Lost and Found

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Lilith had finished her duties early that morning, just as she had for the last two years. She didn't rush through them, mind you. She just forced her mind to wander less as she worked.

She walked out the door and walked through the halls of the castle.

When she first came to the castle she found the walls and doors beautiful and had dreamed of living there. She now grew to hate those walls, which became her prison bars. Trapping her from spreading her wings. No matter how beautiful or ornate the inside of the cage was, she would never be able to fly again.

Of course, her daughter had made it all worth it. She was her pride and joy. Amity was to turn three years old in a matter of days. She had spent weeks planning a perfect celebration for both the public and for themselves. Her baby girl was growing up so fast and never had she loved something so much.

A maid, who was carrying the girl, approached her. Lilith beamed, forgetting her pessimistic thoughts immediately.

"Amity!" she cried happily. Running slowly to her. "Oh my own heart!" she said as she picked up the girl and peppered her face with kisses. Her daughter scrunched up her nose like a rabbit as she did. She laughed at the sight and dismissed the nurse after thanking her. Her attention went back to the little girl in her arms.

"Did you miss me my darling?" she asked. Amity nodded her head shyly and started giggling. "I missed you too my love." Lilith responded, giving her another kiss on the nose. Amity kissed her cheek in return, making Lilith's heart burst. The moment was soon ruined by the father.


They both turned their heads. When the brunette caught sight of him, she hid her face into her mother's neck. Lilith was well aware that her daughter was afraid of her own father. Sometimes she wondered if Amity knew that Belos even was her father. There were days she swore Amity didn't know.

"Yes love?" she asked. Unlike when she called Amity by the name, it had no real affection behind it. He ordered her to start calling him by it, and so she did. All with her real intentions in mind.

"Lilith darling, are you free later this evening?" he asked in a fake sweet voice. Lilith frowned upon hearing it.

"Yes. I was just done with my duties for the days." She replied, her daughter tugged at her earrings which made Lilith squawk in surprise, making the young princess giggle. When the young heiress made eye contact with her father, she immediately quieted down in fear. Lilith hated that he could do that.

"I wanted to talk to you this evening. I postponed the patrol meeting to this afternoon. I will be in our bedroom at 9. Do not be late." he said in a professional voice. From an outside perspective, he seemed almost kind. She knew better than that. How when they were alone he raised his voice and belittled her when he was upset or angry. How she was left alone in tears as he left to have his... affairs.

"Will do my love." she replied just as professionally. It was a silent agreement. They would be colleagues during the day, husband and wife for the public and only would he show his true colours when they were alone in their bedroom during the evening. Lilith hated the nights that he drank. Which did not come often, thank goodness.

He nodded and walked away into the door behind them. With just as much grace as his wife possessed. While her presence brought awe and admiration, his brought fear and obedience.

When the door behind them closed, Amity emerged from her hiding spot and furrowed her brows.

"Daddy's scary." she said very seriously. Which makes Lilith burst into a fit of giggles as Amity just blinks, making confused baby noises that only encourage her mother. She gave her little one a kiss and they both faced one another.

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