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Author's pov:

Yoongi pov:

'standing the pitch black space, alone, I felt chills going all over my body. A feel of loneliness ran through the air. I looked all around me in fear, whimpering I tried my best to move around. But within the darkness it felt as if something might pop out anytime.

I don't like this. Where is everyone?!

Is this reality or a dream? I had just finished dinner with the alphas. How am I here?!

"H-hello?!" My voiced echoed. There wasn't an answer. I hugged myself, using my hands I rubbed my arms in attempt to produce some heat. It was cold, I knew I was shivering half from fear and half from cold.

I was all alone. In the darkness I didn't even know tears were forming in my eyes, only when they did fell, that I realized I was crying.

"P-pls.." I had only started when a ray of light came. It was faint but I was glad there was a bit of light. But it started to change and in front of me appeared creatures. I was startled. I stepped back in spite of myself.

"Do-don't.." I was trying to move away from them but soon realised there was no need for it. The creatures were actually wolves and....

Don't tell me they're exactly who I think they are!!

They are the wolves from my previous dream but...why again??

It felt there was no need to be afraid so I stepped forward. Around them I didn't felt like to keep my guards on. As I stepped forward, they could be distinguished as six alpha wolves. And it was only them..


But where is the omega wolf?!

The scene before me was them looking at the daffodils! Are they hunting? But why not look for prey?

I was just standing near them, at a distance of 3 meter. When suddenly I felt a whisk of cold breeze past behind me and when I looked behind I was enveloped in a black smoke. I panicked and tried to fan it away using my hands but certainly to no avail. I was seriously going to cry. In such a helpless situation my mind involuntarily went to the alphas. Not these ones, but the ones who are my friends. I want them to save me!

After my failed attempts the smoke gradually dispersed leaving me to wipe my tears. I dropped down and pulled my knees close. Afraid, I put my head between my knees and shrunk. My heart was beating so fast to the point of escaping my chest while my head throbbed.


And then I heard some rustling sounds come from ahead of me. It seemed as if something was moving , I could hear those steps and when I frantically looked up it was a wolf. It wasn't really too big, and was an omega so there was nothing for me to be afraid of. But I still couldn't get myself together.

It was moving towards me and looked lost. It's eyes were looking lost, given up. His posture told me that it was afraid. And...I think I could tell how it was feeling.

Because earlier....I was feeling it's emotions!

But how?!

I reached a bit forward, on my knees, I reached out my hand. I wanted to let it and calm it. I started releasing pheromones to calm it down. It didn't help much so I moved forward and started to pet its head. I joined my forehead to its'. We both didn't felt safe. There was a feeling of vulnerability. It was quietly whimpering and so I tried to coax it.

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