Chapter 12

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I'm having breakfast with Niklaus and Rebekah. They were talking but I payed no mind to what they were saying. It wasn't any of my business really. After a while, Rebekah got up from the table. "What did you say to her." I look at him. "Nothing." He gave me his famous smile. "Mhmm. Oh Niklaus, watch your back today. Something off and I can feel it in the air." I looked him in the eyes.

"And why should I? Like anything can  kill me." I just rolled my eyes. "But still Niklaus. Things can still hurt you, even if you can't be killed. Got that? I don't want to see you hurt." I got up from the table without hind him a second look and went to the room that Crystal is in. I went towards the bed she was sleeping I and shook her slightly. "Wake up, Crystal." She woke up a little but it takes time for her to get up. I went to that room I slept in and got changed.

 I went to that room I slept in and got changed

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I went back downstairs. I saw Crystal waiting for me. "We can go Crystal." We want to see Davina and see how she doing. this will be my first seeing her and get to know where her magic is at. I also knew that it can be lonely up there by herself. She is a smart girl and she is a fast learner too. Crystal told me she still has no control and she never will but we're still trying, there's no point in giving up.


We all hanging out. We're just laughing and having fun. I'm setting down on Davina's bed and watching Davina try to teach Crystal how to paint. It's good to see Crystal smiling again and having fun with people her own age. Ever since we woke up from our deep slumber. She wouldn't smile as much as she did 900 years ago and it feels good to see that smile again as her sister.

I think about the choices I made back then and if I didn't make those choices. If I didn't make those choices, my sister would still be with our parents and we would be with family. My ancestors wouldn't hate me for what I did but I had to go do the opposite. I'm happy with the opposite choices that I made. I felled in love with a hybrid that can't be killed and now I'm carrying his babies.

But if we stayed away from each other then I wouldn't be here but I'm mad at myself because of what I took away from my sister. I took away her happiness and everything else she had back then. If I was saying this out loud. She would have told me 'stop feeling sorry for yourself and for me. I'm happy where we are as long as I'm with you. Yes, I may not have a mother or father but I have you. So stop that.' I can hear it now. I love her and I wish for her happiness.


I was standing outside of Niklaus' house. Wounding if i should go in or not but  Niklaus and Hayley came outside. "What going on." They looked at me. "Just the person I was looking for. Get in the car, Y/n." I was debating if I should get in but I got in anyway. "But what about my sister?" I asked. "You're sister is already there. Now let's go." Soon we were at the home of Marcel. "Isn't this Marcel's compound? Why are we here?" I look at Niklaus. "I built this. This is mine. It's my home and you two will live here. Now that I'm the king of the city."

"Oh goody"


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