Five- James

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Lily walks away and I can't help but smile in achievement. She said yes to something at the least and that's a start if I do say so myself.

I do a sort of happy dance before walking back to the common room to tell Remus and Sirius that we need to practice until we're better than perfect because I can't fuck this up, it's my one chance.

I waltz up to the portrait that enables you to enter the Gryffindor common room and smile at the fat lady, she looks pointedly at me "I'm not sure what you're smiling about but it can't be good" says the fat lady "you say that like I cause mischief" I reply, she scoffs and shakes her head "Password?" Asks the fat lady

"Pig Snout" I say, the portrait swings open and I step foot into the common room, finding Remus and Sirius already there.

"How did it go with Lily?" Asks Remus, I smile "Well she said yes to seeing the Marauders live which is a solid start so what we need to do is start practicing now really. Well. After school because this free is coming to an end but anyway, I think we should play some...good songs" I state, shoving my hands in my pockets "Like what?" Asks Remus, I shrug

"I was thinking maybe Whitney Houston or Queen, so either 'I wanna dance with somebody' or 'Somebody to love' what do you guys think?" I ask in response to Remus' question "Queen" says Sirius. I nod. Straight forward then. "Cool, I'll meet you here after school and we can find a classroom or something to practice in" I state smiling, both Remus and Sirius nod in agreement "This is gonna be awesome" I state.

On my way to lessons I bump into Professor Flitwick "Sorry, Professor!" I exclaim "That's quite alright, James" replies Professor Flitwick smiling at me as he dusts himself off "Oh, Professor, while you're here I was wondering whether I might be able to ask you something?" I ask, he nods "go ahead" replies Professor Flitwick "So, the boys and I need somewhere to practice so we play well at the Three Broomsticks. Do you mind if you could find us a free classroom to do band practice in?" I ask

He ponders the question for a little while "You can use any classroom on the fifth floor that's empty and if anyone asks I gave you permission okay?" says Professor Flitwick, I grin widely and nod "Thanks a bunch, Professor" I say before walking off to class

At the end of the day I make my way to the common room and coincidentally happen to bump into Lily Evans again "You need to stop following me, Evans" I say smiling "Who's to say you aren't following me, Potter?" Asks Lily, I chuckle "fair play" I state, she rolls her eyes at me "Did you want anything specific, Potter or do you just love wasting my time?" Asks Lily "I just like to chat with my favourite redhead" I reply, I swear for a split second I see her blush before she composes her expression "Lovely" says Lily bluntly

"Pig Snout" says Lily and the portrait swings open and we both walk in. "Moony, Padfoot" I say smiling as I walk into the Gryffindor common room "Hey, Prongs, hey, Lily" they reply, Lily smiles and waves at them both "See you later Remus and Sirius" says Lily smiling, she turns to me, expression blank and nods "James" says Lily, I feign pouting at her "You mean you won't see me later?" I ask, Lily rolls her eyes "Not if I can help it, Potter" replies Lily before she walks away.

Remus and Sirius snicker at Lily's comment and I shove them. "Shut up" I say smiling "Tough break, Prongs" says Sirius "I don't see you getting any, Pads" I reply, he rolls his eyes "That makes both of us, Prongs" says Sirius. Fair enough.

"Right boys who's ready to practice?" I ask "Sure but where?" Asks Remus, I smile "Ah, see this is where my amazingness comes into play, Moons" I reply "I managed to score a classroom off Flitwick earlier. I also have a list of songs" I continue

"What are the songs?" Asks Sirius, I clear my throat "Well for starters, Somebody to love by Queen, Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astly, Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by Wham and Don't Stop Me Now by Queen" I state, listing all the songs for our gig. Sirius nods in approval, "those are good songs, Prongs" says Sirius

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