Turning the page, she reveals a small portrait of her sister and the Emperor. "And her husband just so happens to be the man hunting me down." Luz's eyes went wide at the realization. "Willow has a picture of her in her hideout!"

"You mean Willow Park? The Princess' best friend?" She suddenly felt a bitter feeling growing in her chest. Why in Titan's name did she bring that up?

Her heart suddenly dropped at a realization.

Lily could have had all this. She could have been the one with her kid on her lap reminiscing about her childhood. She could have had cuddle piles with her family and teach her daughter magic despite all the odds against it. She felt guilty for having this with Luz. Guilty to have King and hell even Hooty. Lilith was all alone in that empty castle and it wasn't fair that she of all people had this.

"The Boiling Isles has a princesa?" she questioned the woman further. Oh boy .

"Used to. She died a long time ago." She stopped facing Luz to recollect herself. You're not crying in front of the kid Eda. Get a hold of yourself.

"Poor Kid. Was only 3 when she passed." she explained. Luz went radio silent for a while, before stuttering out another apology.

Eda ruffled her hair. "Don't sweat it kid. It wasn't your fault. But yeah. We had a princess. She's my niece actually. Never met her though."

"Ooooooh. Backstory. Gimme!"

Eda chuckled at the child. What's this mushy feeling in my chest? She put the thought aside... for now.

"My sister married the Emperor. Like out of the blue. No context whatsoever. She went to work one day and came back with a wedding ring. Hell I thought she was gay before that."

And she is. She's being forced into this against her will. I want to save her. I miss her so much. I want to see her again. I miss her so much it hurts. Her thoughts race through her calm exterior, but who was Luz to know all this?

"She had a daughter who she named Amity. The princess was turning three years old. But before the kingdom could celebrate, she disappeared. She would've been your age if she was still here today. Some say she's still out there. Some say she's dead. No one really knows."

"What do you think?" Damn this kid was full of questions.

Pausing for a while, she stared into the trees outside the window. She took a deep breath and could smell pine and lavender that filled her senses. Eda thought of all of her life's regrets and achievements. She thought of her losses and her joys. If she could go back in time, would she change this?

She looked down at Luz. Luz who had beautiful tanned skin and curious brown eyes. Then to King, her best friend and probably the fluffiest person in the whole world. She looked around the living room which was so full of life and laughter. The room that was so alive (both figuratively and literally).

Eda decided right then and there that all of this was worth it. She would trade everything in the world and more just to have moments like this.

"I believe..." she said to her kid. Her kid. It sounded so right and left a sweet taste in her mouth.

"That she'll find her way back home. One way or another."


Luz found it oddly unfair how mean Amity Blight was being right now.

She had met a boy (whom she had nicknamed Gus, much to his delight) being bullied by another kid by the name of Matt. She had offered to come to his Human Appreciation Society Club to prove him wrong (after being bombarded with questions of course).

Heavy is the Head that Wears the CrownWhere stories live. Discover now