Tangled Strings

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"There's even a mystery guest this year!" the squirt (she was almost certain his name was Gus) said excitedly. Holding up the flashy poster for the human to see.

Edalyn never liked coventions.

Okay that was a lie. She used to like them. She just hadn't been to one since they were girls.

"Did you say we? Who's we?"

... she said that out loud didn't she.

"I meant I. I... haven't been to one since I was a girl."

Then she pulled out the wild card. Luz's flowery language nearly made her gag. It didn't help that King read it in middle english. Why was it so flowery? Why was it so awful? Why did humans have such sappy interpretations of witches and magic?

She would literally do anything to stop it.

And of course it had to be the covention. Of course Luz was fascinated by the coven system. The stupid corrupt system that sealed away your magic and prevented you from performing any other type.

The only reason everyone was so eager to adopt the stupid system was because the world had become so chaotic without it.

"Bunch of clowns" she muttered under her breath.

Luz and her friends had run into the tent for the Emperor's Coven. The worst coven of all. The one that worked for Belos. That man was a greedy manipulative bastard and she wanted to kill him.

She wouldn't have to be in the stupid tent if the little bastard didn't snitch on her to the guards. So Eda made the most of it by making fun of everything every chance she could. She did it anyway, might as well say them out loud.

"And now! I am pleased to introduce the esteemed leader of this coven and this year's mystery guest!" Eda laughed loudly at all of the excited children. That 'Matt' kid had inflated his head. Oh jeez maybe this wasn't such a terrible idea.

"You know her, you love her!" Bump announced from across the stage. Eda snorted. It was probably that Kikimora woman. She'd probably jump at the chance to be seen-

"Empress Lilith!" he bellowed as an illusion of a raven appeared at the tops of their heads.

Wait what.

The raven then flew off it's branch and landed in front of Bump on the stage. The raven burst and surrounded the dome tent, revealing a masked woman inside of it. She lifted her mask to reveal a dark haired pale woman underneath. She brought her arms up in the air and the illusion split into many balls of light. The crowd roared and clapped for her.

Lilith was there. Her sister was there, standing, breathing and smiling. So close yet so far. Closer than either of them had ever been in the last 26 years. Eda wanted to run over and hug her. Maybe grab her and run. Or maybe flick her in the forehead, just for old time sakes.

Crap she's staring.

"Do you know her?" Luz asked, nudging her to capture her attention.

Eda couldn't take her eyes off of her sister. "You... could say that."

"Thank you everyone." the figure finally said.

God you change your entire appearance yet your voice still remains the same . Still so low and mysterious. Eda could bet she could make her sound like an angry cat within seconds.

"It wasn't easy for me to rise to the top, but my husband helped and supported me throughout my journey."

Bunch of bullcrap.

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