly ran towards me and, placing his arms around my waist, he spun me around. Smiling, I place a peck on his lips. He plants kisses all over my cheeks and, finally, releases me from mid-air; my feet stepping on the floor once more.

Focusing now on my surroundings, I noticed blue and silver balloons and ribbons decorating the usually dull room. Then, at the center table a large chocolate cake with eighteen candles was placed with my favorite candies on the corners of the delicious dessert. Everyone was now standing in a small half-circle with gifts in hand and smiles displayed on their faces.

I gave everyone a hug, except Avery. Avery and I shared a nod in understanding; he knew the person responsible for the permanent change in "his Lord" was standing in front of him and I think he realized we did not hold the same intentions for Tom's future, but since we shared a mutual appreciation for Tom Riddle we could grow to accept each other.

First, I opened a few smaller gifts from my fellow housemates; gifts I greatly appreciated regardless of their price or size. Bags filled with my favorite candies, a book on the art of divination, and a book filled with muggle inventions. I thanked each of them and went on to open my other gifts; Sophia, Septimus, Avery, Abraxas, and Tom's gifts.

Sophia's gift was incredibly beautiful, a small silver heart necklace with a precious blue stone in the middle of the heart. Septimus came next, he gave me two gifts. A joke gift and a more thoughtful gift; an instruction manual for first years Herbology and a blue and golden sweater with my initial sowed in the middle. Mrs. Weasley must've made it, I always liked her and the rest of the Weasley family. Truly, I admired their integrity, unity and love for one another. I put on the sweater and gave Septimus a squeal as a sign of gratitude when the slipover fit me perfectly. Then, Avery's gift was interesting, to say the least. Avery had only known me as "Tom and Abraxas' feisty girl", so I had no idea what he would come up with. Despite my initial doubts concerning his capabilities of providing me with a worthy gift, he did not disappoint.

Avery placed the wrapped present in my hands and said, "As a reminder of what you have done for my friend."

I looked at him questioningly, yet smiled and went on to open the birthday offering. Settled in my hand, a wooden picture frame with a picture of Tom and I. This picture was taken at Hogsmeade; our first date, which now seemed an eternity ago.

"How did you get this picture?", I questioned with curiosity, yet not letting my inquiries make me seem ungrateful for the gesture.

"Well... when Tom was starting to seem attached to you, I felt that it was my responsibility to make sure that you wouldn't confuse him. But you did much more than confuse him, which now I have to say, I am actually thankful for.", Avery confessed.

"Who would've guessed it, maybe you're not an annoying wanker after all!", I jokingly stated. "But in all seriousness, thank you for the gracious gift."

Avery nodded and smiled in response. Maybe, just maybe, we could be friends.

Second to last, the charming blonde who had become my brother from another womb; Abraxas. His gift, or should I say gifts, similar to his friendship, filled me with laughter and joy. He granted me the only book I informed him I had yet to read from the library, "The Dark Arts Outsmarted, Vol. II".

"I did not take it from the library, it is yours to keep. My father and I looked everywhere for it and knew you'd love to have it.", Abraxas explained.

Then, he gave me a delicate gold chain with a small red rose ornament hanging from it, similar to the red roses found in what had become our red and white rose garden.

He added to his reasoning behind the gifts, "This is for you to remember me by when you go off to face the world and stop having time for me. You will have that chain and remember that, at any time, I am there with you just like I was during our conversations in our favorite spot."

"I love you, you're truly the brother I never had.", I confessed turning on the waterworks as I threw myself into my friend's arms.

Abraxas placed a kiss on my head and ruffled with my hair, just like he always did. Pushing him off me in a teasing manner, I thanked him once again for the memorable presents.

Lastly, my beloved Tom had a gift in his hand. But before I could take it from him, he expresses his desire for me to receive it at a later time; I respected his wishes.

I hugged everyone once again, this time Avery included. Then, we resumed our chit chat and binge eating sweets. My favorite songs played in the background as all of us laughed and told stories about our time at Hogwarts. They sung me happy birthday and Abraxas threw some chocolate at my face, we all laughed. In the blink of an eye, curfew was upon us. All of the guests bid me farewell, leaving Tom and I by ourselves.

"Did you enjoy yourself, my love?", Tom asked as we now sat by the fire place wrapped in each other's arms.

"It was a magical night and I am eternally grateful to you for such a splendid birthday.", I answered nuzzling my face into his chest.

"Well, the day is not over yet. I have something else for you.", he continued.

"Another gift? Let's see it!"

Tom unwrapped his arms from my waist and parted from my side as he stood up. He took my hands and ushered me to stand in front of him.

"I have two things for you actually. First, another book to add to your collection.", he said as he handed me the book.

The book was a hardcover, my favorite. Tracing my fingers along the front of the large book, I noticed the title. "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë; a muggle author. He knew. He knew I read muggle books, most books written by female authors; yet never confronted me about my fascination with the muggles' novelty.

"Since when have you known?", I questioned as I hugged the book against my chest.

"A while."

"I did not think it was appropriate to tell you at the time, but I am quite intrigued by muggles.", I added.

"I know, which makes you all the more unique.", he coyly answered.

Smiling at me, he seemed nervous but full of joy. I wonder what thoughts were flying around that head of his. He, even now, is an almost unreadable person.

Interrupting our comfortable silence, in which we simply embraced each other once more, he presented me with another gift.

"Athena, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wanted to give you something that symbolized my love, appreciation and eternal commitment to you without giving you something that we are not truly ready for.", Tom explained as he appeared to be looking for something lost in his right pocket.

Now in his hand, a small velvet navy blue box. He slowly opened it and one of the most sparkling rings I have seen in my eighteen years was placed in the middle of the box.

"Athena, this ring is my promise to you. It is not an engagement ring so don't go running off now, alright? This is simply a promise
that, eventually, you will be wearing an engagement ring. It is my promise that you'll never have to be alone. It is my promise to never leave your side, to never treat you as less than my equal, to never lead myself astray and to always wait for you; however long it takes I shall spend my time only waiting for our forever."

Similar to his declaration of love, this was a moment of intimacy and vulnerability that shocked me immensely. Despite my state of shock, I payed close attention to the pouring of doting speech and ingrained each word in my heart. Thankfully, he clarified that the beautiful piece of jewelry was not meant to signify anything beyond a promise. We were in an era where marrying young was the norm, but I wanted to live a little before settling down; once again being different from the boring normality and standard that surrounded me.

"Oh Tom, I love you and I love the ring so so much!", I exclaimed on the verge of tears as I practically flew into his arms forgetting he was still holding the ring box in hand.

Placing his head in the crook of neck I hear his response, "I'm glad you like it, my love. I'll make you the happiest woman alive, if you let me."

"You're stuck with me because I already am the happiest woman alive", I replied. "Now, give me that ring!"

Tom slowly took out the dainty and ornate ring from its box and placed it on my ring finger; sort of signing an imaginary contract binding ourselves to the other for as long as we desired. The stunning vintage-styled golden sparkler complimented my character perfectly. Seven smaller diamond stones with a blue topaz center stone in the shape of a heart displayed as accents to the promise ring completed the eye-catching present. Admiring the details I complimented the ring once more to which I received a soft kiss of pure bliss.

After Tom gave me the marvelous gifts, we spent hours of small chatter and laughter together. I started reading the book I received as a present from him; "Jane Eyre", as he laid his head on my lap and I ran my fingers, those free of the intricate read on my other hand, through his hair. As I started narrating the fifth chapter his eyes started drooping until they closed completely and he traveled to the land of dreams.

"See? Muggle authors aren't that bad, my love.", I whispered as I placed a small peck on his head and rose from my seat.

I gathered my presents and put them away in my room, but before I could walk back to the common area Blair flew in through the window with a letter in her small beak. I greeted Blair and took the letter from the bird, wanting to see who would send a letter around this time considering my aunt had already wished me the happiest of birthdays.

Dear Athena,

If Blair is as quick of a flier as you say she is, this letter should get to you before your birthday ends. A few days after my surprisingly pleasant visit to Hogwarts in which we let out many emotions and uncovered many truths, I started feeling a tad ill. I simply ignored the feeling because, as usual, I had work to do. Then, one or two weeks had passed and I noticed a few bumps on my skin and also felt absolutely horrid! So, I decided to stop by the hospital just to see if a Healer could provide some Pepperup Potion because I thought I simply had a severe case of the common cold. My health continued declining throughout my visit and they forced me to stay when I fainted, two days after I received my diagnosis. I've had Dragon Pox for the past week and a half, only now the symptoms manifesting themselves. A horrible rash and the usual sparks coming out of my nostrils every time I sneeze, but due to my age I can barely breathe and the effects have been extremely detrimental to my body. Writing this is rather difficult, but I am afraid I do not have much time left. According to the main healer, I have a few days at most. Please do not visit me, my dying wish is that you remember me as you last saw me. Reaching peace, filling you with truth and joy and making amends with each other. Everything I shall leave to you, not just some money, but the daring spirit as well. I did not say these words as much as I should have, but I love you tremendously.

Forever yours,
Aunt Eleanor

The parchment was now wet with my tears as my body dropped to the floor. I sobbed and curled up in a ball, trying to ease the physical pain that ensued as I learned the tragic news that the family I had just gotten back would soon leave me. I wanted to see her, one last time, but she said not to. She would have no one next to her, should I go or should I respect her wish? It was common for anyone over fifty to die of Dragon Pox or any contagious disease because it would hit them more aggressively, but she was healthier than a horse. I do not even want to understand how or why she'd be parting from this earth so soon, it simply wasn't fair. Without restraint, I screamed and started throwing random objects around the room. How could I enter this new phase of my life; life after eighteen, without her? I just got her back! I used to feel so far away from her, I even despised her, but she managed to place herself in my heart once again. Even with my heart broken, I knew she'd have a space in it forever. My mother and aunt's legacy now lived through me, I had to do right by them even if we spent so little time together.

"Athena, what's wrong?", a voice questioned as its body made a place on the ground next to my tired body.

"Tom, I woke you. I'm sorry.", I replied recognizing the questioning voice but not daring to look in his direction.

"You've made a mess and you seem to have been crying, please talk to me.", he added.

"She's leaving me, I just got her back.", I cried into his shoulder

"Darling, speak to me. Who is leaving?"

"Tom, my aunt is dying."

Saying the words made the tragic annihilation of another fragile breath of life a reality.

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