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Derek's pov:
"Cora? How the hell are you alive?" That what I see is my sister. Alive. It was impossible!

"Good to see you too, brother!" Cora said. "Let's get out of here." I nooded. I absolutely agree to get out of this place. We started running. Everything was fine before we saw Theo running.

"It is a trap! It is a trap!" he said. "Let's get out of here!" And we started running. The alphas weren't in the bank so everything is on plan. Erica, Boyd and I don't know how Cora are still alive. We get out of the bank and meet Alisson and Issac.

"Where is Y/n?" Alisson asked. And for reason. Why Raeken is here but not Y/n?

"She hasn't came already? She said ten minutes!" Ans he told us all about Y/n. Damn! She was impulsive. She try to protect us, it is just that we don't need protection or we do? Anyway we have to find her.

We started looking everywhere. Then we heard it. A roaring. "It is her. It is like last week!" Issac said.

"Here!" Theo found her. She was covered in blood. The pack wants her dead. Forst the drowning and now this. Alisson go to give a closer look. "She will survive!"

She opened her eyes. Give us all a look. Then she saw my sister. "Cora?!" she asked. Where did she know her name.

"Good to see you again Y/n Steiner!"

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