Light Between the Cracks

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Amity felt a great feeling of coldness when her mentor let go of her to fight her sister. She ached for her soft touches and protective nature. She had felt so safe a moment ago. She had been so confident until...

The human cheated.

But so had Lilith.

She had embarrassed herself in front of the Emperor's Coven.

She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream and yell and hide. A great urge to break something. Her parents were going to kill her when they found out. The human not only threatened her place as top student, but made her look like a fool in front of what was supposed to be her future coven.

So Amity ran.

She ran and ran until she couldn't hear the voices anymore. Everytime someone whispered or laughed it felt like it was at her. Every noise or breath suddenly became incredibly loud and she wanted it to stop. She spotted an isolated corner and curled into a little ball of shame. The cool floor felt relaxing under her burning skin.

She was so tired.

Amity just wanted to be perfect. The perfect daughter. The perfect student. The perfect Blight. She tried so hard, why wasn't it enough?

She had been doing so well, until that human came along and ruined everything!


Speak of the devil.

"I'm sorry." she said.

Sorry? Sorry?! She ruined her chances at the Emperor's Coven and all she could say was SORRY?

"Seriously? Just leave me alone." she demanded sharply.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you."

Oh sure, you didn't mean to. Sure.

"That's all you ever do! First and school, and now this!"

"Yeah bu-"

"You made me look like a fool in front of the Emperor's Coven. MY FUTURE!"

The human didn't get it and she never would. She wasn't a witch. She didn't stay up hours on end studying or break down in her mentor's arms from exhaustion. She didn't search the library for books on magic or spend weeks perfecting a single spell just so it was perfect. She didn't get it. She never would.

"You think it's so easy to be a witch. I have been working my whole life to get to the top!"

She got up and took a step forward. "You lost. You cheated! Say it! SAY YOU'RE NOT A WITCH!" she begged, failing to mask the desperation in her voice.

Surprisingly, the human gave in.

"I'm not a witch."

She then sank into the floor and pulled out a paper and pen. She drew strange runes and shapes. The human then gently tapped the strange symbol and from it emerged a single ball of light.


"But I'm training hard to be one."

Amity was awestruck. A human that could do magic. That wasn't something you saw everyday.

"I've... I've never seen it cast like that." she says, biting back an insult.

"It doesn't come naturally to me, like it does for you. So... I've... had to improve." she explained.

Her voice was so soft. None of the awkward twists and spurs were there anymore.

She sighed as she drew a circle in the air. Grabbing her wrist she pulled it through. "The Oath is unbound."

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