Hobi and Kookie

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Author's pov:

It had nearly been a week now nearing weekend. The alphas apart from namjoon had been a bit sour but now it was all back to normal.

They had also decided abt their band and song they would compose. There would be different rounds, each with different music genre. (Hip hop, pop music, EDM). For each song they were trying hard to come up with lyrics and rythm. And yoongi was honestly surprised to find how talented the alphas were. To think that none had strong past with music but still managed to come up with such lyrics and melody, was such a talent.

They had decided the group name to be BTS and their first song, according to the requirement for the round, was Spring Day. The melody was soft with a drop of rock music. Perfect for the weather it was nowadays. And lyrics. Oh how much yoongi loved those utterly beautiful lyrics. They were like wishing something. Wishing time and missing someone. It was something like agonizing over someone beloved and moving on. And it was namjoon who wrote most of them.

When yoongi asked why such lyrics namjoon started to apologize for not really asking for yoongi's opinion but yoongi did not mind at all because it was all too good, something he won't be able to write.

"Joonie? Why such lyrics?"

"Oh I'm sorry that I didn't ask you much-"

"Oh don't worry. This is more than good. I was just curious." Yoongi chuckled upon namjoon's panic reaction.

"Oh I don't know. I just started writing this. I...thought of our past. When we lost y- our mate." Namjoon was looking at yoongi with gentle eyes.

"Oh." Now yoongi could make out something. So this was like a tribute for their dead mate. And now yoongi felt a bit sad because he had heard how much it hurts to be rejected or lose your mate. He hoped that the alphas were not in much pain.

Apart from that yoongi was in good moods. It would soon be a week with the alphas and a week left from his b'day. Thinking abt his b'day coming he was excited. Before it was just him and his cousins. Not to mention his parents who had stopped coming since he moved in with them, at the age of 15. But now he had friends. It would be more fun and cool.

Now it was Friday. And he had just arrived feeling tired.

"I'm home!"

"Hey yoongs." Jin stepped forward and hugged yoongi. Who also hugged back and sighed contentedly. Not that Jin didn't notice. He smiled knowing that yoongi was feeling good being with them.

"Where's everyone?"

"In the game room."

After changing clothes, he rushed towards the room to find taehyung over Jungkook, both shouting with remote control in their hands while there eyes were focused solemnly on the TV which presented some sort of game.

"Yoongi!" Hoseok ran towards yoongi and almost made him fall with how much force was applied when hugging.

"Hello." He said to everyone.

Hoseok took yoongi's hand and brought him to one of the bean bags and gave him his tablet. When yoongi looked at it he found that there was a melody in it, for the song. After listening, yoongi's eyes were wide and glittering making Hoseok puff out his chest in pride.

"So how's it?" He was not shy to hear compliments.

"It's so good hyungie! How come you're so good?!"

"Don't know yoongibear. Just came up with it."

"Hey yoongs. What are u going to do in the song? Sing or rap?" Namjoon asked.

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