Six- Lily

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It's the quidditch match today. Gryffindor against Slytherin.

"You coming to the match, Lils?" Asks Marlene, I nod "yeah I think I will" I reply "Well then you'd best dress the part" says Marlene. "Alright fine I'll wear the bloody face paint" I state. Marlene grins and paints red and yellow stripes across my cheeks and then we wear the Gryffindor jumpers and head out.

In the stands we wait for the players to come out of the changing rooms. I specifically am waiting for James. He's Gryffindor's finest chaser followed up by Sirius. I'm not all that sure what James and I are at the moment but after the kiss we keep smiling at each other and stealing quick glances at one another. I fear each day I'm falling harder for him and I don't know if I want to stop.

The Slytherins are already cheering and the Gryffindors are cheering as well "Go Go Gryffindor! Go Go Gryffindor" but that quickly changes when the players start filing out "Bring the lion out, bring the bring the lion out" the Gryffindors chant. I can't help but join in

"Bring the Lion out, Bring the Bring the Lion out" I chant, smiling as I see James walk out of the changing rooms, he scans the crowd and finally spots me. He smiles and blows me a kiss. I catch it and he winks. I can't help but blush

The game begins and it's off to a good start as James is in possession of the quaffle. I wait in anticipation as I watch the Slytherin players barge James to try and get him to drop the Quaffle and he never does. He scores the first goal and the Gryffindors go wild "Go Go Gryffindor! Go Go Gryffindor!" We all cheer as several goals are made

"And Sirius Black has possession of the quaffle, ooooh Carter Flemming from Slytherin just took a bludger to the arm that's got to hurt! Black passes the quaffle to Potter but it's snatched by Jeremy Flint, Potter's on Jeremy's tail. No sign of the snitch yet" states the commentator

I feel like I hold my breath for majority of the game as James gets bashed around by the Slytherins but then eventually the crowd roars "GRYFFINDOR WINS" Exclaims the commentator and I jump for joy "Fo Go Gryffindor! Go Go Gryffindor!" We all chant

We all walk down the stands to the pitch where I'm found by James and engulfed into a hug that lifts me off my feet "We won!" He exclaims, I chuckle "you did indeed" I reply, he smiles and then he kisses me. I fall into the kiss as my fingers find their way through his fluffy hair and then he pulls away and puts me down "and you came" says James, a bit flustered from the kiss I mindlessly nod "of course I came" I reply

Sirius comes over and claps James on the back before pulling him into a hug "we did it man" says Sirius, James smirks and nods "we did indeed" replies James as they pull away "you really brung the lion out didn't you, James?" Asks Sirius, James chuckles "have to live up to the title, Sirius" replies James

"Nice game, Potter" says Severus, my breath hitches. Why him out of all people? "Thanks, Snivellous" replies James, Severus snarls at him "I didn't think you had any skill, alas for once I was wrong. You do have a skill in being and insufferable asshole. Lily, I don't know why you picked Potter but hopefully soon you come to your senses" spits Severus

"Jealousy is a terrible trait, Severus, and it looks ugly on you" I reply, he huffs and snarls at Sirius and James "Ah, Lupin, another freak to add to the bunch, what do we have, the insufferable asshole, the one from the broken home and the disgusting half breed" says Severus, i roll my eyes "Half breed is different to lycanthropy, Severus, I explained this before. Honestly, I thought you were smart" I retort.

"Oh no one asked your opinion you filthy" begins Severus but before he can finish James grabs a fistful of Severus' jumper and pulls him closer "you say that word and I'll knock you out, Severus, trust me I will. Run along now before I change my mind about not beating the shit out of you" spits James, I see Severus debating whether or not it's worth it but he just huffs and leaves but not before he makes sure to barge past Sirius on his way back.

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