It hurt to keep going without her sunshine. Her child, her light, her life. It had been almost 9 years without her daughter yet no matter how much time had passed, she could not get over her disappearance.

But nonetheless, she got up.

Lilith started the day as she always did. She would wake up next to the body of a man she did not love, take a shower and brush her hair. She would iron it if it was a weekend and would put it in her usual neat bun. Lilith would then put on her black dress, her Empress cloak and her diadem.

She then made her way onto the dining table where she silently ate her breakfast and thanked the Titan. She would then bury herself in her work until lunch time. Then bury herself in her work again until dinner. Then, depending on her husband's orders, she would either go to her bedroom or she would get free time.

Lilith would sometimes visit the gardens. Where Samuel would give her some sunflowers to take up to her room. She would put them in a vase and replace the ones she got from the last time she visited. Which she would bring to her daughter's memorial statue.

Samuel had grown increasingly worried about her, which she often dismissed him for. She had grown more tired and increasingly quiet. She became more focused on pleasing her husband, then she could just heal her sister.

This wouldn't have happened if you had just married him when he first offered. He was the Emperor Titan damn it and you declined. Are you mad or something? She scolded herself.

Lilith had spent years telling herself this. She had studied multiple types of magic, but she could never find any cure or time travelling magic to save it all. She was stuck in her awful reality. Sometimes... she wished she could join her daughter up in the sky.

... She tried not to think too hard about it.

Today, she visited the nursery. On nights Belos was out, she would go to the room her daughter was last found in.

The glowing stars shined on the ceiling, just like Amity's eyes had. Her favorite constellation had always been the light constellation. She could trace them with her finger in the sky, explaining to her mother that she wanted to be a painter when she grew up. Lilith had bought her some very expensive paints for her third birthday, which she never got to open. They laid on top of the closet, still packaged in their gift wrapping.

Lilith sat in the rocking chair she always sat in for her visits. The one she used to lull her baby to sleep. She remembered the countless lullabies she had sang and the numerous stories she had told. She remembered Amity's laughter, how it echoed in the room.

"You... are my sunshine..." Lilith choked out as tears streamed down her face.

"My... only" she breathed in heavily. "Sunshine..."

It was one of Amity's favorite songs. She would sing it on the fields as she and Willow would make sunflower crowns and play queens. Lilith smiled at the distant memory slightly.

"You... make me happy."

Lilith is aware of how much her voice is cracking, she's even aware of how much breath she's using in all her notes. Yet she couldn't get herself to stop. The pain was stronger than her need for perfection.

"When skies... are gray." she sobs lightly, bringing her hands to her eyes. Wiping away the salty streams. She could see no moon that night. No light lighting up the dark to make sure the night didn't swallow the light in their hearts.

"You'll... never know dear."

If Lilith was the moon, then she needed her sun. For the moon only shines when reflecting the sun's light. Eda had been her sun when they were younger, but she was long gone now. And for a while, Amity was her sunshine. But she was gone too. And without the sun, Lilith was nothing but the empty darkness that ate at her soul.

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