Chapter 14

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I'm in my room. I've been avoiding Niklaus ever since he tried to kill Davina. Today I felt like something bad was gonna happened. I could feel it in the air. I heard some banging going on in Davina's room. She is still mad at the others. I started hearing her coughing. So I ran to her room. When I look in inside, she was coughing up dirt. I went to her and rubbed her back. " Everything will be okay. I got you." I whispered to her.

Soon Niklaus came in "what's with all the racket." Soon he notice that she was coughing up dirt. "Bloody hell." I kept rubbing her back. Everything started to shake. I walked out of her room to see what was going on but even the whole town was shaking. "What the hell is going on?" Rebekah asks from downstairs.

I was with Niklaus, Elijah, and Marcel but I wasn't listening. I just kept thinking about what was going on around us. I went back to my room and got dressed.

I went to my sister's room and saw her in our mother's grimoire

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I went to my sister's room and saw her in our mother's grimoire. "What are you doing, Crystal." She just kept looking through it. "I'm looking for a spell for Davina." She looks at me with sad eyes. It was time for Davina to go. "There's no spell that can help Davina but we can slow it down." She started to cry. I went to her and hugged her. "I know, Crystal. I know."

We went to Davina's room and saw Marcel. "We can slow it down but we can't stop it." He just looked at us. "Then do it." I know he is upset. I'm upset too but I'm not acting like that. "Watch that mouth of yours, Marcel. Don't make me spell your mouth shut." We walked over to Davina.

We used our magic to calm Davina and slow down her sickness for a bit. Marcel left the room. After a few minutes he came back and watched her, he used his vampire speed to get to Davina, he took out the IV, and took her before we could stop him. I look at Crystal, she look at me then we ran out and told Niklaus what happened.

I tried doing a locator spell but I couldn't find her. So I focus all my magic but I still couldn't find her. I called Niklaus and told him. I knew something bad was going to happen and it did. I should have told them.


Elijah called us all for a meeting. We were sitting down waiting for him to start talking. "I want to consecrate our mother." They don't really talk about their mother but I only know a little because of Niklaus. "It's taken 1,000 years but you've finally gone mad. Our own mother?" Why is it mad? It's a good idea. "Yes, our beloved mother, who Niklaus has affectionately placed in a coffin in his basement. Not daggered but quite dead."

But what so bad about consecrate your dead mother? "Well, she did try to kill us all." Now I know why. "Well, I say put her to use and put her to rest. Once and for all. Now if we bury our mother on land owned by one of her by descendants, she becomes a New Orleans witch, and we as her family share in that ancestral magic." But there is one problem. "We're vampires, Elijah. We can't practice magic or own property for that matter." That's a problem.

"Yes, with regard to practicing magic, we will channel all her power to Sophie Devereux but we need to participate in the harvest." But what about owning land part?... Wait the-. "And as for owning property. Not all of our mother's descendants are dead." Our babies. So that means either Hayley or I can own land. Elijah pulled out the document. "The babies." I looked to Niklaus, Elijah, and then Hayley "Our babies."

"The parish tax assessor's office is just stepping outside of the quarter. Y/n and Hayley now hold the title to the plantation. So if we bury our mother there and we consecrate those grounds. We can finish the harvest ritual." I looked down thinking. This is a genius idea. "You're a bit of a mad genius, Elijah. Count me in." What I said was. "Me too, Elijah." I look up at Elijah again. Then I walked out, it started raining.


We were at the plantation

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We were at the plantation. I shared an umbrella with Niklaus. Elijah shared one with Hayley and Rebekah shared one with Crystal. Even tho Crystal wasn't part of this. She was still here with us. Father Kieran was here too. Also Rebekah was able to find Marcel and Davina just in the nick of time. To help us with the ritual. Their mother's coffin was in front of us. It was time to start. "Are you ready to do this?" Niklaus had a dagger.

"Always and forever." Then he sliced his hand then passed it to me. I did the same and so forth. The only person who didn't do it was Crystal. Rebekah gave it to Kieran. Kieran throws the dagger at the coffin. "It is done." He said. After that, we went to the Cemetery. We stood next to each other. Marcel came with David but as they walked fire was behind them. Marcel put Davin down and she went towards Sophie.

"Do you believe in the harvest?" Davina nods her head. "I believe." That is when Sophie holds up the dagger she had and slits Davina's throat. When Davina dead the rain and fire stopped. I looked away and hold on to Niklaus. Sophie had all the harvest girls out laying in a row. Sophie stands on the side and. "After the harvest comes to the reaping. Their sacrifices were made and accepted. We call upon our elders. To resurrect your chosen ones."

We waited for a bit but nothing happened. No, Davina please wake up. You can't be dead. I already had tears in my eyes. "We call upon our elders. To resurrect your chosen ones." But still, nothing happened. No. "Davina." I let go of Niklaus. "Resurrect your chosen ones... please...I beg." She started crying too. "No Davina!!"

I ran to her body. I picked it up. "Davina, wake up." I shook her body. "Wake up, Davina.... No, you can't be. Come on Davina. Just wake up for me." I felt my magic spending around me. "Please, wake up. We need you." Niklaus tried to get me. "Come on, love." I turn to Niklaus. I want to say this is all his fault but it wasn't. This was meant to happen and I couldn't stop it. "I just want to stay. Let me stay." Soon Crystal came over and hugged me. "I will miss her too. I know you love her as a second sister and so did I but now we have to go." She helped me up. Crystal walked me over to Niklaus. "She's gonna need you. You may be the only person she's willing be around." Crystal let go of me and passed me to Niklaus. The thing is I didn't want to be with him. I want to be alone but Crystal knows if I'm alone, I will never get over Davina's death.


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