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Something moved behind the tree and Havre quickly pulled out her saber.

'Come on...' she muttered under her breath, nervously clenching her finger around the metal handle of her weapon. She had been tracking the animal for over an hour. She was tired and hungry, and now on top of that, she started to feel her fingers and toes freezing in the cold. Finally, a pair of two pointy white ears appeared from behind the tree in front of her. Wasting no time, Havre jumped over to the animal and with a quick swish of her saber managed to cut its head off. 'There you go...' she sighed and hunched over the animal. 'Not too much meat on you, but it'll do.' She put the dead prey over her shoulder and attached her weapon to the side of her thigh.

She had been on Hoth for over a week. The first days in the new climate turned out to be way more difficult than she had imagined. Firstly she had to find a safe place to land her starship and keep it from the snow - which fell every other day. After a good half-day of searching, she stumbled upon a shallow cave inside a low, rocky mountain. The starship fit perfectly inside of it and thanks to branchy conifers that grew on its side, the shelter was practically unable to be seen by anyone passing by.

The biggest problem turned out to be her clothes. The robes she took with her from the Xi were far too thin for Hoth's climate, and so she had to make new ones. The Skipray had one single sleeping chamber in which she found a couple of old, worn-out blankets and sheets. She sewed them together as well as she could and in the end came out with something in the form of a wrap-around coat and leg warmers. They turned out to do a pretty good job in the snowy outside and enabled her to go out for longer than just a couple of minutes.

Havre spent most of her two first weeks on Hoth exploring the area surrounding her shelter. She went out every morning for long walks around the snowy forests trying to get a hold of every new thing. The snow, the trees, the bright sunlight, and the three large moons in the sky - everything amazed her. It all was so quiet and still - dead almost, but beautiful. It reminded Havre of a large white crystal hung in one of the Sith Temples on Korriban. She remembered that during long, tiring lessons she had to take there she would always fix her eyes on the clear stone and forget about everything else.

The woods on Hoth were very sparse and Havre first assumed that no animals lived there, but then she started to find various different trails around the trees. When she found an area where the footprints were crowding, she decided to climb one of the trees and wait if any animal would show itself. And after a couple of minutes, she saw a pack of white-furred Rayboos. Similar ones lived in the woods of Korriban, which she had to hunt as a part of her early training. That night she walked back to the Skipray with two dead Rayboos and used their fur to saw as a lining for her clothes. Their meat was hard and bland, but it was enough. She decided to eat whatever she could find in the forest and save the food rations from the Xi unit for any future travels she would have to go upon.

She became familiar with the area pretty quickly, as there wasn't much to explore. Every forest she passed through looked the same and beyond the mountains, she lived in the bottom of, stretched out a never-ending snow-covered desert. Havre simply found herself getting bored. It was rather a pleasant and calming feeling, but it got to a point where she felt that it wasn't enough.

When she sat down by the fire she made one day she realized that for all that time she was at Hoth she hadn't been using the force. She didn't yet understand why, but now that she was alone it felt just simply unnecessary. She put down the gnawed Rayboos bone and pulled out her hand towards the water bottle next to her.

But nothing happened. The bottle didn't even move an inch. Havre blinked, stupored, and tried again. After a minute, the muscles in her arm started to twitch with tension, but the bottle stayed still.

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