TwentyTwo- Lily

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My son is two months old. Two whole months and he truly is the perfect baby. He's always happy and barely ever wakes up during the night, he is a dream

"Good morning" says James, as he comes into Harry's nursery and kisses my cheek before kissing our son's forehead. "Good morning" I reply lovingly

We walk downstairs and I put Harry in his high chair before spooning some baby food into his mouth. He willingly takes the food and smiles widely. "Isn't he perfect?" I coo, James chuckles at me "You've been saying that about five times a day for the past two months" James replies "but it's true" I say, giving Harry another spoonful of baby food

There's a knock at the door and James perks up "I'll get it" says James, I nod, and turn my attention back to my son as James answer the door "It's Sirius" says James, I smile and greet Sirius with a hug

"How's my godson?" Asks Sirius, I smile and gesture over to him "He's perfect" I reply "may I?" Asks Sirius, I smile and nod "of course" I reply. Sirius puts down whatever he was holding and takes Harry out of his high chair and cradles him

"What's that, Pads?" Asks James, Sirius looks up at James and thinks for a moment before remembering that he brought something with him "Oh, that's a present for Harry" replies Sirius "open it" says Sirius, James grabs the present and we both open it to reveal a miniature broom

"Padfoot this is awesome!" Exclaims James, Sirius smirks "I know, I thought you'd like it, Prongs, besides, we gotta train little Harry up to be the world's greatest seeker, or Quidditch player in general" replies Sirius, James just laughs

After an hour or so Sirius stands up "right, I'd best be off"' says Sirius, he hugs me and kisses my cheek "It was great seeing you guys though" adds Sirius, I smile

"Prongs, I need a word outside" says Sirius. James nods and they walk outside together while I stay in the living room with Harry.

After about ten minutes, James comes back "what did he want?" I ask, putting Harry in a bouncer chair and turn my full attention to my husband. James sighs, looking as though he's figuring out how to tell me

"Well" James says, sighing, is it really this hard to talk to me now? "Dumbledore spoke to Sirius. He wants us to go on a joint week but it's a short one so I should be back before you know it" James continues

"What?" I ask, James rubs the back of his neck anxiously "surely Dumbledore can get someone else?" I ask again, James shakes his head "Lily it won't be that bad" replies James "how can you be sure?" I ask "Because you're my incentive. You and Harry are the reason I need to fight to the best of my ability, why I need to keep going, why I need to stay alive" replies James

How can I be mad when his words are so sweet? "So you think you can do it?" I ask "of course, as long as you route for me" replies James "always" I say and he kisses me.


"I'm back" says James, closing the door behind him "Where have you been?" I ask almost angrily "you know I can't tell you that" replies James, I scoff in frustration "You've been gone for two months, James, you said it would be a short mission" I retort "Well, things change evidently" says James

"Yet you still can't tell me why it took you so fucking long to get back" I reply, James shakes his head "can we do this later, Lily? I've just got back and incase you can't tell I need a shower and some clothes and a nap" says James

"No we cannot do this later" I say firmly "you have been gone for two months and you won't even give me a little bit of information? Surely as your wife and the mother of your child I have the right to know where you've been or at least what the cause of the long delay" I continue

Jily||✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora