Chapter 5

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I closed my eyes and took deep breath. Have some control Ayesha. Don't give into his heart melting cuteness.

I heard some giggles beside me then suddenly my phone was snatched from my hands. I hastily opened my eyes and saw the phone in Zavia's evil clutches as she ran from me.

"Zavia!! Give it back!! "
I shouted as I stood up and ran behind her.

She quickly unlocked my phone, all the while running towards the living room. V ran behind us followed by Maya who was doubling over with laughter.

Zavia jumped over the couches and stood there facing me with an evil smile on her face.

She then called out to V who was standing behind me with just about a distance of 2 feet between us.

Then what Zavia did next had me fuming. I was so angry I could've murdered her right then and there.

She threw my phone towards V. Let me repeat she THREW MY PHONE. Who does that?!
I jumped and caught my phone before it could reach V.

I sighed in relief as I clutched my phone to my chest. I then turned to look at Zavia who was now looking at me innocently, giving me her best puppy eyes but guess what?

It. won't. work.

I leaped over the couch and caught her by the back of her collar when she was trying to run away.
"Are you tired of living?!"
I asked Zavia all the while glowering at her. She just look down and didn't say a word.

"Baby, I miss you.... ooh so is this her ex?"

I turned to see, my phone in V's hands with Maya standing beside him. V was looking at Maya and Maya was nodding.

Right at that moment another message came.

"Ayesha, I know you still love me and I love you too. All I did was one mistake and you left me. I am coming to your place to meet you."
V read out the message then looked up at me. I left Zavia and took a deep breath, exhaling through my mouth. Keeping my anger in control. 

I grabbed my phone and briskly walked upstairs towards my room muttering curses under my breath. As I reached my room I blocked my ex's number and sat there looking out of the window.

 I was tired. I was tired of everything. I wanted a break. I've been so busy working and keeping me and my family alive and well that I can't remember the last time I just relaxed and watched a whole movie in one go or just sat with friends and family to chat and laugh. Believe me I love Zavia and Maya and given a choice I will still do all of this but sometimes I just........  

 I sighed and turned towards my desk, looking at all the work pending I sat down again.


I looked up from all the  paperwork and smiled. I was finally done with this. I stretched and lazily headed downstairs to see everyone in front of the TV watching......what?!

What was that?!

How dare They?!!!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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