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I activated all my werewolf senses, I had to arrive on time. If I was right, now I had to be on the right floor. I had English, so I have to be in room... 416 or 417. I just hope is 416 cuz I am going straight to it. Fortunately It was the right room.
,,3,2" the coach was counting. ,, Where is she?". This man looked really upset that I was missing,and he had to, I was like one celebrity in this school, just think about it The new girl. Sometimes it is good that nobody can hear your thoughts, because my thoughts sometimes were really wet. By the way. ,, Coach Y/n is here. Right... coach right behind you". My brother said. The coach turned around and when I look closer he looked like this guys from Spongebob. ,, Y/n Stilinski, it is good that you showed up. You can sit there, to the other new ones." They were brothers, twins. I knew that they were werewolfs, probably from the alpha pack, but if coach told me to do something, I have to do it right? ,,Many new students this year, go,go, don't be shy." I am not shy, or I didn't know that I was, just they seemed dangerous. They really looked like somebody, that I knew, I just don't remember who.
I sit next to them. From somewhere I knew their names. Ethan and Aiden. My six feeling go to my head. I tried to ignore it. It is probably something that Allison or Lydia have said.
,, So who would like to tell me when..." The coach stopped talking. He bent down, take something from the floor and gave it to my brother. OMG. It was condom, really bog in that case. ,,Congrats Stilinski". Everybody looked smiling at Stiles. Did he do it? I don't know.
Something stabbed me on the arm. When I gave it a look, I saw that it was the same place where I have a mysterious tatoo. It was something like a moon. I secretly adore it. I hide it before anyone to see it and ignore the pain.
The coach was explaining something about ,,How this year was our year, and we will win, blah,blah,blah". Stilles said that he talks every year that and it was just boring to be in his classes. I would just said it bullshit.
My notes fell off the desk. One of the twins, I think Aidan gave it to me. Than said ,, I am Aidan and that is Ethan." he streched a hand. ,, I am Y/n". and I streched mine in response.
Then something happen. Like I was in his head. Like I could see all his memories.
And I was doing it. I saw them at their first transformation, how they merged into one for first time. I saw how they kill peoples with clutches. They were differently werewolfs. And then, then I saw me. How they learn me how to fight.
I run of the room. I heard screamings besides me, but I was too confused to listen.

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