Chapter 6

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I woke up with a headache. I open my eyes. I looked around and saw my sister. I went to her. "Sister. Sister. Y/n wake up, please." She wasn't waking up. "She not going to wake up until your ancestors want her too." I turn around and see a girl, no a witch with brown hair. "Then get them to wake her up or I'll do it myself and I'm not a very nice person when it comes to my sister. You're choice. I haven't killed anyone yet, so if I killed you then I will be a wolf and I don't mind. So get them to wake up my sister and until then I'm guessing I've been asleep for a while. So teach me your new ways and not with magic."


I was in New Orleans looking for a witch named Jane-Anne Deveraux. Heard that witches were planning something against me and I have to stop them but once I step into New Orleans I felt that a piece of me is here but I haven't felt like this in a long time. The last time I felt like this was her.... no it can't be. She not here there no way. I've looked over the world for her and nothing but here. I've been here and I never felt like this when I was here. So why now.


I'm in pain. My ancestors love to see me suffer. They want me to suffer for my so-called mistakes but my love, my baby is not a mistake. The ancestors made sure to never give me too much pain because of my baby but they constantly remind me that I will never get the love of my life back. I've been here for too long and I want out. They're not going to give it to me. I want to see my baby, I want to see my sister, then my love, and if my mother is still alive then her too.

I felt this relief. I decided to open my eyes and it worked. I'm get up from my deep slumber. I looked around and saw my sister and another witch, I'm guessing. "Crystal, my dear sister." I ran to her and hugged her tightly. "I miss you so much. I was up with the ancestors but asleep in the real world. They hate me so much, Crystal. They tortured me but not too bad for the baby." I started crying, Crystal wiped my tears away and looked me in my eyes.

"Big sister, it's ok. They can't hurt you and I made sure of it. Now I was told that Niklaus is here with one of his brothers and I know you miss him. Now get dress. Oh, and It's good to see your baby bump." What? I look down and saw a baby bump. "How is that possible." I look at the witch. "They couldn't stop the baby from growing but they slowed it down." My baby will still be born soon. Our baby will be born soon. After a while, some witches came with clothes. "I never told you guys My name, it's Sophie Deveraux."


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I get to see him again, get to be with him again and we get to be a family soon

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I get to see him again, get to be with him again and we get to be a family soon. We walked into some old tomb and he was there. "Y/n." He was surprised and confused. I went up to him and kissed him. He kissed me back. Oh, how I missed him. "Niklaus, I've missed you so much. You look so different from the last time I saw you." I can't believe we're together again. "How are you here?" Did he not know I was here. I thought that's why he's here. "My ancestors put me and my sister to sleep for 900 years then I guess they brought us here since we do have family here but I'm here with you now."

Sophie came in and started talking to Niklaus. I hold his hand and looked at him with a smile on my face. I'm happy to see him again. I'm happy to be with him again. "You know you're famous in this town." After I felt like I should to pay attention what Sophie had to say. "Witch tell bedtime stories about the powerful vampire Klaus. We know Marcal was nothing but an orphaned street rat until you made him what he is. And he's out of control. He does what he wants, he kills who he wants. I'm gonna stop him and you gonna help me." What the hell. What has Niklaus been up to for the past 900 years?

"This is why you brought me here, Elijah." I don't understand what all this means. But I know that this is no good. "Hear her out, Niklaus." I looked at Elijah and the look on his face told me everything. Niklaus change, they all changed and I needed to change as well. "I don't need to hear her out. I assure you, there is not a thing on this earth that matters enough for me to waste even 30 more seconds for my time. Elijah, what madness is this?"

Everything is not gonna go back to being the same, is it?. "Bring her out." A girl with brown hair and hazel eyes came out with the witches. "Klaus, you need to listen to them." Niklaus laughed as if something was funny. Who is this girl or should I say wolf? "You're all out of your minds. If you think some liquor-fueled one-night stand, no offense sweetheart, means a thing to me."

What, he slept with her? My sister notices that I was upset and wanted to rip something apart. When I was 16, I killed for the first time, and ever since then, I have been a wolf. "Marcal may be able to keep us from practicing real magic in this town but as keepers of the balance, we still know when nature has cooked up something new. For example, I have a special gift of seeing when a girl is pregnant."

I should have expected this and here I thought he wouldn't. "What?" I guess he never thought of getting another woman pregnant but I guess it happened anyway. "I know, it's impossible." I look at her and I decided to speak up. "It's not.... because I'm pregnant as well. Now knowing my fiancé had been sleeping with other women while I've been sleeping for 900 years for him. I should of listen to my ancestors or I wouldn't be here with a broken heart. I should of listened to myself. Love is a word with no meaning. Niklaus, I no longer want to marry you. Here's your ring."I hand it to him. "Y/n." I looked him in the eyes and said

"Crystal let go, we have a home to look for, don't we?" He tried to grab my hand but I pushed it back and kept walking with my sister behind me. I can't believe this, the man I thought I could love did this to me. I should of listen to my ancestors, to myself, I wouldn't be here or my sister wouldn't be here. I'm so selfish, he made me selfish.

I realize that I was crying until my sister hugged me. "How could he? How could he do this to me, Crystal? I gave up my life for him. I risk everything for him and this is how he treats me. He knew I was alive and he did this." I cried even harder. Crystal look at me and wiped my tears. "He will never hurt you again and I'll make sure of that." We stayed there until I stopped crying over him. I don't need him, we don't need him and it will be better that way.


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