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The planet was one of many in which the climate was mostly arid and whose shell was almost entirely covered by the sands of vast deserts. Sparse cities gathered around places where underground rivers flowed close below the surface, creating salutary oases. But while they appeared to be the center of the planet's community, they were actually only a facade. Bavva's real core was the semi-legal trade market.

Havre landed the Xi amid hundreds of other starships surrounding the fair. The model of her shuttle turned out to be a vastly used one and she was rid of the fear of catching unwanted attention. From her old robes, she formed a makeshift bag and tied it across her chest. Inside she put her lightsabers and two bottles of painkillers. She then ripped off part of her black cloak, put it over her mouth and nose, and tied it in the back of her head. So prepared, she stepped outside the starship on the sandy land of Bavva.

Instantly she was hit with the rays of two suns above her head. It was midday - the hottest hour. But as uncomfortable as it was, it didn't seem to be of any obstacle to the crowds pouring over to the market. In seconds, Havre was surrounded by thousands of Humans, green-skinned Rodians and Duros, tall Cereans towering over the crowd, round skulled Sullustans, Biths and Advozcecs, slim Weequays, and really a lot of species Havre had never seen before. Between it all, an abundance of strange-looking animals dragged behind their owners on rusty chains. The air was bustling with calls and screams that from time to time were muffled by the loud roars of different creatures. And even the makeshift mask on her face couldn't protect Havre from the horrifying smell of sweat and feces. She stood in place for a few seconds, dumbfounded by all that was happening around her, until someone roughly pushed her to the side, growling:

'Move, kid!'

Havre quickly jumped between near parked starships and from there tried to get an idea of where to go. But after a moment of hesitation, she decided to just blend into the crowd, that clearly headed in one direction, and reach the market's center. From there she thought it would be easier for her to get a sense of direction.

People moved rather quickly as if everyone was heading to the market for one specific reason and couldn't be bothered to roam around. Havre tried to pick up her pace, to not get trampled, and from time to time had to dodge strikes from large boxes and cages hovering on someone's back. One good thing came from it though. If someone would come after her asking questions, nobody would remember her ever being there. After a troublesome, long twenty minutes of stumbling on the dusty road, she finally reached the first tents on the periphery of the market. There, the crowd slowly started to thin out, as people headed in different directions. Havre knew she had to focus on founding a shuttle dealer but couldn't help looking at the merchant stands she was passing by. She had never seen such an abundance of things. From stacks of different colored fruits and vegetables to metal scraps and house appliances, everywhere she looked, she saw a new, strange object. She began to wonder how many of these things others would call ordinary, while they were news to someone like her - a girl hidden from the world all her life.

'So where is he?! He told me he had a speeder bike ready for me yesterday!' someone's low and loud voice brought her back to reality. She turned around and saw a big Bith leaning over some merchant, who was trying to calm him down.

'Sir, the speeders were supposed to arrive tomorrow, you must've misheard...' he squeaked.

'MISHEARD?! Are you trying to piss me off?!'

'Speed bikes...? That's as close to a shuttle as you can get.' Havre thought to herself and directed her steps to the merchant. Behind him, she saw a large sign and on it written in different languages: "YACHTS, SPEEDERS, SPEED BIKES, SHUTTLES - GO GET YOURS AT KOOLO'S''. Under it, someone drew a simple map with the directions to the shop. Havre passed the Bith, who was now shaking the poor salesman holding him by the flaps of his robe and joined the line of people walking in the direction she was heading towards. In this area, the tents were replaced by hastily constructed metal booths with larger and more stable counters. The ware also changed to more advanced mechanic parts and small droids. The longer she walked, the more expensive the goods seemed to be. Finally, she stopped in front of a large shop with a red neon sign - Koolo's.

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