TwentyFive- James

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Harry's Christening.

The day we officially make Sirius Harry's godfather

"Marlene was meant to be here today" says Lily sadly as she picks out Harry's outfit. She's putting him in a white top and blue trousers with little suspenders and a clip on bowtie

"I know, I miss her too" I reply, kissing my wife's cheek. She smiles gratefully at me. "Right, now we ought to get dressed, make sure to look smart" says Lily, I smile "I'll try my hardest" I reply, she rolls her eyes and shakes her head

I decide to wear a black tux with a white shirt and a black bowtie just to look extra snazzy. I try and tame my mass of black curls but they seem to have a mind of their own as always

I turn my attention to my wife and I stare at her in awe "What?" Asks Lily, I shrug "you are just so stunning" I say, I take her in.

She's wearing a red party dress with a tight fitted top, a sweetheart neckline and thin straps. The skirt of the dress is pleated and reaches her knees, she's wearing skin colour tights with black low heels. Her red hair is up in a simple high pony tail, her curls all bouncing as one and yet she looks astonishing

"You never fail to make me blush, James Potter. Besides, you don't look all that bad yourself" replies Lily. I smirk, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close to me. I kiss her and she kisses me back

"Come on, we're gonna be late" says Lily. I smile and walk with her to Harry's nursery where Lily picks him up and puts him in his push chair.

We apparate to the church and wait for the few guests we have coming, Lily's parents, my parents, Molly and Arthur Weasley, Frank and Alice Longbottom, Remus, Sirius and Peter. Petunia is meant to be coming but I doubt she'll make an appearance

Finally, after everyone else had turned up, Sirius and Remus turn up but I think they're on a break again or something because I can feel the tension between them.

"Lily" says Remus smiling, Lily smiles at Remus and hands Harry over to him. Remus cradles Harry in his arms and smiles down at him "Isn't he perfect?" Asks Remus, Lily smiles and nods "He really is" replies Lily proudly.

Remus hands Harry back to Lily and walks in the church. "Prongs! Lils!" Exclaims Sirius "Is this my godson? Of course it is. Can I have a cuddle?" Asks Sirius excitedly, Lily chuckles and nods, giving Harry to Sirius who carefully cradles Harry in his arms like he's afraid he might drop Harry or something

Eventually we all get into the church and wait for the service to begin. This is more of a muggle thing but it's what Lily wanted so here we are.

After the service, everyone except Remus, Sirius and Peter goes home. We all go back to mine and Lily's house for a little get together.

"It feels like forever since we've all been together as a group" says Lily after having put Harry in his cot. "Feels just like school again, except James isn't pining after you" says Sirius "I'm always pining after her" I reply "You married her" says Remus, I chuckle "Doesn't mean I can lower my efforts" I reply

Suddenly there's a knock at the door, I get up and walk over to the door and open it. In my doorway stands no other than Albus Dumbledore

"Hello there, Dumbledore, how can we help?" I ask, he steps inside but not to far over the threshold "Sorry, James, I haven't got long but I came here to give you a warning" replies Dumbledore, we all nod

"So, as you know Voldemort has been gathering followers but it seems as though he's been more successful than we anticipated and now he's at large. There's been a new prophecy. One that he seems to have got hold of. The prophecy states that a boy born at the end of July will eventually grow to be a threat to Voldemort. He believes it is your son, James and Lily. He's going to do whatever he can to get to you" says Dumbledore. Well that's cheery news

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