The Trap

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'Are you sure we're going the right way?' Havre asked, when Ren, who was holding the map, for the fourth time made a sudden turn. It was mid-day and they had been walking for over two hours. Ren stopped and looked at Havre with irritation. 'We should be getting out of the forest by now but it seems to me that we're going deeper into it...'

'Yes, I'm sure.' Ren sighed and headed through the trees. But with every step he took, Havre could've sworn the vines and bushes around them grew thicker and thicker. Ren was walking fast, taking steady, long steps and ripping any branch blocking his way, while Havre tried to slip under and in between the tangled thicket. She tried to stay positive, thinking that they were just going through the last rough patch before a clear way to some kind of city, but after a couple of minutes, the jungle became so dense it didn't seem right.

Ren must have also noticed that, because he stopped and took another look at the map.

'There must be something wrong with this map...' he said and shook it in his hand, as if it would fix it somehow.

'What?' Havre sighed, waiting for the worst.

'It can't be accurate, cause we should be close to the city by now...'

'Like I said...' Havre took a step towards Ren and her foot landed on something weirdly soft and squishy. She looked down and saw that she stepped on some kind of a green root that seemed to be... pulsating. 'What the...' she muttered under her breath, quickly taking her foot off the weird plant.

'Cause if we're here... then the city's highway should be... Ah, I can't see anything through these... bloody... plants!' Ren ignited his saber and swang it through the tangled branches before him. Havre noticed something moving next to his head, curling up away from the place he cut through with his lightsaber. It was the same strange pulsating plant...

'Maybe we missed some passage or one of those tunnels...' Ren talked to himself, as Havre's eyes widened anxiously.


'What?' He raised his head from above the holographic map with irritation.

'Can you hear that?'

'Hear what?' He frowned in confusion and they stayed quiet for a moment. 'I can't hear anything.'

'Yeah, me neither.' Havre said and Ren for a second looked at her with a question written on his face, but then he realized.

'Where did all the birds go...?'

'I don't... Ah!' Havre gasped, as she felt something wrap around her leg. She impulsively reached for her saber, and cut the strange thing off her leg. As it fell flat on the ground, she saw that it was one of the long, strange pulsating plants. And when she looked up, her stomach sunk. Wherever she looked, she saw the same plants, that now, she realized looked more like tentacles... Hanging from the trees and bushes, creeping on the ground...

'What the hell was that?! AHH' Ren yelled. The green lianas suddenly launched from behind and wrapped around his stomach. He tried to push them off, but it seemed to be stronger than his arms. Havre now realized that everything around them was moving... They walked straight into a giant snare...

Ren struggled to get the lianas off his stomach, but before he could ignite his saber, more of them reached out behind him and in a matter of seconds wrapped around his arms.

'REN!' Havre yelled, as the plant began to pull him up and deeper into the woods.

'Run!' she heard his muffled cry, as his legs disappeared behind the bushes.

'NO!' Havre leaped towards him, but the lianas already tied around her legs, tripped her over and she fell face down onto the ground. She ignited her saber and started to cut everything around her, blindfolded. But as the ties around her legs let go and she struggled to get up, the tentacles seemed to already be growing everywhere around her. They gripped onto her arms and legs with irresistible strength, so fast she didn't even have a second to resist. She felt them drag her down, sinking into the ground, tying around her tighter with every motion she made. Havre tried to ignite her sabers, but at this point, she couldn't even make out if she was still holding them in her hands.

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