Déjà Vu

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Author's pov:

After coming back, Jungkook and the others sat in living room with yoongi still in jungkook's arms crying, still shaken from earlier.

"Relax yoongi. We're far from there. You're good." Jungkook whispered in his ears. Then tightening his grip around yoongi in a protective one while positioning yoongi's face to nuzzle in his neck.

After a few minutes, yoongi's heart claimed down and his cries subdued to small sniffles. The alphas' hearts were being torned at the vulnerable state of yoongi's. They had him crowded but gave him space to breathe.

"We're here." Namjoon whispered as they were close enough to understand a whisper.

"H-hurts..." He whimpered.

"What hurts sweety?" Jimin asked in a low and sweet voice.

Instead of answering yoongi pointed towards his left cheek that had the slap marks still present. The alphas tried so hard to suppress the growl urging from their chests. That fucking bastard dared to touch him and leave an ugly mark on his beautiful face.

"Wait here." And like that jimin ran off for an ice bag.

There yoongi was sitting with the alphas, in utmost silence. He slightly opened his mouth, thinking he ought to explain something. But then closed this. He couldn't really bring himself to remind him of the horrible events that occurred a few minutes ago.

"You don't need to explain anything yoongs. We don't want you upsetting yourself." Taehyung said while sitting near yoongi and taking his hands in his to rub it. And yoongi nodded in answer. The alphas were releasing calming pheromones ever since the start and that had helped yoongi alot.

Other times when yoongi was hurt and cried it took him hours to quiet down.

Jin went on his knees Infront of him and put his big warm hands on yoongi's knees, this sudden touch made yoongi flinch while gripping onto jungkook's shirt as of on instinct.
But nonetheless looked down to Jin who had an apologetic look on his face upon noticing yoongi's reaction. 

"Sorry pup. But can you tell me if your this wound hurts or not?" He pointed towards the previous wound on stomach.

"No." That too was a whisper.

"Well I'll go and get the aid. We better change the bandage. Moved too much. Can't risk anything."

By the time Jin went for the aid kit jimin was back. He lightly put the ice bag on yoongi's cheek. He flinched at the coldness but then later relaxed.

"Here." Jin came back and started to take yoongi's sweater off. He didn't even protest. He himself didn't knew why. And like that Jin started to take the previous bandage off and cleaned the wound and then applied the ointment. It had been an hour since they came back and it was currently 1:00pm.

Everything was like déjà vu. Yoongi getting hurt. Alphas helping him. Jin cleaning his wound. Everything was repeating itself. This made yoongi snort cutely that immediately grabbed the alphas attention. Jin looked up to yoongi with knitted eyebrows.

"What's so funny?" Jungkook asked in a low voice. This scared the omega a bit as he thought the alphas might be angry at him for laughing at such a time.


"Oh come on~ tell us~" jimin whined.

"It's just this all felt like déjà vu. Me getting hurt and you all helping me." He had shrunken a bit due to the undivided attention and a bit of fear.

But the alphas just smiled. He was right. It did felt like déjà vu. Even their feelings were the same. Slit the throats of those who hurt the omega. The murder they were planning when yoongi was silent. Every single thing.

"Yeah you're right."

After everything it was confirmed that yoongi was out of the mood and didn't wanted to do anything. And hoseok wouldn't let that happen. They all liked the smiling and laughing yoongi they witnessed this morning.

So hoseok suggested that they try something in house. The maknae line had games while hoseok could suggest some great movies. Namjoon could read yoongi some books and Jin could cook healthy food for yoongi.

Yoongi didn't knew what to say. It was just that he felt overwhelmed easily at their actions. And how they were offering to take GREAT care of him had.... overwhelmed.

He started to feel burdening. They were doing so much for him. No one had ever done so much for him so this much care he thought was too much and made him feel burdened.

"There's no need for this. I'll just go home now. I can't burden you all."

The alphas frowned. How the hell he thinks caring for him is burdening?
They told him that it was fine. They were fine with this. But he still protested. Until..

"Listen here lil one. This is not burdening. You are not burdening. We are doing this because we genuinely care for you. Because we want to. So no need to protest and just relax and enjoy."

If only namjoon wasn't so intimidating yoongi would have gotten his calm and sweet tone. But he sure did what he was asked.

And so Jin gave namjoon a snack on his head. "Now look at what you've done!" Ok maybe yoongi looked like a scared cat.

"Oh sorry yoongi. Didn't meant to scare you I swear." Yoongi nodded while Jin shaked his head in disappointment of his mate (I mean namjoon).

"Alright everyone time for fun."

A/N: This is trash!!! Help me! I meant to add something good but couldn't come up with anything 😬. Forgive me. Next one would be good. (Hopefully) promise.

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