Chapter 3

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Zavia whispered something in my ear.

I nodded, liking the idea.

"We have a plan set. We are taking you for a surprise. Please go and sit in any of the three cars you want."
I said as I sat in the driver seat of Rocky while Maya sat in the driver seat of Mercy and Zavia in  Arrow.

V and RM ran and sat in Rocky. Jimin, J-hope and Suga sat in Mercy whereas Jungkook and Jin sat in Arrow.

"Race ya!!"
Zavia shouted and speeded away in Arrow.
Maya went next.

"Come on! Fast! I wanna win!"
V shouted.

"Okay then. Hang on."
I said and started Rocky. I speeded down the road. Zavia and Maya weren't going very fast cause they thought that Rocky being a jeep wasn't as fast as their cars.
Well...... They thought wrong. The speed depends upon the engine and I just upgraded Rocky's engine last week.
Time to test the engine. With that I made a plan to catch them off guard.

I increased the speed slowly. First getting near them. We were going quite fast as no one was on the road so early in the morning. I approached them from behind.

Maya was blocking my way. In about 20 meter distance I saw a turn.
Okay, so if I go fast enough I can get an opening while she slows down a bit to make that turn. It's a bit dangerous but possible. It's not like I haven't done this before.
Should I do it or should I not? I don't know. I can but I shouldn't.
I'm doing it.

As we were nearing the turn, I  look at RM who was sitting in the passenger seat then V who was sitting in the back.

"Hold on real tight. Okay?"
They both nodded and held onto something.

Just before making the turn I increased the speed getting ahead of Maya and took a sharp turn. V and RM cheered as we went about 135km/hr.

With this we even passed Zavia who was just a few meters ahead of Maya. We shot forward, overtaking her. The boys once again cheered and started to tease the others. V stood up in the back feeling the wind.

Maya and Zavia tried overtaking me but couldn't. Hahaha, what can I say? I'm just amazing.

As we neared the beach I slowed down a bit.

I parked Rocky on the beach and all three of us jumped out just as Zavia arrived and parked Arrow. A few seconds later Maya joined us.

We all walked towards the water. The beautiful view welcoming us.

The sun slowly rising, marking the start of a new day

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

The sun slowly rising, marking the start of a new day. A new beginning, a new journey that awaits us. The colours exploding in the sky making it look breathtaking. The constant sound of waves hitting the sand. The birds chirping. The wind blowing. The moment was perfect. It was so peaceful, I didn't want it to end.

We stood there in awe, not moving, just staring at the masterpiece in front of us.

I sat down, hugging my knees to my chest. Everyone followed suit.

After a while I stood up dusting my pants. I checked the time on my phone. It was 7:13.

"We should leave."
I said looking down at all of them. They all nodded and stood up without arguing as they were exhausted.

We drove to the mansion.

"There are seven rooms on the first floor. You can choose whichever room you want. We will send your luggage there."
Zavia said leading the boys upstairs to show the rooms.

I turned to Maya. She was looking exhausted.
"Get some sleep."
I said.

She shook her head.

"I can't I-"
She started but I cut her off mid sentence.

"No excuses. Go get some sleep. Anyways our guests will also be resting , there is nothing for us to do."

She nodded and went upstairs to her room.

I went to the living room and sat. Zavia came down after sometime.

"The guests are resting. I had someone keep their luggage in their respective rooms."
Zavia informed me.

"You should also get some sleep."
I said to Zavia.

"What about you?"
She asked.

"I've had enough sleep to last me a week. Anyway I have work to do."
I said and made my way upstairs to my room with Zavia quietly following Behind.


How you like that?

Bada bing bada boom boom boom.
You gon like that thara ra ta tara ra ta.
Look at you... Now look at me. Uhh
Look at you... Now look at me. Uhh
Look at you... Now look at me.
How you like that.

Sorry about that thara ra ta tara ra ta.

Sorry. Sorry.

Now seriously tell me How did you like it? Please tell me if there are any errors.

Thank you my lovely readers

Lots of love 💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤
Your author,

The Tour Guide (BTS ff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora