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For first time from long time I dream. No. I didn't dream, I am starting to remember. I see images and storys, lines and faces. I remember a little bit. I hope it is enought to find the others. The book did something. J.M.S. Who is she? If it was she? Who wrote the book? Damn! Not now! Open your eyes now Y/n, I have to please open! I opened them ,,I am fine, I am fine!'' I yelled. I wasn't fine. I was tottaly freaking out. Misha Steiner was the first werewolf. That has to be. I am the lost heir. Damn! Okay, I finally get over it. ,,I remember. I remember little things like the streets in London. I didn't before I read the book!'' I was enthusialistic. 

,,After she remember can we get her memories back. I mean all of them. Derek?'' Scott asked. Everybody were smiling. That was a big step for the other plans.

,,I don't know, but we know someone who does......'' Derek said

,,Deaton!'' said Stiles and Lydia.

,,But he isn't in the town, due Sunday after the full moon!'' Scott said ,, So we have to wait him!''

,,Fine we will wait him. I remember something really important. It isn't my memory, more likely twins one. I know where Boyd and Erica are.'' everybody looked suprised. ,, In bank vault. On.....there!'' I showed the street on the map.

,,It doesn't make any sence! There isn't any banks there....'' Alisson started.

,,Actually there is. It is old and closed but that just make sense.'' Lydia says.

,,So what are we gonna do then?" Liam asked.

,,We will get Boyd and Erica back!'' Derek said confidently

,,When?'' Stiles asked

,,Tonight" I replayed

    *                                               *                                              *

We made a plan that correspons to our streights. First Derek and Scott are going through the ventilation to the vault where our friends are. Alisson and Isaac push off the alphas. Stiles ), Lydia and Peter ( Derek's uncle) are getting us informatives. Liam is out of the plan but we even called Theo for help. He agreed so he is going to his words ,,hurt badly one of them". I was faster than anyone else. I will be the distraction. After Theo do the bad hurting I am gonna yell and they are gonna come after me, while Scott and Derek get out Erica and Boyd. Then Alisson will shoot the place with something like bombs and we will get out. That is the plan. I don't know if it's going to work but we have to try.

So now we are in front of the bank. We seperated on teams. And we entered. First Theo was super worried about me which was annoying but a little while he give me the control.

We saw a girl, an alpha girl. Theo looked confident. ,,Now" he said and starting getting closer to the girl. I heard footsteps. She wasn't alone. I pulled Theo in one closet. Then we hear them. Theo thanked me. I open my ears and started listening.

,, He is here! Deucalion is here!" The girl said. Deucalion he is the alpha alpha, or I think so.

,, So take them to him!" The others said. Boyd and Erica. Deucalion was going to kill them. Oh shit. ,,Alive, for now!"

After we didn't hear the footsteps anymore I get it. ,,It is a trap!" Damn! I it was a trap. The twins let me see their memory because they want to! Fuck.

,,A trap" Theo started. He get panicked. I couldn't tell him a thing. ,,How....Why....When...Damn we are gona die... What will we do....How we will tell the others... Shit... Y/n....Y/n" It was the only way. I kissed him. I felt his lips, on mine. A kiss like these on the movies. I am gonna need this for the bullshit I am gonna do. He kissed me back. Bad that we don't have time for this. He started played with my hair.,,Theo, Theo Raeken, go and tell the others, tell them all and run out of here okay? Promise me!" He looked me in the eyes and kissed me slowly than said ,, And what are you gonna do?"

,,I will be distraction!" I said calmly. He nooded

,,No one ever gonna hurt you, love, I will be your angel!" He said and give me a ring. ,,That is for luck!"

,,I don't need luck, I am a survivor!" I said ,,Meet me after ten minutes behind the hospital,okay?"

,, Okay, and Y/n please don't die today!" He said. He catch me and looked me in the eyes and kissed me one last time.

,,I don't feel like dying today, see you after ten minutes!"

They are coming....

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