Fourteen- Lily

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I'm 20 years old and living with my boyfriend and his two best friends who also happen to be a couple and my best friend literally lives down the road and if that isn't living my best life I don't know what is.

"Morning, babe" says James, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my cheek. I smile and turn to face him "Good morning" I reply, kissing him back.

We go downstairs and eat breakfast with Remus and Sirius "Hey, Lils, wanna come with me to Diagon Alley? There are a couple of things I wanna get and a few things Prongs has asked me to get as he can't get them himself considering he's got some work to do with Sirius I thought you might not wanna be alone" Asks Sirius

I smile and nod "sure, it'll be a nice day out" I reply, he smiles and nods. After breakfast I go upstairs to get dressed.

"Do you have to work today?" I ask, draping my arms over James' shoulders and kissing him "Yeah, babe, sorry but Dumbledore needs me and Remus  for some stuff for the Order" replies James before kissing me back. The Order of the Phoenix is a wizard army sort of thing that was set up after we left Hogwarts as this dark wizard by the name of Voldemort is growing a rather large follower base

"Ugh, fine" I pout, he kisses me one last time before we start to get dressed. I'm wearing a pair of denim skinny jeans and a black strap top with a red and black checked flannel shirt. I decide to just leave my hair down because I can't be asked to put it up or do anything special. However, I do put on a light bit of makeup to look half decent at the least

"Fuck me you look good" says James as he takes me in and yet, even after 5 years he still manages to make me blush. "You don't look half bad yourself" I reply as I take him in.

He's wearing a simple white polo shirt and some denim bootcut jeans but my god does he look good. "Sometimes you make it really hard for me to actually do what I have to do" says James, I smile and roll my eyes "is that so?" I ask, he nods, rubbing his hand up and down my side. before pulling me closer and kissing me again.

"We'd better go before we give Sirius time to come up with jokes" says James, I sigh but nod nonetheless and we head downstairs where Sirius and Remus are waiting.

"I guess we'll see you later then, Prongs" says Sirius, James nods and looks at me before kissing me goodbye. The kiss ends too soon and before I know it I'm next to Sirius and we've apparated to Diagon Alley.

"I was thinking perhaps at some point, you, Remus, James and I could go on a double date" I suggest as we walk through the crowded Diagon Alley. Sirius smiles and nods "that would be great I think" replies Sirius as we enter Honeydukes

"What do we need from here?" I ask as the sweet smell of confectionary hits me like a truck. "I think James wanted some Bertie Botts, liquorice wands and some chocolate frogs" replies Sirius. It's not unlike James to get stuff from Honeydukes but I'm sure I saw some of this stuff in the cupboard the other day. Unless they've eaten them too.

"what do you think Dumbledore wants Remus and James to do?" I ask as we mill around Diagon Alley, Sirius shrugs "I assume we'll never find out, all our missions are top secret" replies Sirius. I sigh "hopefully this all blows over soon" I sigh

"Oh yeah? What've you got planned" Asks Sirius smiling intriguingly "Well one day I want to get married and have at least two kids...maybe four, depends on how many James will let me have" I reply almost dreamily "so you plan on keeping James forever?" Asks Sirius, I shrug nonchalantly as I put my hands in my pockets "only if he wants to keep me too" I reply

"I'm most certain he wants to keep you for longer than forever, you're kinda stuck with him, Lils" says Sirius, we both laugh "Well, I have grown quite attached" I reply

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