Blinding Colors

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Perry Porter has never seen the Isles in such a state of anarchy.

Recording the battle had been, er- difficult to say the least. None of his team or him had not gotten hurt. And though no harm was done to them, it was incredibly difficult to watch.

Especially when he had tried to kill a child.

His own child he later learned.

Much had happened that day, but he had done his part. He had done as he was instructed and did his best not to get in the way.

The public's reactions were... mixed, to say the least.

Some were angry and wanted him who yielded the will of the titan to be on the throne. Others were overjoyed when they saw their empress wearing their colours. Fighting for their rights and their people. Others were confused and did not want to side with anyone.

But it was safe to say the majority choose their sides upon seeing him attempt to kill his own heir.

The Blight family was bombarded by the press too. Though they did their best to dismiss them. The twins are pulled from school, and they are not to return until all else is settled down.

The castle is no better.

The empress retreats there and does not address the press or the crowds like she usually does. She's instead hauled up in the castle, tending to her sister and her daughter.

Perry's heart breaks for her. It is one thing to be an empress, but it is another thing entirely to be a sister and a mother.

The horror of almost losing your child is a fear he knows all too well. Augustus' birth was... not an easy one.

Whatever it is, he wishes her only the best.

The castle is a ruckus and he is called into office more and more as the crowd question him. He wishes to tell him that he does not know. That he is just a messenger of the empress, not the beholder of information.

But it only seemed to frustrate the people more.


He turns to see his son standing next to him, clearly worried out of his mind. Perry let out a small sigh as he set down his paperwork. Work could wait. Right now, he needed to be there for his son.

"Is something wrong, Gus?"

"You've been really stressed over the last couple of days, are you okay?"

Ah, his Gus. Always so worried. Always so kind. If Perry Porter had been proud of anything over his 41 years of life, it was raising his boy to be so caring. Nothing, not even being the most prized reporter in all of Bonesboroug was going to change that.

"I'm fine my boy. I'm just... a little overworked," he admitted truthfully.

Augustus frowned, bringing a hand onto his forehead. Checking his temperature he supposed. His son was a funny boy, he has to admit. Picking up certain human traditions he didn't quite understand himself.

"You seem fine at best, but you need to rest. The public can wait. Besides you always say-"

"Love first, health second, food third and finally journalism. I know Gus," he smiled widely.

Gus beams at him, walking over to give him a hug. His son has always been so sentimental. Never afraid to show affection to those he cared so deeply about. He was so glad his Gus was making friends. He had known how difficult it was for him to make friends, especially with such a huge age gap between his peers.

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