Chapter 21

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"Oh, dear Hayley, you need to set down

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"Oh, dear Hayley, you need to set down. They will be back with your lover boy." I said to her. Hoping that she would stop pacing around. "Worrying isn't going to help. And Y/n is right, you should sit down; try to keep calm." I swear one of these days I will kill this bitch with no regrets. "What are y'all now, magicians slash zen life coaches." I laughed a little. She's putting me in the same boat as this bitch not happening. "Oh please, this bitch is out of my lead. She not even close to where I am or stand."

Genevieve looked at me crazy. It only made me laugh some more. I know I'm being a bitch but come on you can't tell she doesn't deserve it. Especially when she thinks that no body know what she's trying to do. I know and that what's going to get her killed.

Thinking what she about to do is going to go her way. You're lucky if it every does. "What's your problem with me." Genevieve said to me. "You are. You're my problem. You're what wrong with witches now of days. Witches like you shouldn't even be called that." She looked at as if I was the crazy one.

"Witches let's vampires take over the city because they're vampires but we're witches. When we come together, we become stronger, we have the upper hand and always do. You're weak, you're nothing and you have no magic. What examples are you showing for younger witches and warlords." They gave up. They didn't try. They let this happen. What type of witches let things get out of hand. We have to keep the balance of the earth and earth gives us the powers we need. They're not witches they're killers.

Hayley got up and came towards me. "Hey, why don't you go for a walk or get some food in you?" I know she what was trying to do. Ever since Klaus found a way to save the twins and Crystal helping him do the spell. I became a pool of emotion and if I get out of control, I could lose the twins. I have to be careful, one time letting my magic get out of control can cause everything. I stood up. went towards the exit and straight to my room.

Why am I like this? Why couldn't
I just be human? Don't have to worry about vampires or anything else. I could just be normal but what is normal? Im so use to all of this that I wouldn't know what to do with myself. It's hard and so confusing. But I know I shouldn't think this way. Klaus would have my head.

Honestly, what the hell am I supposed to do? What the hell am I supposed to give to the world? What does the world not have that I can give? It has everything, I'm just a waste of time. The world has everything and anything it could ever get. What do I have to offer the world. Nothing. That's what I have. I have nothing to give but it still makes time for me. It still makes time for us.

Most of the day, I stayed in my room with my thoughts. Everything that I could think of was going through my head. Every little problem I could think of. Every emotion that I didn't want to feel, I was feeling. I never knew how depressed my life was. I knew how badly I miss my mom and my people. I never knew how being here having Klaus' babies made me feel a little lost.

I was lost is his world. I do not belong here. And if it was possible to be in his world again I would be consumed with his madness, his chaos, and everything that made him Klaus. I could run and leave this place behind me but that hard to do when your only family is the people you have left. And where could I go, where could I be till Klaus gives up finding me? Nowhere, he would find me as fast as I left in the first place.

My mind was not at ease until I felt a pain that was never there before. But I didn't think to much of it. I just laid down and rubbed my stomach, wanting the pain to go away. The pain was soft and didn't really bother me. Now, what bother me was how the pain was growing. Something was wrong, everything was off. But I couldn't put my finger on it. So I stood up from my bed and started walking. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. But I listen to my feet and just walked.

Every stepped I took became painful. To the point I couldn't walk anymore but I had to push on. I came to a building. It was familiar with how old it looked. I open the big doors in front of me and went inside. What I saw was something I wasn't expecting. Witches was surrounding Hayley. As if they were doing a spell. Klaus was being hold up in the sky by the magic the witches were doing. I let  out a painful scram and felled to my knees. It caught the witches attention. I was able to see who they were.

And of course, Genevieve had to be one of them. I tried to stand up but no. Again I let out by a scram and felled to my knees. The pain was now unbearable. Not knowing where this was coming from. Until it hit me. I was feeling the same pain as Hayley. It was time. When Hayley went into labor, so did I. We were connected from the every start. Our children made us connected. I was so lost in the pain, I didn't sense anyone picking me up. All I knew was my babies were coming. They were going to be in my arms. I was going to get to hold them for as long as I wanted.

"Y/n, I need you to push." Was all i heard but it sounded like my mother. The mother I miss so badly. The mother I needed in this moment. I followed what the voice told me to do. I pushed. Using all the strength I had. I stoped when I heard crying. I looked toward the crying. I cried myself. Seeing the baby that was once inside me.

But it didn't last long until I felt pain again. I started pushing. Using all I had left. Then again crying from a baby grabbed my attention. My two beautiful babies girls. So perfect, so wonderful. The feeling I was having gave me everything. I smiled towards them. I reached out for them just from them to be taken away. Everything went dark. And all I heard was. "NOOOO!"


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