Judgement Day

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'Is that a joke, Ren?' Vicrul asked in his usual, rowdy sneer. 'Now you want us to spare the rebels? Is this her idea?' he pointed at Havre with the tip of his arched spear.

'That's an order, Vicrul. It's not up for debate.' Kylo growled, crossing his arms. Havre felt someone's eyes fixed on her and turned towards, who's been Ap'lek swaying left to right, leaning on her axe. Havre held her gaze, staring into the two dark holes drilled in her mask.

'Ready?' She heard Kylo's voice in her mind and turned to him. When their eyes locked, she felt warming, yet exhilarating sensation. She wasn't scared anymore.

'I am.' she replied and Kylo nodded shortly.

They turned around and headed towards the elevator, side by side, with the five knights in line behind them.

The emergency dock was located in the upper levels of the Supremacy. The quickest way from there to Snoke's chambers led through the bridge.

As they walked through the corridors, Havre grew uneasy. The Supremacy was strangely empty as if the ship had been deserted. She wondered if Snoke had already known about their arrival. Kylo was a vulnerable target, Snoke could have sensed his intentions the second they jumped out of hyperspace. But even if he had, he hadn't fled. Havre could feel his darkness, as tangible around them as ever. So why wasn't there anyone around to stop them? Did Hux fail to warn him?

And as the heavy blast door of the bridge opened, Havre realised just why.

'Kylo Ren, you are under arrest for treason against the First Order.' Hux's voice welcomed them into the room, which was teeming with death troopers. 'If you do not yield, I will be forced to execute you all.'

There was a short moment of silence, Havre's finger lingered on the button of her staff, as she stared into the barrel of the blaster in front of her.

'EXECUTE?!' Vicrul's deep laugh rumbled through the room. 'So be it, ginger man!'

A loud swish came from Havre's side and the large spear came down on Hux. The man howled in pain and collapsed onto the ground.

'Shoot to kill!' The silver-armoured captain that stood by his side roared the command and Havre instantly summoned her staff, blocking the heavy fire that came from each side.

Her sight was blinded by the ricochet of lasers and the flash of her white saber. There was a howl of excitement and the black silhouettes of the Knights clashed onto the death troopers in a dark haze.

'Havre!' she heard Kylo's cry over the turmoil. 'This way!'

Havre threw the incoming troopers away with the Force and pushed her feet off the ground, jumping over them towards the elevator, where Kylo was fighting off three other soldiers.

'Get the door!' he yelled and Havre pushed open the elevator, drawing back inside.

'Leave them!' she shouted and as his saber ran through one of the troopers, she pushed the rest away and dragged him into the capsule.

The blast door closed. Havre and Kylo disarmed their weapons, breathing heavily.

'He knew...' Havre gasped out. 'He's been waiting.'

'It doesn't matter now,' Kylo said, starting the elevator. 'He stands no chance against us.'

As the elevator took them deep under, Havre felt Snoke's familiar, dark presence, more clearly than before. She tried to read into it, penetrate the overwhelming power and see what emotions, if any, were swirling in that stone-cold monster. But it was in vain. And the deeper they were, the darker it got.

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