Bogano Camp

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Havre tried hard to stay calm and not seem bothered. She felt Cal and Finn glancing at her from time to time. Once again she felt the irrational realization of her situation and thought that as soon as they landed she would talk to the Jedi.

And so the ship finally dropped out of hyperspace and Havre looked up over to the cockpit to see the view of the place they were approaching. It was a rather small green planet, clouded on its northern hemisphere. With every moment the Mantis got closer, the more of its grassy plains she could see. There were no forests, nor even singular trees visible on the surface. It seemed to be a completely flat grassy plain, punctured with what looked like to be many vast sinkholes and ravines in its ground, some as wide as hundred meters. The Mantis lowered on one of the plains, on which stood the only noticeable building on the whole planet - a short, wide hangar, before which Alyss landed the ship.

Finn and Cal quickly got up to their feet, gathering their things but Havre didn't want to leave the ship just yet.

'Can I talk to you?' she stopped Cal when Finn went away towards the cargo compartment.

'Of course.' Cal put down the box he held in his hands and looked at Havre questioningly. 'I'm guessing you want me to take you back.'

Havre stuttered, noticing a strange look in his eyes.

'No,' She said finally. 'I want to finish my training.'

Cal appeared to be startled by the tone in which she said those words. Alyss passed behind them, glancing at Havre with a polite smile.

'Oh...Well then, of course, I am happy to train you.' Cal said slowly, trying to read her face. 'But... What made you change your mind...?'

'I...' she hesitated and looked away. 'I just know I am too weak to go on my own just yet.' she said truthfully. The things the Jedi had shown her, the things he said, were more liberating than anything she had discovered on her own. But she also figured there was far more for her to learn... And she had to get back, but only once she knew she would be able to face Snoke. 'I saw something... The vision I had... There is something I have to do... But...I can't delude myself about my strength.'' she struggled to get her words out, with every single one she spoke, knowing that the decision she was making at that moment would have far-reaching consequences. It was yet to be seen if they would turn out for better or worse.

'I understand.' Cal said with something of sadness in his tone, but once Havre looked up at him, she couldn't figure out why. 'I am here to help.'

'Are you guys coming or not?' They heard Finn's voice from the ramp. Cal sent Havre a questioning glance. She looked at the exit then back at the Jedi and nodded.

'We're right behind you!' Cal yelled to Finn and picked up the box he previously put down. 'Oh, and one more thing. It would be best if you hide your lightsabers for now.'

Havre didn't have to ask why. From what she could reckon, they had landed on a Resistance base, it wouldn't be a good idea for a former Sith to run around with red blades. Cal gave her an old duffle bag and she put them inside along with her old black robes.

Once they stepped out on the ramp, into the cold nightly air, Havre was hit with an intense smell of grass and rain. She felt a little bizarre, now standing under the night sky when she just left Flean on an early morning. She looked around the plains, inhaling sharply the refreshing breeze.

Now it was clear that the Planet's surface was ruptured into thousands of wetland platforms, in between which were deep canyons. The vast gaps between the walls of the canyons were connected by dozens of rope bridges. From where she was standing, Havre couldn't see the bottom of the canyon, as it drowned in an abyss of dense fog. It seemed as if the platforms were merely rooftops of naturally formed mountain skyscrapers, that starting somewhere on a small core of the planet, formed a level on which they were standing. As Havre looked around, she saw that apart from the hangar, there was no other housing built on the surface. She was mesmerized by the view and only a gentle pull on her arm turned her away from it.

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