TwentyOne- James

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"Lily, you have a letter" I say, and my heavily pregnant wife comes down the stairs, smiling at me as she takes the letter addressed to her.

She opens it and reads it "who's it from?"
I ask, placing my hands on her bump to feel our baby boy kicking "Oh, don't worry" replies Lily, folding the letter. I frown "That's suspicious" I say, raising a brow

"No, just, it's nothing" says Lily, I cock my head to the side in confusion, and as she's focused on my face I nick the letter out of her hands. It's wrong I know but I'm a dick like that "James!" Exclaims Lily angrily "why didn't you just say it was from Severus?" I ask

"You had no right to take that from me!"
Exclaims Lily "and you have no right to keep secrets from me" I reply, she huffs at me "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to get angry" Lily confesses "I'd never be angry at you" I say "But you should be" says Lily, I frown "whatever for?" I ask, she sighs and looks away from me "Because I sent the first letter" replies Lily

"Why?" I ask, she shrugs, still not looking at me "Because I kind of miss our friendship, what we used to have" Lily admits "He's not seeing Harry, he's definitely not coming here" I state

"Is he not? I do believe Harry is also my child and this is also my house. Not everything is just yours, James. And for gods sake, will you get over the hatred you felt for Severus at Hogwarts? That was years ago!" Exclaims Lily, I scoff and shake my head

"That man is vile" I state simply, she glares at me "may I remind you that you were no better than him" Lily argues, I shake my head "No, Lily, Severus Snape was destined for the dark arts, I can't imagine what he's doing now but it can't be good. Why you want to be friends with him I have no clue" I reply

"I thought you would've grown up a bit by now, but that's the problem with you, James. You never know when to fucking quit. Now, I'm going out, I don't know when I'll be back but I guess you won't care because you'll be too busy stropping about the fact that I'm trying to reconnect with someone who used to be my best friend" states Lily

"That's not fair!" I exclaim, she glares at me again "don't you dare talk to me about fair, James Potter" says Lily angrily "what's not fair is that I got chronically bullied for being muggle born, what's not fair is that I gave up a perfectly good friendship for you, what's not fair is this argument right now" continues Lily

"I never forced you to stop being friends with Severus. You stopped being friends with him because he tried to fucking kill me so sorry if I'm still holding a damn grudge" I reply, Lily just sighs in frustration and shakes her head "You can never take responsibility, you can never just accept that you haven't grown. You always have to play victim" says Lily

"Just go then, if you need time to cool off, go, obviously you can't stand me" I state "James don't be over dramatic now" says Lily "Over dramatic? No, do you know what? I'll leave" I say, and I do, I apparate out of the room and end up at Remus and Sirius', the house that we all used to share.

I rap three times on the door and Sirius opens it, he looks rough "What're you doing here, James?" Asks Sirius, I groan and run my fingers frustratedly through my hair "Lily and I have had a bit of a tiff, mind if I crash here for a few hours while we both calm down?" I ask, Sirius nods and lets me in "who is it?" I hear Remus call. Sirius doesn't answer

"Oh for fucks sake, Sirius are you still not- James!" Exclaims Remus as he comes down the stairs, Sirius rolls his eyes and scoffs "where's Lily?" Asks Remus, I sigh "Lily and I have had a bit of a barney so I'm cooling off here" I reply, Remus just nods

"Come on, Padfoot, are you really still not talking to me?" Asks Remus, Sirius raises an eyebrow "No I'm bloody not. Do you really want to do this here?" Asks Sirius "woah woah woah, why are you lot at each other's throats?" I ask

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