The Beginning

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Havre lay awake in her bed. It was 3 AM and she couldn't be less relaxed. She thought back to everything that happened on Jedha. Whenever she closed her eyes, she was back in the dark corridor and she would hear the screams... the screams of people she'd never met, yet they seemed so familiar... And the Jedi...

She sat up rapidly and pushed back the blanket from on her legs. She started walking around the chamber, trying to shake off the strange feeling she still got on her shoulders. Her messenger droid beeped in a polite question from the room's corner.

'No, I don't need anything... I-' Havre stopped in half a word. She closed her eyes and slowly said. 'I need to go for a walk.'

She got dressed and quickly left her quarters. Letting her mind be unfocused, she didn't plan to go in any specific direction. She pressed a random floor on the display panel in the elevator. Soon as the blast door opened, just like before Havre made herself invisible. She walked closer to the wall of the corridor, careful not to bump into any troops keeping guard on the ship. She headed in random directions, turning into one passage after another, slowly losing track of where she was. But not only didn't it help to calm her down, but it also seemed to deepen the feeling on her shoulders. With every step, the sensation got stronger, until Havre finally stopped in a dark dead-end of the corridor, not able to ignore it any longer. 

She looked around, panting, only to realize she was standing on the prison deck. She heard sudden footsteps and looked around to see two guards coming her way. She impulsively lifted her hand and after merely a second, the troops looked at each other with confusion.

'Weren't we supposed to be on the second floor?' One asked, looking around in a stupor.

'I think so...' The other answered slowly and they both turned around to head in the other direction.

Havre followed them with her gaze until they disappeared behind a corner and then turned to the blast door before her. "What am I doing...?" a question skimmed her mind, but something inside reassured her that somehow she stood where she was supposed to be. Still hesitantly, she lifted up her hand and slowly opened the gate with the Force.

She entered a small, dark chamber. On the floor, under the only dim light that illuminated the room, she saw the same, deep blue eyes looking up at her from under a grey, ragged hood. She stood in place, petrified in silence, not knowing why she ended up where she did, but still feeling that she was in the right place.

'What did you do to me?' she asked slowly. The Jedi didn't answer right away. 'What did you do to me on Jedha?' she insisted.

'I didn't do anything to you.' he answered calmly.

Havre tried to calm her breath. She looked around anxiously, avoiding the Jedi's piercing gaze.

'May I ask you a question?' he asked curiously. Havre forced herself to look at him, but didn't answer. 'Why are you here?'

'What...?' she stuttered.

'What brought you here, Havre?'

'Nothing brought me here- you...' Havre frowned, confused. 'How do you know my name?'

'I know a lot of things about you, young one.' he said calmly.

'What things...?' She whispered, but suddenly the Jedi looked at the door behind her and she heard loud footsteps heading their way.

'General Hux wants to bring the inmate on the ground floor.' she heard the guard's voice from the distance.

'I thought they were going to hold him in here for longer?'

'Orders changed.'

Havre knew she had less than ten seconds to react. She looked at the door and then back at the Jedi.

'I think you better go.' he said, but Havre impulsively jumped up to him and reached his chains to open the force wielding cuffs. The troops were coming in closer and sweat appeared on her forehead as she was struggling to break the lock.

'The Starfighters are on the dock, on-ground A0' she whispered quickly. At last, she managed to break the lock, seconds before the blast door opened and two guards walked in. Havre's heart skipped a beat.

'Where is he?' a trooper's low voice echoed in the chamber.



'Oh, shit...'

'Notify General Hu-' but he didn't finish, as Havre pushed both of the troops down to the floor with the Force.

'Let's clear those heads...' she muttered and waved her hand over their helmets. The troops groaned in confusion and shock, but Havre was already out of the door. She locked it behind her and headed straight ahead out of the prison deck. She had no way of knowing if the Jedi would make it to the hangar, but she couldn't risk doing anything more. She entered the first elevator she wandered upon and headed down to the level closest to her quarters. When she walked out, she gasped and suddenly froze in motion. Ren was standing by the door right in front of her. She inhaled sharply. 

Their eyes met for a split second but then his gaze wandered around her as if she wasn't there. She exhaled slowly. "He can't see me..." she reassured herself and quietly passed him to walk across the hall to the next elevator that led to her quarters. When the door closed behind her, she finally was able to calm down a bit. She slowed her breath and squinted her eyes.

'What the hell did I just do...?' she muttered. She stumbled to her bed, shaking, trying to control a rush of adrenaline that flooded her head. She forced herself to close her eyes and slowly steady her breath. She reached out to the Force and entered the white void inside her head, stepping out of her body.

The last 24 hours were pure chaos. Havre felt like it happened so quickly and out of her control, yet still, she was the center of it. She needed explanations, she needed answers. And something in her head made her believe that she could get them from the Jedi. His appearance, however rapid and out of the blue, for the first time in her life, allowed her to have hope. A hope to finally have access to the lost puzzle piece of herself. A part of her she never thought she could get to know... If he wasn't lying, if he truly knew who she was... Havre had to find out at any cost. Nothing else mattered. 

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