Chapter 9

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She reaches the kitchen, still pulling you behind her. Jason looks over and stares at you, smiling under his mask without you noticing.

Jason's POV:

Wow, Carrie really changed her style! Yes, she really does look different, doesn't she? Yeah, she really does! I smile under my mask a little, but then I notice her arms. How did she get those scars, she didn't have them when she was younger... Jason, I think she gave herself those scars... I tense Immediately. She...she gave herself those scars..? Is it because of me...? Of course not Jason, she may have just... gone through some things.... I look over at her through my mask, feeling worse by the second. Danny clears his throat. " Uhh, ( y/n ), how did you eat that cake so quickly...?"

Your POV:

" Uhh, ( y/n ), how did you eat that cake so quickly...?" 

You look up at him, and then at Carrie, who is trying her hardest not to giggle. You realize you have frosting on your nose, and grab a paper towel to wipe it off. 

" Heh, I don't know, guess I'm a quick eater." 

He chuckles. You give him a semi annoyed huff. 

" What, do you have something against fast eaters or something?" He laughs a little and shakes his head.

 " No, not at all, I just prefer popsicles to cake." 

You give him a smirk. 

" Fine, do we have popsicles?" 

" Yeah, they're in the freez- WAIT ( Y/N ), DON'T OPEN THAT!" 

You open the freezer to find popsicles along with a bunch of frozen organs. You grab the box of popsicles happily, and close the freezer door behind you. 

" Got the popsicles!" 

He stares at you for a second, and so does everyone in the room. 

" W-Wait, you're not freaked out by the organs?" 

You shake your head a little. 

" No, should I be? I mean, I assume people here eat them, and I aint a judgmental person, soo..." Carrie giggles. 

" I didn't know what to expect of you ( y/n ), but it sure wasn't this!" 

You giggle along with her. 

" Nah, I guess not, most people think I'm a potato that never leaves my house... then again, they never really give me a good reason to leave!" 

Just then your phone starts ringing. You answer and put it on speaker.

I'll never leave you: A Jason Voorhees x Female Reader BookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang