The Holy Moon

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Havre slowly opened her eyes and looked around.

'Good, you're awake.' She heard Ren's distorted voice coming from the pilot's seat. 'We're about to land.' Havre looked above his shoulder and saw the place they were heading towards. She blinked in a stupor. The view was unbelievable. The Jedha was almost completely destroyed. It looked as if a meteor had hit it in the northern hemisphere leaving an enormous deep crater. The torn pieces of its surface were still floating around its atmosphere, creating an asteroid field.

'What is this?' She asked, amazed.

'It was once the Jedi's sacred place. The Empire destroyed its capital in the First War.' Ren answered and Havre could sense a weird satisfaction in his voice. 'It has been abandoned for centuries. Do you even know who the Jedi were?'

'The Force Users manipulated by the Republic, I know.'

'Is that what they taught you?' asked Ren, strangely surprised by her answer. 'Well, it isn't far from the truth...'

'What truth?' She asked but suddenly Ren dropped the ship down and if not for the seatbelts, Havre would have been thrown into a wall.

'Asteroids.' A short explanation came from the command seat. Ren turned out to be an excellently trained pilot. Havre was truly amazed at how quickly he moved the ship in between the rocks, smoothly avoiding a crash with even the smallest particles. She thought that maybe after all it was a good idea that he was the one to pilot the starship. Finally, they passed the asteroid fields and approached the moon's atmosphere. Ren prepared the ship for landing and Havre couldn't help but observe how unbelievable the moon looked as they got in closer. The crater created by the destruction was enormous, definitely bigger than some of the planets in the system. It was completely empty inside, and on its sides, Havre saw mountains of washed up debris that once were a city. Afar from the crater stretched out a desert scattered by meteors dispatched from the crash. It all looked like a tragedy frozen in time. Ren landed the ship on the desert, between two boulders, in a way that it wouldn't be visible from a distance.

'Take this.' Ren walked out of the cockpit and handed her a triangular-shaped Holocron. 'It has his coordinates in it. And put your mask on.'

Havre wanted to say something back to him, but Ren was already opening the hatch. She let out a sigh and put her helmet back on. "This isn't going to be easy." she thought and followed Ren out of the starship.

Jedha's climate was cold and windy, but Havre's armor was built out of materials that adapted to even extreme temperatures. The mask turned out to be necessary, as the wind blew up clouds of sand from the ground, which would probably make it difficult to breathe or see properly. Havre used the force to open the Holocron. It's walls lit up and twisted, unraveling a hidden holographic map inside. Ren took it from Havre's hand to get a closer look.

'It's not far from here.' he said, looking up at the horizon. 'Somewhere near that mesa.' he pointed to a distant tableland.

'How are we going to take the Jedi back with us to the ship?' Havre asked, quite amused by the image of them walking all the way back to the ship, dragging their prisoner behind.

'We'll take the speeder.' Ren turned to the ship and pulled on some mechanism beneath its chassis. The lower part of the starship dislocated and the cleverly constructed speeder slowly slid out, landing beside them. It was a low two-seater with an open roof. The panels on the speeder matched the ones on the starship. Ren leaned over the side and smoothly jumped onto the pilot's seat. Havre sat next to him and Ren started the engine. He slowly maneuvered it out of between the meteors and finally set off into the empty desert stretching out into the horizon. The repulsorlift made a soft, hollow sound as they were speeding, raising clouds of dust behind them.

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