His Saving Grace

By writergsofia

18.9K 371 155

Merely the narration of how a minuscule background character in her own life turns into a hero by barging int... More

Before starting this story...
Main Characters (aesthetics)
Chapter 1- Scowling Aunt & Alastair Manor
Chapter 2- Trip to Diagon Alley & The Notorious Rude Boy
Chapter 3 - Last First Day at Hogwarts & The Eventful Sorting
Chapter 4 - Royalty Status & Pleasantry Letters
Chapter 5 - Confrontations & Predicaments
Chapter 6 - Divination Revelations & Riddles
Chapter 7 - Mishaps & Solutions
Chapter 8 - A New Friend & Tragically Irksome Tutor
Chapter 9 - Horcruxes & Eavesdropping
Chapter 10 - Interesting Tutoring Session & Deadly Curiosity
Chapter 11 - More Curiosity & Observations
Chapter 12 - Invitation to Hogsmeade & More Tutoring
Chapter 13 - Room of Requirement & Hogsmeade
Chapter 14 - Nonverbal Spells & A Duel
Chapter 15 - Strong Tension & The Plan
Chapter 16 - Improvement & New Dynamics
Chapter 17 - Werewolves & The New Alliance
Chapter 18 - Blossoming Chemistry & After Hour Recklessness
Chapter 19 - Suppressed Feelings & Explanations
Chapter 20 - Sleepless Nights & Realizations
Chapter 21 - Restricted Section & Falling
Chapter 22 - The Talk & A Date to the Yule Ball
Chapter 23 - First Fight & Possible Redemption
Chapter 24 - Yule Ball Practice & Holiday Plans
Chapter 25 - Yule Ball & Confessions
Chapter 26 - Holidays at Hogwarts & Closer to Action
Chapter 27 - Holidays at Hogwarts & Closer to Action Pt. 2
Chapter 28 - Quidditch & Going Steady
Chapter 29 - Insane Boyfriend & Date at Hogsmeade
Chapter 30 - No More Secrets & Less Ambitions
Chapter 31 - Myrtle & A Break
Chapter 32 - Missing Each Other & A New Promise
Chapter 33 - More Family Secrets & Execution
Chapter 34 - Unraveling Truths & Dark Side
Chapter 35 - Imperfect Man & Final Stage
Chapter 36 - Attempted Murder & Possible Redemption
Chapter 37 - The Price & Coma State
Chapter 38 - Waking Up & Mutual Love
Chapter 39 - Power Struggles & Hope Through Truth
Chapter 41 - Visiting Aunt & Reconciliations
Chapter 42 - Eighteenth & A Disease
Chapter 43 - NEWTs & Inevitable Death
Chapter 44 - Unconventionally Magnificent & Numb
Chapter 45 - Vulnerable Thoughts & Changes of Heart
(EPILOGUE) Chapter 46 - Graduation & Life with a Changed Man
Author's Note

Chapter 40 - Inquiries & Declarations of Love

172 4 1
By writergsofia

A few hours after my encounter with Headmaster Dumbledore, I knew I could not wait for all the answers to fall from the sky. My aunt and I never had the best relationship, but she was the only one who could provide the missing pieces to the puzzle that was my family, my identity and what I ought to do. I decided to write her a letter, which I knew she would see quickly because it would be sent before the usual time I'd send my monthly letters.

Dear Aunt,

I do not know if you have been informed, but I spent some time in the hospital during the past month. Now, I am good as new, but this is not the reason why I am writing to you. Professor Dumbledore has provided some interesting information concerning our family, but I must hear what you have to say. I have questions and I need answers, no games. Do you hate me? Does our family actually hate the muggle born and supposed "blood traitors"? Is all your work truly for the ministry, or is there something you have not told me? I must know about my parents, more than what you have said. Time and age have made me wiser, even if I still have much more to discover. You cannot avoid my inquiries and I hope you answer only with truth. Please understand that I only want to know myself. I know I must be the black sheep of the family in your eyes, but I'm still part of said family. Lastly, you must know about a secret I've kept from you. I have fallen in love, deeply. I know my feelings are reciprocated, but apparently love is not always as easy as I was once led to believe. It would be a lie to say you and I have a wonderful relationship, but on this matter I must consult you as well. I do not want to end up like my mother; this should be enough commentary to make you understand what has been revealed to me and what I wish to learn from you. Hoping to hear from you very soon.

Athena Alastair

Unlike the other letters, this was not concise and the content held actual emotion; I hope she would be able to sense this. My inquiries were not in vain, only she would be able to lead me in the direction I needed to be guided towards. She was never my favorite person, for a while I hated her even, but if what has been revealed to me is true I do not know who she actually is. I summoned Blair, who had missed me greatly when I was in poor condition, and gave her the letter. She flew away towards her usual destination, making the room empty and lonely once again.

More hours of solitude have passed and I have realized that only one person could help me uncover a few more truths if my aunt wished not to. Inconveniently, that person was Tom Riddle. He was the smartest and sneakiest person in all of Hogwarts, plus, I trusted him. I would always trust him. To this day, it is surreal how I went from despising his mere existence to needing it to feel complete. But the reasons are obvious, he is my person. You have to trust your person, so I trust him.


Exiting my room after an eternity enclosed in the space, I made my way towards the common room knowing I would find the Head Boy I was looking for. In a moment, I stood behind his tall frame and made my presence known.

"Tom, could I talk to you?"

Tom turned towards me and said softly, "Athena, hey. Of course, talk to me."

His gaze of admiration that made my heart flutter still remained, but there was a kinder and lighter aura in his stare and in his words.

"I know that we have tension between us as of right now and conversations left undone, but I need your help with something important.", I hesitantly said.

"Anything you need or want, ask for it and I shall give it to you.", Tom responds immediately as takes a step forward in a mixture of intrigue and desire to hear my next words and to be near me.

"As you know, my family is obviously not what it seems.", I spoke trying to formulate my thoughts in the most understandable manner. "I have learned some more information on them, my mother's side specifically. I have sought out my aunt for some answers, but, as you also know, my relationship with her is not a good indicative of getting any real answers. So, I need you to help me search for information if she were to be useless. Is that alright with you?"

"That's alright with me, I will do anything you ask. You've made it abundantly clear that there is more to life than one's self.", he replied carefully place his hand on my cheek. "Therefore, I will help you to learn about your family in any way that I can if you were to need it."

We were dangerous close, his hand still on my cheek. I could only feel a lump forming in my throat and nervous butterflies fly around my stomach. Once again, frozen under his spell.

"I respect your choices and I greatly admire your thoughts and your being. I only wish to say this, as a reminder, and because you deserve to hear me say these words to you."

"Tom, please don't make this harder than it needs to be.", I whispered lowering my head so my eyes could not meet his.

"Dammit just let me tell you that I love you! Athena Alastair, I love you most ardently and maybe even too much.", he hastily confessed

Three words, eight letters. Those words forever ingrained in my mind and heart. But I needed actions, his words were a mere distraction.

"I know.", I stammered now trying to step away from our closeness.

I took his hand away from my face and sighed. Afraid of doing so, I looked into his eyes. His beautiful eyes. Mesmerizing. Enthralling. All consuming. His green eyes trapped me, there was no escape.

"I have changed, for you and because of you.", Tom adds to his confession.

"Then show me."

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