Seventeen- James

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"What game are we playing then?" I ask as we come into the front room "Wizards chess?" suggests Sirius, I shrug and nod

"Couples against couples?" Suggests Lily, we all agree to that as well, Lily and I snuggle up and Sirius and Remus do the same.

We play about four rounds of Wizards Chess and Lily and I come out victorious. "Alright then, suit shopping tomorrow lads" I say to Remus and Sirius who both nod at me "Sounds good to me, Prongs" replies Remus. Lily smiles at me "I'm glad that you're organised for once" says Lily, kissing my cheek "anything for my wife" I reply, she smiles and I kiss her.

"Right well I think we're heading up" says Lily, I smile at her "Night, lads" I say, they smile and nod at us "Night" replies Remus. We head upstairs and when I close the door, Lily's lips are on mine "steady on" I joke before kissing her back "Well, I thought we'd carry on where we left off" replies Lily, I smirk at her and shake my head "I think I've had a terrible influence on you, Lily Evans" I say, she rolls her eyes and kisses me.

I pick her up and her legs wrap around my waist. I kiss her and she kisses along my jawline as my fingers run through her strawberry blonde hair. I kiss her again and she takes off my shirt. I kiss down her neck and she kisses me lips again. She smiles on my lips and rests her forehead against her "I love you" says Lily, I smile "I love you too" I reply.

The next day Lily and I wake up and go downstairs to find Remus and Sirius making breakfast together and being all cute couple. "Morning" says Lily, walking over to my best friends. I take in my future wife. Her messy bed head which still makes her look fucking gorgeous. She's wearing my shirt and a pair of my boxers and yet, she still looks like a goddess. I'm the luckiest man because I have her.

"Morning you two" says Sirius, turning to us "eggs?" Asks Sirius, gesturing to the pan that Remus is holding, I shrug and nod "So long as Moony can actually cook" I reply, smirking, Remus rolls his eyes and sticks his middle finger up at me "of course I can cook, Prongs" replies Remus, I shrug and smile "gotta check" I say, taking a plate of eggs on toast.

Lily sits next to me and Remus and Sirius sit opposite us and we all eat breakfast together. After that we go up the stairs to get dressed so we can go suit shopping and I think Lily is going out with Marlene for the day. I'm not sure though.

"You sure I'm allowed to pick my own suit?" I ask, Lily laughs and nods her head "of course, babe, and if I hate it we can send it back" replies Lily, kissing me "besides, I'm sure you'll pick a lovely suit" adds Lily, I smile "you think so?" I ask, she smiles and nods "I know so" replies Lily.

I decide to just go casual, nothing fancy because I don't need to be presentable for Remus and Sirius. I wear a pair of bootcut jeans, some trainers and a plain maroon top. I look at Lily and she's wearing faded skinny denim jeans, a red and white strap top, her hair is in a high pony tail and fuck me she looks good.

"What?" Asks Lily, I shrug and wrap my arms around her waist "You just look so beautiful" I reply, she smiles and I kiss her "you don't look too bad yourself" replies Lily, I chuckle and she smiles "I love you" I say, she smiles and pecks me on the lips "I love you more" replies Lily and then she walks out the room and goes down the stairs and I follow after her.

"Right lads let's go" I say, I kiss Lily goodbye and we apparate to Diagon Alley. "So, has Lily got a theme?" Asks Remus, I nod "either a periwinkle suit or a periwinkle tie. That's the colour she's chosen" I reply.

"I'd go with the tie, Prongs, I know you love her but do you wanna look like an idiot at your wedding?" Asks Sirius, I roll my eyes "I just want her to be happy" I reply "when did she turn you into a sop?" Asks Sirius, Remus pretends to count on his fingers "about five years ago?" says Remus. We all laugh.

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