"That's actually more great! We could do that!"

Yoongi burst into full smile that his cheeks started to hurt. And the alphas' hearts skipped a beat when they viewed the beautiful sight of yoongi's crescent eyes and gummy smile.

"Thank you!"

"No problems yoongi. Now when do we start?"

"Oh I didn't thought abt that." Yoongi rubbed his neck.

"Hm. If the competition if by the end of month we better start soon."

"Actually the competition required self-composed songs." Yoongi fiddled with his fingers.

Silence didn't prolong for long among them.

"Well it might be difficult but we would work that out soon."

"Oh well I do have some drafts with me." Yoongi got shy when he became the center of attention and when they looked at him with pride.

"Our Yoongi is so talented!" Jin praised.

"Our?" Yoongi asked with red cheeks.

Same word and confirmations. But this time they won't shy away or panic. This time they would show him that he belonged to them. That they loved him. That he was their's.

"Yes. Our. You are our Yoongi and you aren't going to leave us nor will we. We're going to stay together." Hoseok warmly smiled.

Yoongi's heart picked up speed. He could feel his face heat up but more importantly he could feel the fluttery feeling in his heart, the butterflies in his stomach. As if hypnotized, he also smiled back and tilted his head before his voice resonated in the room. And he said something that made alphas' hearts flutter.


Their wolves howled in delight as they raised their head with a satisfied smile.

This was just the start. They would always remind him that he was their's. That he cannot run away from them like before. That there now is someone who is willing to catch his fall unlike before. They would make him stay.

"So anything else interesting happened?" Jimin asked as he layed back on the sofa and placed his head on namjoon's lap who massages his scalp.

"Nothing much. But...the betas.."

The alphas' bodies tensed. If those bastards dared to hurt their baby, seriously they would be tortured. Not kill but fucking tortured-

"They don't bother me now. They more often leave me alone now." They relaxed as they watched yoongi smile in relief. Making them also sigh in relief.

"Hey yoongi. Come on! Let's go outside in the garden!"

Namjoon, yoongi, jimin walked their way to the garden. It was honestly big. With trees finally gaining their green leaves back and the fragrant flowers swaying in air.

Yoongi ran towards the flowers but his smile flattered when he saw the view. He scowled as he folded his arms. Shook his head disappointed. The alphas soon reached upto him but when they noticed yoongi's scowling face, they started to worry.

"Yoongi? What happened?" Namjoon placed his hand on yoongi's left arm, concern all over his face.

"You... How could all do this?!"

They were actually a bit shocked at his outburst.


"U don't take care of the garden!" He turned his face away from them both making his back face them.

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