Eighteen- Lily

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It's like a month until our wedding and I'm so excited. I wake up and roll over to see James is still asleep so I gently kiss his cheek and get out of bed.

I go down the stairs but stop half way when I hear Remus and Sirius arguing "What do you mean you have to go again?" Asks Sirius, there's a sigh, I'm assuming from Remus "Sirius, please" says Remus "no, Remus, I don't wanna hear it, all you do is take missions off Dumbledore's hands, I miss you" replies Sirius, he is right, Remus does a lot more missions now.

"Sirius, I'm trying to help the Order tackle a dark wizard that's trying to take over the fucking world and kill the muggle borns. He's a fucking lunatic, the more missions completed, the quicker we defeat him" says Remus "yes but there are dozens of us in the Order, please just stay, just tell Dumbledore to give it to someone else" replies Sirius

"I can't just say no" says Remus, my heart breaks for the both of them "Loving you seems to be a losing game at the moment" Sirius sighs "that's not fair, Sirius" says Remus "isn't it? Because it seems to me you're not being fair, I get you wanna save the world, we all do, but it wouldn't hurt to let someone else take on a mission for once, we barely get any so we all have to deal with missing you. Don't tell me I'm not being fair" retorts Sirius, I feel like perhaps I should intervene.

"Why are you just on the stairs?" Asks James, I press my index finger to my lips and beckon for him to sit next to me on the step "Remus and Sirius are arguing and I don't know whether or not to intervene or just let them have their moment" I reply quietly, James thinks it over "give it five minutes and then we'll go, let them have a bit more time but I'm starving" says James, I almost laugh but restrain myself, all he thinks about is food.

"Good morning by the way" says James, kissing me "morning" I reply, kissing him back.

"What about the wedding?" Asks Sirius, "I'm sure I'll be back by then" replies Remus "and if you're not?" Asks Sirius "James and Lily won't miss me" replies Remus. That's not true. "Don't bullshit me" states Sirius "What do you have to do anyway? It can't be big if it won't even last a month" Asks Sirius, there's a momentary silence "I can't tell you that" says Remus "he's making you go undercover with the wolves again isn't he?" Asks Sirius. The silence confirms everything

"He's using you like a dog, Remus!" Exclaims Sirius "it makes me useful doesn't it? For once I'm not some monster I'm actually helpful" replies Remus, I've never heard them argue like this "Just please think about yourself for once, think about your friends, think about me, you're going off on these missions for months at a time, missions that others could do and you're missing out on some of the best years of your life. Please" says Sirius, Remus sighs again "Sirius, can we please drop it" asks Remus.

"That's our cue, better to intervene now" says James, he gets up and I follow suit and we walk down the stairs together. "Morning" says James, announcing our presence "Morning" replies Remus, almost angrily "I'm going out" says Remus "Remus, don't" says Sirius

"Don't what, Sirius?" Asks Remus, Sirius sighs "don't be overdramatic, it was a stupid argument" replies Sirius, Remus scoffs and shakes his head "you wanna talk over dramatic? It's a fucking mission, Sirius, you can live without me" says Remus "you're right, I can, the difference is I don't want to" replies Sirius. It seems as though our presence doesn't really make a difference

"I'll be gone for like two maybe three weeks not a life time, you'll live. Now I'm going to cool off some steam, I might be back later I might not, hopefully you'll be able to manage without me" says Remus "loving you really is a losing game" replies Sirius. Without another word, he apparates out of the house. Leaving the rest of us dumbfounded "I should go after him" says Sirius

"No, I will, you stay here with Lily" says James, grabbing a cereal bar and apparating out of the house. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, Sirius sighs and collapses onto the sofa "We were arguing because he's going on another mission, all he does is go on missions, he's barely ever here anymore, it's like he doesn't want to see me. I just want him here you know?" replied Sirius. I sit next to him and nod

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