The First One

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Lilith was at the prime of her life at age 19. She had graduated from Hexide with top scores 2 years ago and had a comfortable job at the Emperors Coven. Her sister (and best friend) Edalyn would be graduating soon and join her. She had no doubt that she would climb her way up to the Elite in no time.

Lilith pushed her glasses up as she paced the castle grounds. She was having a rather dull shift that afternoon. Her curly red hair was just as fiery as her spirit, but a monstrosity to deal with. Yet she wouldn't change it for the world.

She rapidly turned her head when she saw a shadow move swiftly through the bushes. She clutched her staff tighter as the wind blew at her gold and white cloak. Her heart beat rapidly, but her face masked her fear. Lilith moved closer to the bushes, drawing a circle in preparation. She sent a medium blast to the area of suspicion.

"OW! What the hell Lily?!"


The two Clawthornes looked at each other accusingly.

Pushing her hair back, the older sibling cast her a glare. "Don't scare me like that! I'm working a shift right now."

"That's why I'm here idiot. Let's go have some fun." the orange haired girl exclaimed. Rubbing her head. Though she wasn't badly hurt. It was mildly irritating.

Lilith shook her head in disbelief. Sometimes she really wished her sister would grow up. For titan's sake she was graduating in a week. "What part of 'I'm on a shift' did you not understand?" she asked in an angry voice. Failing to put any real venom into it.

In honesty, Lilith didn't mind her sister's shenanigans. No matter how much she would deny it, they were fun and every one of them was a new adventure. Of course, she would eat her tongue before she admitted it out loud.

"Oh come on! It's only for a couple of minutes. Besides, aren't you the Emperor's favorite?" she smirked.

Lilith flushed in embarrassment. Her voice cracking. "I AM NOT! I- I just work harder and he appreciates that! It doesn't mean I get special privileges or anything!"

"WOAH, RELAX SIS! I was just kidding! Besides, I know you only like women. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's like... really old." Eda chuckled.

Lilith playfully glared at the taller witch. By an inch, she may add. So not that much of a difference. She shook her head and patted her orange mane.

"I get off at around 4 pm. So we'll grab lunch around then, okay?" Edalyn only pouted.

"Don't give me that look. I'll pay. We'll even go to that awful place you like so much." Lilith said. She really hoped she wouldn't regret this.

Eda's eyes lit up like an owl who spotted something shiny. "Do not insult The Mystery Coffee House in my presence!" Finally content, the younger witch started to stride back to the forest, towards school, she hoped.

"REMEMBER YOU'RE PAYING!" she yelled from afar. Lilith's eyebrows furrowed. "Don't make me regret this!" she yelled back. Getting grumpier with every word that left Eda's mouth.

"Love ya too sis!" she cried. Lilith blushed as she saw the other guards stare quizzically at her. "love you too." she grumbled under her breath. There was a tone of adoration and care in her voice.

"Lilith?" ah great. The jerk of an assistant Kikimora was there. What did she want? Was she gonna mock her hair again? Because she wasn't going to change it. She liked being a redhead and when was this gremlin of a woman gonna get it?!

"Yes?" replies in her neutral voice, with a fake smile plastered on her face. Not that she would notice. In fact, it was the only smile they knew of.

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